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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Ciaran
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Ciaran Lord's Blade

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Master Tack
Location: Front of Manor -> Grand Vestibule, C7
Skills: N/A
Hit Points: 5

Master Tack wordlessly followed the man's instructions. He was more than happy to come inside - like everyone else, he did not enjoy spending any more time in this unpleasant cold than necessary. Then the guns were cocked, and he felt suddenly felt an awful lot less comfortable. Tack looked over his shoulder at the guards, on edge once more and wondering what he might find inside the manor that he had to be threatened with death to stop him leaving it. He then realised that delaying was only giving the guards a reason to shoot him, and so he hurried up and followed the other guests into the manor.

Now that Master Tack was relatively isolated, and had little to occupy his thoughts with besides the bitter reminder of what kind of people he was staying in the home of just a moment ago, his thoughts went back to the unfortunate Director Kindle. It seemed like everyone else had forgotten her already, which only added to his discomfort. It could've been any of them, it could have been him, and there wouldn't have been anything anyone could have done to save that life. It felt intrinsically wrong to just ignore something like that, even if nothing could be done about it.

But regardless, he had arrived now. Hopefully there would be something more urgent, if only to occupy his thoughts with something less unsettling.

The grand vestibule was very impressive. It wasn't Tack's first time in the home of someone this wealthy (or thereabouts), but it certainly wasn't a regular occurence. He joined Mauve and her friend, standing and facing them while still looking around and admiring the room. After a moment more, he stopped and faced them both, saying "The Ambesires seem to be taking our security very seriously," with a wry smile on his face.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Lady Absinthia
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Lady Absinthia ⚘ Blossoming ⚘

Member Seen 4 days ago

𝕃ord 𝕆f 𝕋he 𝕄anor

As the last guest entered the domain, the door was pulled shut by Cassius. One could hear the sound of a lock clicking into place from the outside. A single toe click by the butler sounded on the marble flooring as he crossed a leg behind him and then turned one hundred and eighty degrees. His gloved hands resting on the brass handles of the doors behind him. He turned them and sharply pushed the doors open. Standing there on the other side of the door was a single man. He stood a tad under six feet in height and of average weight, dark hair and dark eyes, tightly groomed facial hair, and a rather displeased expression on his Wintering features. He was dressed pristine in his black clothing with ornate crimson trims. It was rare to see fabrics that didn't look worn in the slightest, even within the royal family. His looked perhaps as if was the first day the cloth had even been woven.

Stepping forward and to just beneath the center frame of the double doors his eyes moved from one person to the next until he had looked directly at each masked figure before him. His hand went out sharply and in the black gloved palm, the butler placed the invitations that were collected at the gate. His eyes glanced down at them and then back up. The man had a strong presence about him as he stood perfectly still for a moment before letting the invitations fall from his hand. "You were not invited." His voice was as equally strong when he spoke. Firm, definitive, final. He let the words soak in for a moment before he continued.

"I wondered if anyone would attempt to attend that did not receive the proper invitation when I received a similarly scribbed noticed, left attached to the front gate three days prior. Many thoughts went through my mind. Who could have sent the message. Was this a ruse to gain entry. Should I allow entry into my home and sanctum. Should I simply have anyone attempting to enter without my personal invite shot and fed to my dogs. The last I am still debating. I could ask if any among you would venture to execute such a feat but I wouldn't trust a single word of it. So, for now, you have been granted entry in my hopes that I will weed out the culprit and bring them to a swift and fitting end. You will leave when I allow it. Not a moment before, unless death claims you. Have I made myself perfectly clear?"
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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by rivaan
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Member Seen 4 hrs ago

Prima Rave
Location: Shadowell Manor: Front of Manor Outside->Grand Vestibule (B2)
Skills: Perception, Wisdom
Hit Points: 6

All suddenly turned into a blur as the Lord of the Manor appeared. It didn't matter if it was the others who were socializing or they were simply chatting without any direct reason. In Rave's head all went white for a moment as she listened to the man speaking.' How did it get to this?' She asked herself as she realized the graveness of the situation at hand! They were tricked! For the gods know only what reason they were all tricked into coming to this place it seemed! Fake invitations! She couldn't believe someone would dare to do this, but also couldn't even begin to imagine for what reason they would do so.

