Abilities: Exploding Mist: This is an explosive compound which Karina can spread through her sweat glands or mouth at will, an unknown reason allows her to control it's movements as long as she is still touching at least a part of the connected mist. It should also be noted that if she condenses the mist it becomes more of a gel. So if you walk through the mist and a spark hits you or a flame or something of the sort, chances are you just went up in flames, though since it would be a thin layer you'll probably just be scarred for life on the majority of your body!
Impact Destruction: When in hand to hand combat or just in general, Karina is able to produce explosions from her palms. These are directional explosions and require an impact on something to trigger the ability. Thus Karina use gentle strikes with an open palm which in turn will kill or break through most things depending on how hard she hits.
Armor: Normally avoids bulks of armor so she can stay light, and not get too hot. Thus she normally wears black cargo pants and a blanck tank top with a black tactical vest over it, oh and some black combat boots. Lastly she wears mostly fingerless gloves with the middle finger and thumb still having the fingers covered, as well as small metal plates mixed with flint to cause sparks to ignite the mist. On this note she also carries a lighter, and also has two fake teeth that are used to make a spark which can ignite the mist starting with a minor amount in her mouth that ignites the main stream outside of her body. This is so she's never out of options for lighting her mist.
Appearance (words or pic): Standing at 5'2 with fair nicely tanned skin, Karina also tends t wear clothes that most people in society don't appreciate. Like shirts that show off her belly and or shoulders. She normally wears cargo pants at all times though along with some nice shoes to match. Her hair is a long brown which curls lightly, but if it were fully straight it would go to a bit past her shoulder blades. She also has light blue eyes a small, yet defined figure and tends to enjoy sunglasses.
Summoned weapon(s): While they might be the enemy, Karina tends to have a thing for older Japanese weapons. Her primary summoned weapon being a modified double edged Wakizashi so that it can cut with either side, and is also serrated so that it can rip away flesh muscles doing more damage.
Karina's second weapon of choice is a bit more flashy. Now one might be thinking 'Wait a moment! What gets more flashy then using a old Japanese Wakizashi?' and to this Karina would say a M4 with an ACOG sight and a grenade launcher. Because there's never enough ways to make a boom...
Backstory: Karina was born and mostly raised in Israel. Here she lived her family, went to school, laughed and played with friends. She did all of the normal things girls did. Wore dresses, put on makeup, and even danced. How did such a sweet girl end up at Northern Lights? Well that part is the tragedy in her life. During a dance recital terrorists bombed the school she was at. This killed several families and friends of people, including her own. After a year or two Karina was adopted and brought over to the United States. In the States she tried to make a new life, but nothing was right. She became rebellious to her new parents, sneaking out, wearing clothes that weren't necessarily appropriate, and smoking, all the usual stuff for someone her age. Then at a party she was smoking with her friends and they were trying to see who could have the largest cloud for no reason. Karina had been upset because earlier someone had commented on the fact that she had no real family, so when she was producing her cloud she didn't realize she'd mixed in her mist, at the time she didn't know she had it. When she lifted up her cigarette the who thing ignited and exploded catching the house on fire, and burning several people who would never look the same again. Karina had run away until she got picked up. When everyone realized what had happened she was sent to Northern Lights where she's been for nearly a year now.
Alexander had made his way to the city square. The place was lively, with Duelists everywhere participating in the tournament. Some were losing, some were winning, but everywhere people were Dueling. All Alexander needed to do was find himself an opponent.
Adrien had finally gotten some alone time again. No one following him, no one looking up to him. Nope just him. Now he had to just find a way to enjoy this time of peace. So of course he went to the city square to find someone to duel. It figured that it would be packed on this wonderful occassion, and what also didn't surprise him was finding someone he knew. "Hey Alex." Adrien spoke in his casual bored tone he usually had when he wasn't around kids like Amelia. "How's the tournament going for you?"
