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Cold spaghetti is best spaghetti.
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A simple rice porridge hailing from the whimsical land of nunoland.


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New stuff. Mostly just quick character sketches and such. Today's subjects; Some cute girls.

Also, this was from an old web comic idea i've had a year or so ago. Never went through with it though but had this in my queue ever since. Anyway it's a fashion/office setting slice of life/mystery and it's gay. Added some spoiler tags cuz it's fucking huge. You've been warned.

Madam Envy
Location: Breakfast Room
Hit Points: 6

Madam Envy gave a short nod, her eyes following them amusedly as the men went on their way to the music room. She turned her gaze towards the the other woman at her response to her previous question "Why not?" . She thought about the follow up question, which made her smile under her mask "Oh, in a way." she said, "You could say I literally live for such conventions , though not as grand and sumptuous as this one." Recalling fond memories had always given her some self gratification. For a moment she dindt care to share something about it, she just likes to brag and hopefully without giving too much of it. "I used to sing back then. I was quite good too."She said rather proudly. Madam Envy dwelled a bit on the memory, coming back to her senses as she notices that Miss Creme was still with her.

Before answering her question, Madam Envy let out a tired sigh"Enjoy the festivity as long as I could before misfortune could reach me." she simply said, in a somewhat unbothered manner. "Though ambitiously, I'd like to keep my head till the next morning, if that's ever possible." Madam Envy said, if only her own boldness could actually make something happen. SHe thought where Moss went, only remembering him as she was engaged in a conversation with the mysterious 'guests' they wanted to meet earlier. She wondered if he'll ever come back. "For now I'd be very much interested in visiting the Music Room, see how this quartet could pull off a show. I suppose you'd care to come with, seeing as you've just left the room earlier."

Madam Envy
Location: Breakfast Room
Hit Points: 6

Madam Envy sparked some small talk to the men, airing a pleasant and regal demeanour. "I didn't know you could come in bare face, or have you gentlemen simply just forgot to wear your masks?" She could only figure there is some sort of segregation between the real guests and those who are unwilling. To what purpose, she doesnt know, but more than compelled to find out. Madam Envy shifted her bearings , more harmless and approachable "Although I never really understood the purpose of these covers. I'm sure you men have some sort of idea, do you?" she asks them. "Do you know the Lord well? Surely someone being invited on such a gathering must at least have some positive of relationship with the host." she said in a seemingly affable tone, as she lean in closer to the men who were busy with their food.

Each of the men cast a gaze in the woman's direction but only one of them spoke. He had dark hair and light eyes. A slight smirk pulled at the corner of his mouth as he answered her question. "We are the Soul Quartet, what need is there in wearing a mask when once we entertain our voices will reveal exactly whom we are?" he asked of her before shrugging and popping a grape into his mouth. "Why you need to wear one? Perhaps you need to hide something, why don't you tell me?"

"A quartet you say. Interesting." The evening's formal entertainment, that totally blows her own cautious impressions, and had slightly eased down, yet disappointed it never directed them much on what they would get themselves in to. She thought about the man's query, she shrugs answering the question by instinct "Oh, don't we all. she said, as vaguely as she makes it appear. "But I'm guessing it has something more to do with satisfying the host's eccentric kinks."

Madam Envy hears the a woman speak, she turns to her to see a a short and meek young woman."Never been to a lot of soirees I pressume?" she asks, looking down at her showing her a face fully concealed.
Madam Envy
Location: Breakfast Room
Skills: N/A
Hit Points: 6

Madam Envy gave Moss a short nod, as he went his way back to the vestibule. As she was on her way Envy looked behind her on the other three, who made their way towards the opposite door and probably deciding to go exploring at this point. She would follow it weren't for her own curiosity and caution. It merely dispel her worries if she was well aware of her environment, specially the people around her. "Let's make it quick then. I simply cannot wait to see what my eyes will be feasting on this place." she simply says to Moss.

Not long he crossed paths with four men, two of them were masked, whom she figured might be the guests who just shortly arrived. She decided to stay as she observes the two masked figures making their way to the breakfast room, hands on a half filled glass and a taking another small sip. Madam Envy gave them a short greeting as they passed. "More guests on these evening's Machiavellian's revelry. I extend to you my greetings." she forces a smile over her own wariness.

The small tinge of the alcohol in her throat reminded her that she should need to level discomfort, or make it better so she would not have another embarrassing episode. So far she feels nothing coming yet, though she hopes this tour would lead them closer to the kitchen area where she could ask a servant to make her something warm to drink.