Then she snapped back into reality. They were all in mortal danger it seemed. Now there was no way to go back with the doors of the manor locked. She clenched her fists for a good few moments, feeling the danger and trying to think of what to do next. Then her eyes locked into their host again. A detail didn't escape her gaze as she realized that fabric looks like it was brand new!' Goodness! New cloth!?' She thought in pure surprise at it. She had never seen new cloth before! It almost pushed aside her concerns for the situation at hand... almost. Prima Rave quickly tried to calm back down. They were prisoners at this place now, she hoped no one will die, but highly doubted it. Hopefully the true culprit would be caught soon! Suddenly something else caught her attention as she made a thoughtful expression.' Fennel seed?' She thought in confusion, but quickly focused back onto the Lord of the Manor again. She would do whatever was needed of her to help clear her name and be allowed to leave eventually." Yes, My Lord." Rave finally said with small voice and bowed. They had to do what he said.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Sigil
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Sigil Literary Hatchetman

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

Dr. Swamp
Location: Shadowell Manor: Grand Vestibule (E9)
Skills: N/A
Hit Points: 4

Dr. Swamp thought back to the carriage ride on the way in. It was a little uncomfortable, but not so much as stepping out of it once they reached the gates. Then the machine - wondrous, advanced, but lethal to one of them. Was it an intentional trap? Would these little accidents continue? His physical liabilities prevented him from reacting with the same gusto as others, and this house could be loaded with interesting surprises for the unwary. The thought was bolstered by the words of the man in the fresh, shiny suit. Reflexively, the Doctor moved his hand to Amaranthine's shoulder in an attempt to be supportive.

The first sentence that the Lord of the Manor stuck with him. They were not invited. That wasn't exactly true, persay. They were most definitely invited. There was a paper and everything. They just weren't invited by the man who made those decisions. It was semantics, really. A moot point considering the locked doors and armed guards. One thing was for certain: Whatever plans Dr. Swamp had in regards for this event were obliterated. For the first time in a very long time, Dr. Swamp's heart quickened its pace. He did not like the situation, not one bit. But it was interesting. Forcing himself not to move any more than he had to, he answered the very important looking man's question in a clear, respectful voice, "Crystal clear, My Lord." Someone had fooled them. All of them, and gotten them in the same place at the same time. He would like to meet this person. "Humbly my Lord, where do we go from here?"

Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Nallore
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Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

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Captain Moss
Location: Grand Vestibule (A2)
Skills: N/A
Hit Points: 6

Captain Moss looked over towards Prima Rave, as she went over and stood next to him he would give her a friendly smile and waved towards her. "Good evening Miss." Moss said towards the woman as his attention turned towards the room seeing as the other guests started to come into the mansion. Moss stood there quiet a bit as his attention turned towards the door and then he stopped for a moment as he saw the door close behind them, and then what sounded like a locking sound. Moss certainly couldn't help but feel that there was something very off and wrong going on as well. But he couldn't help but place it right now.

Then his attention turned towards the butler as Moss saw the door opening, and the lord of the manor entered the Grand Vestibule. He couldn't help but raise an eyebrow when he heard that they weren't invited. Which sounded very bad at leas to him anyway, as Moss listened to the Lord speak. His blood an cold when he said that they wouldn't be permitted to leave the manor, as the doors were closed behind them, Moss couldn't help but feel nervous as well. The only way really out would be for them to die, which he did not like the idea of at all.

Moss was tempted to say something, but he figured that would make things much worse for all of them, or maybe just him he didn't know. Moss closed his eyes as he thought about it a bit more, but there seemed to be no real choice at all, as Captain Moss nodded. "I understand my Lord." Captain Moss said, he really did not like the upper class at all they all seemed to have something hiding.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Lady Absinthia
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Lady Absinthia ⚘ Blossoming ⚘

Member Seen 4 days ago

Chanteuse Amaranthine
Location: Shadowell Manor: Grand Vestibule (E8 ->E9)
Skills: Intelligence
Hit Points: 4

Doors closing and locking, doors opening. Amarnathine's fingers tightened around the satchel she held pressed to her chest. Lashes fluttering behind the mask as her eyes blinked quickly. A bottom lip curling in as she watched Lord Ambesire enter. Fine clothing was to be expected considering where they were wasn't it? Just breathe." Her words were nothing more than a whisper. She could have been speaking to herself, or perhaps to the man that was just behind her. There was warmth in the room but even more on shoulder. Why it was there, did it matter what she thought? Maybe. Her hand went up and over his as the words were spoken, "you were not invited." That was not what she wanted to hear.