Alexander turned his head to find Adrien talking to him. "Oh, hi Adrien," Alexander greeted. "I actually haven't found anyone to Duel yet. Truth be told, I barely got here. How about you? How are you doing in the tournament?"
Adrien smirked. "I already got a couple of wins under my belt actually. Looking for my next opponent now, but perhaps you'd rather face someone else to warm up?" Adrien offered a bit smuggly.
"I suppose you'll do," Alexander said, smirking as well. "I don't think I've ever actually Dueled you before. It was always Megumi and Cecile doing that instead." Raising his Duel Disk, Alexander continued, "I expect nothing less than full force."
Adrien raised an eyebrow as he raised his own Duel Disk. "You have a point. Girls, what can you say, right?" Adrien chuckled as his duel disk came to life and he drew his first five cards in one draw. "Since it's your first duel, I'll let you have the first go."
After drawing his five cards, Alexander said, "I play the Field Spell: Magical Citadel of Endymion!" Alexander declared, the area around them turning into a grass clearing with trees around them, and a giant citadel with runes all around it behind Alexander. "Then I activate the Spell card: Terraforming! This allows me to add one Field Spell card from my deck to my hand, and I add Magical Citadel of Endymion to my hand," Alexander continued. "Of course, the one on my field gains a Spell Counter from Terraforming." As a giant "1" appeared on the citadel, Alexander said, "Now I Summon 'Defender the Magical Knight' in Defense mode." A heavily-armored warrior appeared on the field, crouching behind a tower shield. "Defender gains a Spell Counter when he's Normal Summoned," Alexander explained, the orb in the middle of his shield turning black. "Finally, I place 2 cards face-down and end my turn," Alexander said.
Adrien drew his card while looking at the field before glancing at his hand momentarily. "Well this should definitely be a fun match to say the least. First off I think I'll play the Spell card: Mystical Space Typhoon, and I'll be using it on your right face down!" Adrien pointed at said card after he played his own card.
Alexander shielded himself with his arms as a raging whirlwind destroyed his face down card, which revealed itself to be Scrap-Iron Scarecrow before being blown to bits. "Don't forget that my Citadel gains another Spell Counter from your Mystical Space Typhoon," Alexander said.
Adrien smiled. "That's quite alright. Next I'll play another Spell card known as Cards of the Red Stone. This allows me to discard this Red-Eyes Black Dragon in my hand to draw two more cards." Adrien drew two more cards after discarding his Red-Eyes. "Next I'll play a classic for my deck, The Black Stone of Legend." The shimmering black rock rose from the ground. "As per the usual he won't be sticking around since I'll be activating his effect to Special Summon my Red-Eyes Black Dragon from my deck!" The rock exploded in streams of light as Red-Eyes Black Dragon broke free from the rock roaring magesticly.
"Trap card activate: Bottomless Trap Hole!" Alexander countered. "This card allows me to destroy a monster with 1500 or more ATK that you just Summoned, and banishes it as well!" A giant hole suddenly formed on the ground, and a giant goblin emerged from it to reach up and pull down the dragon with it.
Adrien grinned. "Well that's a shame, but I'll manage. Next I'll place two cards face down, and I guess that'll send it back to you."
"Draw!" Alexander said, drawing a card from his deck. Gaining nothing of momentary importance, Alexander said, "I switch Defender to Attack mode and attack you directly!" The knight emerged from behind his tower shield and charged, swinging his short sword downward at Adrien.
"I think not. I activate Dimensional Prison!" Adrien waved his hand as the card revealed itself.
Alexander grimaced as Defender suddenly disappeared. Dimension Prison was one of the few cards that Defender couldn't use his effect against. He took the card from his Duel Disk and showed it to Adrien before placing it in his back pocket. "I place 1 card face down and end my turn," Alexander said.
Adrien drew his card glancing at it out of the corner of his eye bfore finally playing it. "I Summon Red-Eyes Wyvern in Attack mode. Next I'll have him attack you directly!" Adrien said while pointing directly at Alexander.
