Giselle de Farry
Undead Princess, de Farry
“Next time, perhaps read the room,” said Giselle, as soon as Rikard had left. Pinching her nose, she gave the woman an exasperated look. While she was glad that she hadn’t fully burned the bridge with the strange human, especially so after the man’s warning and manner of exit, she remained rather annoyed with the priestess. If she had just played along, then it was very likely they would have had a far superior replenishment of blood than that of a filthy rat. As it was now, though, it was all that she had.
Rather than sinking her teeth directly into the dirty fur of the rat carcass, she opened her palm upwards, letting the rat float upwards for a couple inches before she began to extract its blood from its body in a long stream of ichor that she then civilly drank. It had a displeasing, pungent taste to it, even if it did provide a kick of fulfilling energy to her starved body. For this act, she couldn’t be entirely displeased with Akyasha, even if had bungled the entire thing in the final stretch.
At the very least, the path to the cathedral was no longer barred. Without any further interference, they entered the sacred building soon after, walking into three more of her fellows, and a most peculiar scene. The new company she recognized, even if only passingly so for two of them. The third vampire lord –the only man among them for now, it seemed—she was more familiar with. Together with herself and Aleksiya, he was a lord in the more traditional sense.
It seemed, however, that reminiscing about the past could wait for another time.
She acknowledged Dragan’s words with a slight incline of her head.
“Indeed.” Without further words, she followed the others onto the balcony. Kneeling before her presence, her
light, she relished in the familiar comfort of Ichor’s embrace. Giselle had always been more secular among the lords, but her loyalty, especially in these times, was never in doubt. Faced with such a bleak future, who else was she to look to for guidance?
“My Goddess, I am once more at your disposal. Guide us as you will.”