Words failed her, she didn't answer the question. The wide eyes from beneath the mask were probably enough. Anyways, another asked a question and it was good enough for her. Where were they supposed to go from here? Attend as if nothing was going on? Keep the masks on? Remove them? The Lord of the Manor didn't have one on but why bother? It was his home, they were on his property. The thought of being bait crossed her mind and made her stomach do a flip against the inside of her corset. Slowly reaching back she pushed her instrument case to the side, against the arm of the chair, before sitting down. If none of them were invited... she stopped the train of thought as her eyes drifted down and stairs at the cold marble floor. Suddenly it felt very warm in the room.
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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by The Grey Dust
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The Grey Dust The / Grey

Member Seen 1 hr ago

Master Plum
Location: Shadowell Manor: Grand Vestibule (F4)
Skills: N/A
Hit Points: 6

But look at this lovely house,
Standing within its own forest,
Filled for the most part with rich conspiring folk who live a little above the law.
Think of the deeds of hellish cruelty, the hidden wickedness which may go on,
year in, year out, in such a place, and none the wiser.

It's a trap. The lord of the manor revealed that indeed it was all a ruse. But more so, openly declared that they were not invited. No, but in fact part of a greater plot. One which perturbed him enough to play along, one that made a man of his power and influence tremble perhaps at the possibilities. Oh yes, there was a dark innocence about it, wasn't there? If they were to trust a man who had not yet pulled the trigger and send the hounds to maim, then there was a possibility that his curiosity fueled his hospitality. The doors were opened only to be sealed shut, and now it was only a matter of time before he expected a caged bird to sing.

Curses, to think that he had not seen it coming, he had expected a dangerous game, but this was far more than just a game wasn't it? Or was it? Could they truly trust the Lord of the manor to tell them everything that piqued his interest? Maybe it was just another dinner game the wealthy play? But alas, if to be trusted, he did reveal that none of them were invited, nay all present here were not invited by Him. Yes, this was all turning out to be a game of trust, a mental exercise, a game of shadows. The stakes were high, and yet one was dead, and another fled, thus if they would stay, they must play. Thus we have little choice in the matter but to obey. Any halfwit ought to see that, yet what if they conspired, the game's afoot indeed. Shall humble pawn take king?

"Of course m'lord by your grace,
Consider us all advised and warned,
And may we help find in this place,
Our odd lily amongst the thorns..."

Ardad Lili, that is a name he knew all too well. Peppered in to the rhyme perhaps, the veiled reference to the persona behind his invitation. Would it strike a chord in anyone else's subconscious? Would the lure work as charmingly as the false invitations? Perhaps they were not as stranger of strangers to each other, all strung by this gilded lili's string.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Romero
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Romero Prince of Darkness

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Justice Cobalt
Location:Grand Vestibule (B7)
Skills: N/A
Hit Points: 6

Cobalt's eyes followed the, he assumed, butler as he turned to the grand doors at his back. He heard the heavy click of a lock falling into place as the front doors were thrown closed, but he didn't look away from the doors that led further into the house. The tension he could feel in the air was almost electric, as if everyone was holding their breath, for all he knew they were. The man that finally stepped through the door was impeccably dressed, almost surreally so, as Cobalt had never seen fabric so little-worn other than clothing freshly-made. Cobalt almost found himself distracted by the clothing, the richness of the black and the sharpness of the crimson, as the man leafed through the invitations, but his voice rung like a bell across the room, shattering Cobalt's focus.

The man continued to speak, but the words were like a blur, as Cobalt felt every muscle in his body tense. He had foolishly thought that an escape from the guns and the dogs and the cold would offer some respite, but he was wrong. He was reminded of a fairly charming saying he had heard once that seemed perfect for their current situation. Out of the frying pan, and into the fire.