Madam Envy
Location: Breakfast Room
Skills: N/A
Hit Points: 6

Madam Envy smiled inside her mask, bearing a rather proud stance as she eyed each and everyone in the room. Her eyes followed the woman who for some unknown reason had to hurry herself out of the room, ignoring her then turning her attention back to the group. One introduced himself as Captain Moss, and the other one being Prima Rave. She returned their introductions "Charmed." giving a slight nod to Moss, and then to Rave, who, to Madam Envy, sounded less impressed than the other man by reasons she herself could only assume. Never the less she made her wary, if there is even a hint of suspicion on her--she may know better than to dismiss it.

Their pleasantries were cut by a loud ring, Madam Envy could only figure it coming from the front door. More guests perhaps, but playing for which side of the game, she has no clue. Envy turned to Moss "I would like to see more of the place. " she says to him "Though if you think it necessary, I suppose it wouldn't hurt to take a peek on the newly arrived 'guests'."At the moment Madam Envy itches to see more of the mansion, but that could always wait. She took the last sip on her goblet and settled it down at the edge of the table. Her throat is calm for now, though sooner she would need to drink something solidly warm, and not the usual feeling one gets from mere alcohol.
Madam Envy
Location: Grand Vestibule > Breakfast Room
Skills: Charisma
Hit Points: 6

Madam Envy made her way inside the breakfast room, planning on satiating her thirst with a good drink. The other guests have already gone in before her and have already made their formalities with each other. It's never always polite to get left out in the most vital part of any socialization, which are the introductions of course. Her of all people should know that. She have yet to introduce herself in fully, and not give the impression of a rather distant and plain spoken lady in the group. Not only that but she might have gotten the opportunity to analyze them up close, only to see which of whom is worthy enough to be trusted. Considering the possibility that everyone here has their own dark reasons to force themselves into attending this gathering, it would be wise to stick her ears into them, at least to know which isnt a death sentence if she decides to stick around.

She slides in whilst the people engage to themselves, helping herself to the finest cupcakes and wine this most welcoming host had to offer. These people would hide their eventual fates inside this grandeur prison, at least they're humane enough to have their guests for prisoners satisfy their palates. She watched behind the table in silence at first, on the five people in the room. "I suppose there is room for one more in this tour committee?" Envy lifts her goblet for a sip, and utilizing a skill that she's so well versed on it comes naturally on her.

"And as some of us may have had the pleasure of--making acquaintance, albeit momentarily" her eyes turned to Mauve, then back to the rest of the group. "For now you call me, Madam Envy. Why they had given me such title, I simply do not know. I consider myself far from any self centered person in the room." she let out an abrupt chuckle, her tone changed and looked at each one of them "I don't know if any of you too had suspected a 'twist' in this narrative, but there is a huge possibility we will never be able to see the light of day again. And, if I am fully being honest, I'd rather avoid falling off the perch. " she says, swirling her glass in one hand.

"Here's an absurd idea though. I say we be on high alert and investigate. Stick together, start asking questions discreetly, then at least maybe, we see can glimpse through the surface of these secrets." she says in a serious, and sombre expression, she did somewhat intended it as a jest yet she herself wasnt even laughing. After a few moments her tone changing with an exasperated likeness. "Otherwise of course, let's just simply enjoy the view. If something ill is about to come our way, might as well take advantage of all this grandeur. What a shame really, how can something so beautiful be associated with something so sinister." she slowly shook her head now getting a bit of track and was busily admiring the room's magnificent structure.
Madam Envy
Location: Shadowell Manor: Central Hall > Grand vestibule
Hit Points: 6

Madam Envy let out a quiet chuckle, sipping through her wooden filter, the faint smoke of her cigarette slightly envelopes her. "Fair enough." she replied to the other jaunty fellow. The other one let a lingering gaze after speaking, an attempt a threat, or a childish jest mayhap. Madam envy returned her look, and smiled under her mask, "That's cute. " with another sip and blow, she eyed the pair took their leave. She is left alone with other two people, she could only guess if these two are planning to pair up too. It may seem to look like it.

