Cecilia Feilding
Cecilia was fully convinced that they were all in a different world now. Whatever this girl was saying was doing quite a bit to convince her, although she felt that it had been awfully convenient to run into these creatures and then a helpful exposition dump in the form of an ‘adventurer.’
Quite conveniently, she was forming her own conclusions about the ridiculous costumes. It still didn’t help the fact that she was half-naked.
Still. She was closer to hitting the mark than she had expected. Cecilia really did come from money, after all. Instead, Cecilia fixed Sayu with a stare as she tried to lie her way unconvincingly. “Well, I don’t know,” she responded with an almost-drawl, not doing anything to conceal her obviously posh accent, but leaving the obvious thought unsaid. As long as she was sticking around, they weren’t going to convince anyone very well that they were poor with an actual noble girl tagging along. Albeit, a noble girl in a ridiculous revealing bikini, but that was a different problem entirely.
Instead, she focused on the important question that the others were still ignoring. If these things from the rat creatures were considered currency, or if this was a barter economy, the bunch of them needed to eat, too, ignoring the obvious otherworldly magic element.
“I’m not going to apologize for us defending ourselves. Considering that and the help you’ve given nonetheless, I think it would be fairer if we split the proceeds evenly between us and her,” she offered instead.
What point was there going to a city if they really were penniless? Cecilia shuddered at the thought of slumming it on the street. In a bikini.