With the situation made crystal clear, and the threat all too real considering their experiences of the evening already, Cobalt's body was rigid. For not at least, the inviting form of Mauve at his shoulder was largely forgotten, his eyes leveled at the Lord of the Manor. The night had taken a turn, and the majestic walls and furniture of the house suddenly had taken on a sour note, the warm air a bitter taste. A cold sweat clung to his skin beneath his shirt, but he ignored it. He could hear several of the other guests quickly affirming their agreement, and Cobalt was not about to be the one who didn't. Speaking as clearly as he could, Cobalt spoke.

"Of course, my Lord. Perfectly understood"
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Natsu
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Natsu Weierstrass Personified

Member Seen 3 days ago

Miss Creme
Location: Grand Vestibule (B4) -> Grand Vestibule (D9)
Skills: N/A
Hit Points: 3

Miss Creme was delighted to see Blush quickly found her way to her. She smiled at her friend and nodded, quickly following after her. Blush did seem quite nice, and at this point Creme wanted to see if she could learn more about her companion. Smiling as she was offered a spot next to Blush, she graciously took it, finding it much more comfortable than her seat on the way here. "You seem so comfortable here." She said with a small smile, "Are you used to going to parties like this?" She asked, tilting her head. That wouldn't surprise Creme at all, with the grace that she seemed to exude.

As the door closed, her attention was quickly drawn to the Lord. She felt small just looking at him. As soon as he started speaking, she put her hands over her mouth, horrified at what he was saying. It was horrible in the first place that somebody was here who wasn't supposed to be, but that he seemed intent of killing the person who wasn't supposed to be here. A look of worry crossed her fac as she looked over to Blush, hoping for some kind of reassurance that everything would be okay. In any case, it sounded like she'd be stuck here until the intruder was found. She nodded mutely at the Lord, all the blood run out of her face, leaving her pale as could be.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by mnkee
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mnkee *Retired Account

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Madam Mauve
Location: Shadowell Manor - Grand Vestibule (B8)
Skills: N/A
Hit Points: 3

Out of the corner of her eye, Mauve saw the gentleman from earlier, whom had introduced himself as Master Tack, approach her and the gentleman currently on her arm. She gave a small incoherent sound in response to his dry humor but otherwise paid him little mind. Something in the atmosphere just felt off, and a mere few seconds later, her suspicions were confirmed as she heard the sound of a lock clicking into place. Her jaw clenched, and she raised her chin up as the butler opened the double doors to reveal a tall man in impeccable attire. The man was presumably the lord of the manor, yet she refused to flinch as his gaze locked on her before moving on to the next person.

As the man's words that they were not invited cut through the air, her blue eyes seemed to darken to something more reminiscent of obsidian. She drank in the rest of the man's bluntly spoken words and considered there readily apparent implications. It would seem that free will and a sense of control had been snatched out from under her, and she didn't like it, not one bit. Her jaw clenched, and her nostrils flared slightly underneath her mask. She was almost certain that the blackmailer Ardad Lili was the culprit here. As such, she had no real qualms with the Ambesires. They were surely doing what they must to seek out justice, or perhaps it was vengeance, for this unseemly invasion. The distinction mattered little to her. Whatever the case, one thing was certain. The trickster would have hell to pay if Mauve had any say about it. She took in a deep breath to regain her composure before speaking, "Indeed, m'lord. Crystal clear."
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Lady Absinthia
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Lady Absinthia ⚘ Blossoming ⚘

Member Seen 4 days ago

Mr. Titian
Location: Shadowell Manor: Grand Vestibule (E2)
Skills: Intelligence
Hit Points: 4

Well that was a shit storm of information he wasn't wanting to hear. Glancing over towards Walnut he grinned slightly as the one with the cane spoke and asked a question. "Not out the front that's fer sure," he said under his breath. Rolling his neck slightly he glanced at the others. Some were just there and not acknowledging out loud. Some where. Some where saying a mouth full. "Think we found him," he chuckled as he knelt down on one knee to get more on even line of sight of Professor Walnut. As much as he could have enjoyed the previous situation it probably wasn't the best idea to stay like that. Okay, it wasn't the worst either.