he would have initially gone out and stayed in the courtyard today but the feeling of thirst suddenly changed her mind. She decides to drop by the music room for some drinks and food, and maybe see if no one had not dropped dead from a poisonous cookie, then she could take some for herself. After she is done with her personal musings, she would need a drink. Madam envy walked back to the grand and astounding display of the vestibule, she could not get over how beautiful this place is, certainly she can't wait to explore the rest of the rooms if they are just as equally beautfiul.
Madam Envy
Location: Shadowell Manor: Grand Vestibule (D2) > Central Hall
Hit Points: 6

What a charming fellow this Lord Ambesire, Madam Envy thought to herself. And such hospitality. However his announcement although quite a bit of a shock, just only confirmed Envy's earlier presumptions, and whatever games they plan to take part in this seems like an obvious deathtrap. One statement, she find rather interesting, pertaining to their earlier casualty. Did she heard him right, could a murderer could be walking amongst them. But if so that adds to the concern, though it would hardly would matter, now that they were technically given the heads up.

The others have gone their way to their respective interests once the doors have been opened to them. Madam Envy waited just a little until the Grand Vestibule was little by little, drained of the crowd. Though they were in the verge of obvious doom, part of her artistic and judging side have taken a keen interest in such a grand place. She had visited no more than a few with equally impressive structures, but other than that it seems like she'll be staying here the longest.

She glanced at the western part and saw scrumptious treats on the table, though she wasnt particularly feeling peckish at the moment, or afford being betrayed by a tempting slice of cake. Perhaps later, when any of those who nibbled hadn't slumped dead to give the clear of any potential taint. Hence, she moved forward towards the Central Hall, where she joined the other three people there.

"From where I'm from, we call that special treatment." She nonchalantly quips, after hearing the 'golden masked' giant in the room with them. Madam Envy thought to make some idle conversation with her fellows, get a feel of the herd she's grazing with, so to speak. She freely placed her cigarette on the mahogany holder, and lit a match with it. She's aware not everyone is fond of her habit, but she is really not one to care what people thing of it. "And you seem like the type who have that kind of thing figured out." she turned to the sapphire dressed woman. " Just a mere feeling." she followed, before taking a sip from her stick.
Madam Envy
Location: Shadowell Manor Outside > Grand Vestibule (D2)
Hit Points: 6

Madam Envy knew it was rather strange at the very beginning. Of course they were not invited in the sense of the usual pompous gathering the nobility seems to be so fond of. The moment that invitation landed on her gentle yet calloused hands by the rather shady fellow that delivered it to her, a quick look at it had sent all the wrong signals to her. She did have a right to be suspicious about it, as it did came out of the blue in the first place, but also just way before a deep secret has somehow leaked through the cracks, and none else had known about it till know. The man was firm with his words, and his clothing was rather extravagant she'll give him that, Madam Envy had nothing else to say but nodded firmly in return. For now she would like to observe, to see what illusive and intricate tricks are there for them to perform for this Ardad Lili.

Althroughout her mind wandered what is really in stored for them here. She had to keep herself focused around here, around these people. Who knew one of them could be an assassin in the disguise , or what not. Her previous feelings of tension slowly returned, and she knew to trust her gut whenever something suspicious is going on. Perhaps the woman in the flying chair earlier was just the very beginning of it, she braced that there will be more. All convoluting thoughts came in to one straight conclusion; some of them, even herself, may possibly never come out of here alive.
Madam Envy
Location: Shadowell Manor Outside > Grand Vestibule (D2)
Hit Points: 6

Madam Envy followed the others inside, The vestibule was indeed a sight to behold, and had plenty of time taking in it's grandiose style which was slowly growing on her. The refreshing atmosphere was thoroughly disturbed by their other company however, the guards, her ears twitched at the sharp sound of their gun hammers, constantly being reminded that they are not exactly here for a 'traditional' social gathering so to speak. She stood next to one of the marble benches as they await for their call, pulling out another cigarette stick from her purse and rolling them playfully between her fingers. At the corner of her eye she could see see the guests accumulating in pairs, and in menage trois if you seem special. In many ways danger does bring people closer together. Trust is hard to come by, and specially in an aristocratic masquerade ball of all things. Woe is the fool who easily gives himself in a pretty mask, you never know what kind of face lies inside.

Half of the time Madam Envy wondered what genuinely goes through their head. And the secrets they so desire to keep hidden, that they'd rather accept a shady invitation from the elusive Ardad Lili and into her elaborately draw trap in the first place, not to comprehend but for the mere intrigue of it. Of course madam Envy herself has her own scandalous reasons to be here, and if it means keeping the end of a blackmail to save herself then so be it.

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