Avatar of ColdAtlas


Recent Statuses

10 min ago
Current Cracker barrel is the fire link shrine for white people
1 hr ago
Bro I'm so done with my school lmao Some kid just spent 10 minutes arguing that fast and furious is a true crime documentary These people actually fucking stupid
11 hrs ago
How y'all feel about green beans?
1 day ago
GOD. life is only getting worse and whenever someone tries to "help" they make everything worse for me. JUst leave me alone for gods sake
1 like
1 day ago
Right on the road to your sadness Watching closely as courage turns into madness Are you sure you'd want to lose your life From a witch who had caused you nothing but strife?


Most Recent Posts

Heya! Coming off of a summer break and entering my senior year, I've decided to get back into roleplay. For now I'll just list a few things about myself and how/what i tend to roleplay. Hopefully I can find someone! :D

My interests and random trivia

Sci-fi, can't help but love it. Prolly my favorite genre.
I'm a furry, so sometimes ill play animal-y characters. or just straight up animals lol
Big fan of fantasy as well. I LOOOVE DRAGONS heheh
STuff im into ranges from things like halo and destiny to fallout tothe stereotypical fantasy setting

How i tend to write: ADHD keeps me from writing too much per post but I can respond very quickly at most times. My writing can be a little improvisational, but I am able to stick to a basic story layout

What I don't do: Romance and 18+. Just don't like it, makes me feel uncomfortable

ANyways, I hope some of this interests you! If you are interested please feel free to send me a PM :3
Wonderful to meet yo :D
Whew! First exam done. Also afterward I got the best sleep of my life, lol
Finally! A decent 1x1 rp! The family affair one seems cool :)
but im laazzzzzyyyyyyyyyy :(((
Fair point, ill stick with my original crew
are Michael Jackson's pronouns he/he?
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