Resting a hand on the arm of the chair he looked back at their involuntary host. So they were not invited by sourpuss face over there. Maybe he should just say screw it and remove the mask but hey, what fun would that be? Then something crossed his mind and well, Titian decided to pose a question of his own. Not so much to the man of the manor but to everyone else. "Well ain't this fun, seems we all pissed in someone's porridge." He laughed a bit and shrugged his shoulders, his grin was broad and he seemed to be finding the entire situation rather funny. Looking back at Walnut he winked in her direction.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Ciaran
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Ciaran Lord's Blade

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Master Tack
Location: Grand Vestibule, C7
Skills: N/A
Hit Points: 5

Master Tack's litle joke got very little reaction from the people he adressed. Disappointing, but fair, given the circumstances.

The gentleman who had now entered immediately interested Master Tack. Like both himself and Mauve, the lord of the manor was dressed in black and red. Tack could've sworn he could hear the twin sisters, Fate and Fortune, laughing at their little joke to his expense. Anyway, the lord seemed to have a powerful air about him, despite not having a very impressive physique or build, as though he were used to authority and knew how to command respect. Reasonably handsome, too, for someone of his age. Overall Tack had a positive but somewhat intimidated first impression of the man, and especially considering the influence this lord wielded, decided it would be best to do as he was told while he was present here.

Still, the lord's appearance was not anywhere near as interesting as the words he spoke. According to him, they had all been manipulated like marionettes by whoever had sent those invitations, and so he had made the logical decision of keeping them all here, in the aim of discovering who was behind this. And so they were trapped in Shadowell Manor, with the only way out they knew of leading to instantaneous death. Which of course, the lord reminded them of.

It was a distressing thought that so many people could have been caught in the net that the mysterious Ardad Lily had thrown. Had they all been forced here the same way he had, by blackmail? If so, how had Lily discovered so many secrets? Surely, it would require huge amounts of resources to gain access to such personal information. And clearly, the money wasn't the important part. For some reason, Ardad Lily wanted this particular band of very specific strangers all gathered at one place, in the home of Lord Ambesire. Why? Well, Master Tack wanted to know, but he didn't think he could find out alone. Cooperation would make success more likely. And so, though he did not speak a word, he nodded deeply, the slowness of the movement making it seem almost like a bow.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Morose
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Morose ✨Krakoan Princess✨

Member Seen 24 hrs ago

Professor Walnut
Location: Shadowell Manor: Grand Vestibule (E1)
Skills: N/A
Hit Points: 4

Walnut was silent, breathing in the words of the manor's lord. They had not been invited by the Ambesires then - the news was certainly something of a shock. Yet as she recalled the exact invitation she had received, along with the callous treatment of the guards towards safety and wellbeing, there was a certain logic to it. Unless Ardad Lili was themselves an Ambesire, why should they receive an invitation such as that? She felt a bit of inner anger at not having come to that conclusion herself. She was better than that, smarter than that.

Yet now was not the time for inner contemplation. She had to admit, she did adore the aesthetics of this entire situation, as grim as it might be. It did make her wonder what happened to the individual that left early - had they been dispatched of? Titian's amusement was proving to be slightly contagious and Walnut relaxed in her seat, letting out any tension in her body that had formed. She had just given the lord a simple nod - there were too many verbal affirmations for her taste. "How terrible of us," Walnut whispered back to Titian.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by BlueSky44
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BlueSky44 Tech Monkey

Member Seen 2 days ago

Sister Penance
Location: Shadowell Manor: Front of Manor Outside -> Grand Vestibule (F6)
Skills: N/A
Hit Points: 4

Penance looked at the others when they entered, before looking over at the man who seemed to be the owner of the manor. His facial expression was an interesting one, not one she would have expected from someone hosting a party of sorts, but she thought nothing of it. He probably was having a really bad day or something. She was interested to hear what he would say to address everyone, and was a little eager to see what this whole part was fully about anyway.

