"I'm sure you'll do fine. I'm just wondering what this magic entails." Trinity gazed at the case, unsure of what it would mean for her friend. Whatever it meant, Trinity doubted she'd do anything that couldn't be fixed. She found her feet set on the ground and the dimension of fur she'd been surrounded by suddenly retreated, "Aww..." but D'Angelo's dismissal of her offhanded accusation stunned her out of whatever dissatisfaction she had.
"That's a n..normal thing for you, is it?" It was really quite a stunning thing to hear, just a casual headbutt between friends, but somehow this ludicrous notion had a feeling of nostalgia to it.
The words she heard came echoing back to her, "Not much of a hugger," he'd said.
"You tried to hug him?" Her voice cracked, she thought it was easy to see from 1000 paces that you maybe shouldn't hug Nolan. But maybe that was just because she knew him? "And you say it's been a long time since you've seen him last and you gave little to no introduction? Y'know, strange surprise hugs are scary..." She certainly wouldn't want a surprise hug from a big stranger, even if it was in the middle of the guild hall. The surprise aspect has a lot of influence, here. "Sounds like you've got your own story about Nolan already, though."