Alexander shielded himself with his arm as Wyvern attacked and reduced his Life Points a bit.
Alexander - 4000 LP --> 2200 LP
"I think that'll do for now. I'll end my turn," Adrien folded his arms and observed the field.
"Draw!" Alexander said, drawing a new card. It was one of his newer cards he had added to his deck. "I play the Spell card: Reading Up! By removing 3 Spell Counters from my side of the field, I can draw 2 cards, but I can't gain any Spell Counters when Reading Up resolves," Alexander explained. He drew 2 new cards and examined them, then continued, "Now I Summon Apprentice Magician in Defense mode!" A young boy wearing purple armor and carrying a green staff appeared on the field, crouching and holding his arms out in a cross.
Apprentice Magician - Level 2, DEF 800
"When Apprentice Magician is Summoned, I can place a Spell Counter on a card I can place a Spell Counter on, and I choose my Magical Citadel of Endymion," Alexander said. "Turn End."
Adrien drew his next card a bit dramatically and glanced once more with the corner of his eye instead of full on looking at it. After doing so though he couldn't help but chuckle a bit. "Well it's been fun Alex, but looks like it's time to wrap this up and move on to the next opponent." Adrien put the card in his hand for now. "First I sacrifice my Wyvern to summon Tiger Dragon!" The mighty Tiger Dragon rose up howling vigorously. "The fun thing about him is I get to blow up up to two face down spell or traps, and I think we both know what that means for your facedown. Now Tiger Dragon, destroy his only face down!"
Alexander grimaced as his face down Mirror Force was destroyed. One piece of his defenses were down now.
"Now that that's out of the way, I banish my Tiger Dragon to Special Summon a much mightier dragon known as Red-Eyes Darkness Metal Dragon!" The metalic dragon descended screeching and roaring loud enough to cause minor shockwaves as it slowed down and hovered above the ground. "Next I'll use his special ability. This allows me to Special Summon any dragon from my hand or Graveyard, and I'm going to choose the Red-Eyes Black Dragon in my Grave!" The mighty Red-Eyes Black Dragon rose roaring defiantly.
Adrien stood there a moment with his arms crossed and a smirk on his face. "Well Alex? What do you think of my dragons? I guess we finally know what happens when my mighty dragon deck faces off with your Spell Counters huh? Now Red-Eyes Black Dragon, destroy his monster!"
Alexander shielded himself from the shockwave of the blast that destroyed his Apprentice Magician. "I activate the effect of my Apprentice Magician! When he's destroyed by battle, I can Special Summon a Level 2 or lower Spellcaster-type monster from my Deck in facedown Defense mode," Alexander explained, a facedown monster replacing his Magician.
"Now Darkness Metal Dragon, destroy his monster!" Adrien retorted.
The second blast destroyed his facedown monster as well, which revealed itself to be a second Apprentice Magician. "I use the effect of this Apprentice Magician as well to Special Summon another Level 2 or lower Spellcaster-type monster," Alexander said, yet another facedown card appearing on his field.
"That's perfectly fine by me, I'll end my turn." Adrien's smirk never once wavering.
"Draw!" Alexander said, drawing his next card. "By discarding one card from my hand, I can Special Summon The Tricky from my hand!" Alexander said, a jester-like creature with a question mark for a face appearing on the field.
The Tricky - Level 5, ATK 2000
"Now I flip over my facedown monster!" Alexander said, revealing it to be Arcane Apprentice.
Arcane Apprentice - Level 2, ATK 400, Tuner
"Now I Tune my Level 5 Tricky with my Level 2 Arcane Apprentice!" Alexander continued, the two monsters turning into 5 stars and 2 green rings, respectively. "Wielder of sealed arcane forces! Use our power and destroy all that oppose us!" Alexander chanted. "Synchro Summon! Appear, 'Arcanite Magician'!"
