Nekomata Island

"An untouched tropical island paradise, filled with nubile cat girls? Sign me the FUCK up!" Is probably what every red blooded pervert said to themselves on the day the announcement went out that a previously uncharted island in the Northern Pacific Ocean had been discovered, and that this untouched island was home to a people previously thought to exist only in the world of fantasy. Dubbed the Nekomata, they were a tribal society of dark skinned humans bearing feline traits such as cat ears and tails. Even more fascinating, these strange peoples had somehow managed to thrive in their isolated jungle paradise without a single male. Indeed the entire species seemed completely made of women.
Early attempts at contact were cautious and sporadic, but before anyone could start shouting "Cat Girls for Domestic Ownership!" or "Where's my Neko Waifu?" The world's governments agreed to withdraw from the island, continuing to study these strange creatures from afar, in order to avoid corrupting their civilisation's development any more than they already had.
Yet as the months passed, many questions about this unusual society remained unanswered. How had they avoided discovery until now? Why did they evolve feline physical traits? How have they managed to maintain a seemingly mono-gendered population? After much pressure from the scientific community, it was finally agreed that direct contact would again be allowed, but not the haphazard chaos of those early post-discovery days. This time only a single anthropologist would be selected and allowed to travel to the island, to live amongst the Nekomata and learn all they could while causing as little disruption to their natural development as possible.
If you're interested in this idea, here's what I'm looking for in terms of a partner:
- 18 years or older.
- Casual roleplaying level.
- On-site DMs only.
- No RL character images.
- RP in third person preferred.
- Cat Girl, Casual Nudity, and Tribalism Kinks are a must.
- Further Kinks can be discussed in DMs.