His words though, that was not something that she had expected. They hadn't been invited to the manor at all? What was the meaning of that supposed to be? They had all gone there for no reason then if that was the case. It had all been for nothing, as she couldn't think of where the one who had caused all of this could be. They had been tricked by someone, that was for sure, but the idea that they were stuck there until he figured out who it was was definitely an interesting one. Sure, they likely could all die, but it would definitely be a bit of an adventure to find out!
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by FantasyChic
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FantasyChic Poptarts and Glitter

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Debutante Blush
Location: Shadowell Manor: Grand Vestibule (C9)
Skills: N/A
Hit Points: 4

Debutante Blush gave a modest chuckle. "Oh petal, it is all about how you carry and present oneself. It allows you to control the room, as it were. Some people just radiate certain energies. I happen to give off that vibe. Though I have been to a few parties, none quite like this. No, petal, there is something more here. I am quite looking forward to it though." And, as if on cue, a man entered the scene. His demeanour left little to be desired, but his words carried with them something macabre and...dark perhaps?

As the man spoke, Blush The man spoke as if they were all here by happenstance, or that it was a mistake, but she had her invitation, as did the others she assumed, so nothing was amiss. Well, nothing obvious, in any case. The others seemed to take to him and give him a title and everything. Did they not hear the veiled threat? Still, perhaps it was best to play along. After all, she had come and she was here now. "Yes, my lord. I, for one, am looking forward to this."

And in the back of her mind, little pinwheels were turning. It seemed the night had only just begun.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Congee

Congee best served hot | perpetually bored

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Madam Envy
Location: Shadowell Manor Outside > Grand Vestibule (D2)
Hit Points: 6

Madam Envy knew it was rather strange at the very beginning. Of course they were not invited in the sense of the usual pompous gathering the nobility seems to be so fond of. The moment that invitation landed on her gentle yet calloused hands by the rather shady fellow that delivered it to her, a quick look at it had sent all the wrong signals to her. She did have a right to be suspicious about it, as it did came out of the blue in the first place, but also just way before a deep secret has somehow leaked through the cracks, and none else had known about it till know. The man was firm with his words, and his clothing was rather extravagant she'll give him that, Madam Envy had nothing else to say but nodded firmly in return. For now she would like to observe, to see what illusive and intricate tricks are there for them to perform for this Ardad Lili.

Althroughout her mind wandered what is really in stored for them here. She had to keep herself focused around here, around these people. Who knew one of them could be an assassin in the disguise , or what not. Her previous feelings of tension slowly returned, and she knew to trust her gut whenever something suspicious is going on. Perhaps the woman in the flying chair earlier was just the very beginning of it, she braced that there will be more. All convoluting thoughts came in to one straight conclusion; some of them, even herself, may possibly never come out of here alive.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Lady Absinthia
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Lady Absinthia ⚘ Blossoming ⚘

Member Seen 4 days ago

𝕋he π•Žest π•Žing

It seemed on the surface that everyone was on the same page, at least where understanding of the simple fact he had no qualms having any of them killed. "That will be up to circumstance," Lord Ambesire stated flatly. He was about to say more when it seemed that someone felt it would be a good time to break out into verse. The brow over the man right eye rose slightly as he looked too the man standing back by the door. There was a slow single shake of the head. The butler closed his eyes for a moment and breathed out sharply before opening them again. He leaned into the Lords ear and spoke in hushed tones. Lord Ambesire shook his head slightly and held a single palm up before turning his attention back to the group.

"I do not like guests in my home, especially uninvited ones. I have invited guests arriving shortly that will be taking up the vast majority of rooms I am willing to let." Looking down at the invitations he read over them. "And it seems none of you were invited for a single eve. Just the ball itself. So that will take care of housing concerns."

"The weather sir," the butler said as he eyes went towards the front windows.

"Yes Jasper, keen observation. Perhaps the servants quarters below us would do well enough for them." There was another lean in and a few more hushed words spoken between the two of them. "Yes, that would be prudent, thank you Jasper, tend to the arrangements." Jasper nodded and stepped back towards the door and then waited. Lord Ambesire looked back towards the group. "We will see how this evening goes, perhaps you will stay the evening, for now you are here and I will see where that takes us," he said before turning and heading for the door that lead further into the manor. Stopping and looking back at the group. "Whomever rid me of one more mouth to feed this evening, you have my gratitude," he added before leaving the room.

