Polina Laye
Farisian MaidPolina raised an eyebrow. “Well, I could repeat back some of what I thought I heard. I believe I heard some very interesting things, after all,” she responded, keeping up her usual dry tone. She angled her body away as Lyssa destroyed the beast, shielding the young girl still clinging to her back from the worst of the gore.
Not that it helped too much, considering the entire theater itself was just a glorified charnel house at the moment. Oh well, the girl was probably traumatized enough as is. Witnessing a little more violence wouldn’t do much further damage.
“Polina. Let’s,” she agreed, her face softening some as they continued to exchange pleasantries in the middle of battle. “That is… unfortunate news, but it is good to know.” With the immediate need for information satisfied, she turned her attention back to the thinned-out herd of demons. With the three of them here, the Farisian maid reasoned that this would more or less be a mop-up operation from here on out.
With a child still clinging to her, she took a more passive position here, letting the absolute juggernaut that was Lyssa at the moment crush the beasts with Lucrecia’s support, while Polina filled the gaps, shoving knives and blades where they needed to be… like turning one of the large headless ape things into a pincushion, for example.