Arcanite Magician - Level 7, ATK 400
"When Arcanite Magician is Synchro Summoned, she gains 2 Spell Counters and 1000 ATK for each one," Alexander explained.
Arcanite Magician - ATK 400 --> ATK 2400
"Plus, when Arcane Apprentice is used as a Synchro Material, I can add one 'Assault Mode Activate' from my deck to my hand," Alexander explained, adding the ejected card to his hand. "Using Arcanite Magician's effect, by removing one Spell Counter from my side of the field, I can destroy one card my opponent controls!" Alexander explained, a dark orb floating into Arcanite Magician's staff and charging it with dark energy. "Destroy Red-Eyes Darkness Metal Dragon!" Alexander commanded, Arcanite Magician firing a bolt of dark lightning.
Adrien shielded himself from the blast as his Darkness Metal Dragon shattered into a million pieces. "Not bad, Alex, not bad," Adrien said, smiling. He was definitely enjoying himself on this one.
"What's more, I can keep using Arcanite Magician's effect as long as I have Spell Counters," Alexander said. "Destroy his Red-Eyes Black Dragon!" Alexander commanded, Arcanite Magician firing another bolt of dark lightning.
Adrien crossed his arms as his Red-Eyes was destroyed, and said nothing.
"Finally, destroy that face down!" Alexander commanded, firing one last lightning bolt and shattering the face down card, which revealed itself to be Seven Tools of the Bandit.
"Arcanite Magician, attack Adrien directly!" Alexander commanded, Arcanite Magician firing a white bolt of lightning at Adrien.
Adrien - 4000 LP --> 3600 LP
"I place one card face down and end my turn," Alexander ended.
Adrien drew his card indifferently. "I'm impressed you managed to come back and actually hurt my life points a bit Alex, but that ends here. Sadly for you I prepare for anything you send my way, or at least I try my best, and that includes letting you destroy both of my Red-Eyes monsters. Now I have exactly what I need in the grave and I have you to thank for it, now I special summon to the field my ultimate Dark Armed Dragon!" Adrien threw an open arm up into the air as his Dark Armed Dragon descended from above and crashed into the ground causing the earth to shake before he roared triumphently making the tremors intensify.
Alexander's eyes widened at the sight of Dark Armed Dragon. He knew then that he had lost.
"Now I banish my Red-Eyes Black Dragon and my Black Stone of Legend, thus activating my Dark Armed Dragon's ability! For each dark monster I banish I get to destroy a card of yours on the field. First we'll go with that face down, and next we'll destroy your only monster!" Adrien stood there with such confidence, and his voice held more charisma in it than ever.
Alexander didn't bother activating his Trap card before his field was wiped. It would make no difference in the outcome regardless.
"Now then, Dark Armed Dragon, end this duel and attack Alexander directly!" Adrien called out as he pointed directly towards Alexander one last time.
After Dark Armed Dragon reduced the last of his Life Points to zero, Alexander said, "Seems like I overestimated myself. It's your overwhelming win."
Adrien relaxed slightly and a calm smile slowly came across his face. "Hey you did good Alex, it was definitely a lot of fun. We'll have to do it again sometime." Adrien walked over and offered Alexander a handshake.
Taking the handshake, Alexander replied, "Next time we do, though, I hope I show more than this. Maybe it's time to switch decks. Arcanite Magician is great and all, but it's not really working like it used to. Even Megumi's been beating me lately."
"Hey man, you just need to be you. Upgrade, change, it doesn't matter. As long as your deck represents who you truly are. In any event, whether you change your deck or not, I look forward to dueling you again Alex." With that Adrien waved as he began walking off. That was win number three. Now to find the next opponent once more.
Yea that makes alot of sense... You shoulda seen how chaos prolonged the life of both Vincent and Haas. But they ultimately lost to a god danm parsath and his battle position changing abilty
Long live DAD blowing itself up
Speaking of DAD, loving him with a different character of mine :p