Meisa Amorette
The neighborhood surrounding the atelier was surprisingly decent, for an area within the Outer Layer. Given that their objectives had changed, at least for the day, Meisa and Firenze had changed back into simpler clothing, although it was still attire that stood well out among the downtrodden. Firenze being Firenze, though, didn’t mind changing in front of Camille, if it brought the puppy-like man further in their camp.
Perhaps even without.
The marketplaces near the Royal Road were surprisingly active and running relatively brisk business. Firenze noticed the odd wooden plaques first, and realized their meaning well before Meisa did, given her proclivities towards spy craft. Regardless, the commotio in the square did not take long to catch the attention of both elves. Five ruffians were roughing up one of the vendors in a clear racketeering operation.
Meisa frowned.
The obvious, smart thing to do was to simply look away and continue on with their stroll. In a normal circumstance, both girls had the mindset to do that. Firenze had done things far worse just messing around for fun, and Meisa was more selfish and morally disengaged than her newfound crusade suggested.
But this sort of blatant criminal activity was not something that ever been tolerated in the kingdom she remembered, nor was it something she would want suffered when the people were dancing to her tune. And Firenze had been itching for a fight ever since arriving at Oratorio. As far as the purple-haired woman was concerned, ever since somehow losing her sword on the journey here, having the pick of five weapons to keep was a plus.
She glanced at Meisa for a signal. The golden-haired elf bit down on her teeth for a moment before sighing and nodding. She was going to regret this, she was sure. No doubt there was a big gang somewhere behind these thugs, and perhaps even a wealthy noble in the Royal Road backing them, too.
With the go signal given, Firenze immediately stalked towards the thugs, using the crowd to position herself for the most optimal opening. Having worked together for so long, although Meisa was her charge, she too moved in concert, having an idea of what the purple praetorian was going to do.
Stepping out of the crowd, she approached one of the watching thugs from behind before immediately sucker-punching the man in the temple, using the twisting movement to simultaneously draw his sword and run him through. The man next to him began to react, but by then, Meisa was also in position, and a moment later, he found a boot planted up his family jewels and the man crumpled to the ground next to his companion while she relieved him of his weapon as well before finishing him off.
At this point, the two elves had gotten what they really wanted—weapons and a lesson taught. If they wanted, they could just bail now and be done with it. The guards, it seemed, still didn’t see fit to intervene, which Firenze took as remit to go further.
“You dare…!?”
By now, the other three men were fully alert, and the leader of the group turned with surprise but immediately fell on Firenze with a clash of steel—with the two other thugs hesitating before releasing the poor merchant girl to scramble to the defense of their thug friends. Now that Meisa’s terrifying bodyguard had a weapon, though, some relatively untrained ruffians had no chance. “Nice fucking try, bitches!” With a delighted grin, she met their steel with her own once more.
One of the bandits moved towards Meisa, who was so confident in her paladin that she was already rifling through the pockets of one of them fallen men for goodies. Firenze had enough opportunity to trip the man on the way there, making him fall flat on his face and just in time for Meisa to react by stomping his head with her boot, making it a simple two against one for Firenze. Her footwork and swordplay were superior, though, and after a few parries and blows, her sword took off the head of the leader before running the last rapscallion through.
And the guards still didn’t react.
“Nice work,” Meisa finally said, as if the battle had been foregone conclusion. Seeing that stall merchant was still hanging around looking bewildered and afraid, she turned her attention towards the lady as Firenze cleaned her weapon on one of the corpses and began to check for valuables, too.
“Congratulations, it looks like you’ve been rescued. Now, who were those folks?”