As he left Jasper finally addressed the group once more. "The rooms on the east wing are my domain, the Servants Wing. You are to refrain from entering. The rooms on the west wing and behind us are open to you currently. Remain on this floor until summoned elsewhere. Dismissed for now," he said as he pushed the main double doors open and headed through them. "Oh no you don't Lady Analia, back up those stairs this instant," he said with a wave of his hands. Nothing could be seen but there was a huff that could be heard from the stairs that grew silent as feet went up to higher levels in the manor.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Lady Absinthia
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Lady Absinthia ⚘ Blossoming ⚘

Member Seen 4 days ago

Chanteuse Amaranthine
Location: Shadowell Manor: Grand Vestibule (E9) -> Breakfast Room
Skills: N/A
Hit Points: 4

It seemed the question of where they were to go from here was answered by the Lord of the Manor. Amaranthine looked up slowly and swallowed. "I am not going that way," she said quietly once Lord Ambesire left the room and the butler known as Jasper had filled them in on where they were going. They could go anywhere in the West Wing, that was good, it meant she didn't have to go following after the two men. Even if she did hear words she didn't strain to try to figure them out.

Standing up slowly, she grasped her instrument and kept her satchel held tight against her chest. There was a door to her right but that was closed off. The door across from her however was supposed to be open. Looking over towards Dr. Swamp, there was a timid smile from under her mask. "Will try that door," she said motioning slightly before walking across the open space and towards the other door on the west side of the room. Placing a hand on it she opened it and let out a sigh of relief.

A heavy smell of freshly cut fruit and drink wafted from the room into the Grand Vestibule. A smile brightened on her dark lips as she stepped in. A lovely spread was laid out as she walked into the room and cleared the door way so that she was not in the way of others. Walking by the long table the reached out and picked up a single small slice of cheese. Looking at it for a long time she finally took a bite and sighed. It was tart and creamy on her tongue.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Sigil
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Sigil Literary Hatchetman

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

Dr. Swamp
Location: Shadowell Manor: Grand Vestibule (E9) -> Breakfast Room
Skills: N/A
Hit Points: 4

Keen, artist's eyes scanned the crowd of people for reactions to the Lord's imposing declaration. It was much as he expected. In his own way, Dr. Swamp knew people inside and out. Some would always remain a mystery. But some mysteries were made to be puzzled out. A good example of this would be why they had all been summoned to this potentially hostile place. As soon as the Lord of the Manor closed the doors behind him, the Doctor took assisted steps in the wake of Chanteuse Amaranthine. His cane made soft tapping sounds across the floor as he made his way, like she did, into the room through the door to the west.

After viewing the excellent repast set out within the room, Swamp realized that he had a polite interest in putting something into his stomach. Initial reaction made him take a step toward the tables, but prudence slowed him. Specifically, the prudence shown by Amaranthine. He nodded soberly and mimicked her actions, selecting a piece of fruit for himself and giving it a thorough look before taking a small bite for himself. Curiously, the incident with the railed steam vehicle was on his mind.

As he waited to see if any unknown factors presented themselves from within the fruit, Dr. Swamp took in his surroundings. Light to moderate refreshment set out as if for expected company, windows that faced the exterior and an inner courtyard, and a grand fireplace crackling against the chill season. Sparing a glance to the young lady in the room with him, he spoke quietly, "You are right to be concerned, Miss." The Doctor shook is head, trying to clear some of his negativity away, "That is a violin case, correct? I'm fond of music, myself. When my work allows, I mean to say. Might you favor us with a song later?" He caught himself before continuing, "I don't mean to impose."
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by rivaan
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Member Seen 4 hrs ago

Prima Rave
Location: Shadowell Manor:Grand Vestibule (B2)->Breakfast Room
Skills: Perception
Hit Points: 6

They were so damned screwed and Prima Rave was really distressed about this little fact! How will they manage to get away from this was something she dreaded to even think about. The fact their 'host' was so nice and thankful for a death already, or at least she assumed that's what he had in mind, was beyond her! She was well aware her own arrival here was probably to deal with the one who held her secret, but still! Deaths were not something casual!

Luckily the scary host finally moved away, allowing her to take a breath of relief as the Jasper fellow started explaining where they were and were not allowed to wander at the mansion for this very moment. She subconsciously nodded as they were finally left to do their own thing in the meantime. Well this was bound to end badly, she was sure.

One of the other women opened a door to west which thankfully led to a nice looking hall which held some foodstuffs. She held her breath and quickly followed after that woman into the room. It was a nice room, the smell of foodstuffs would probably have been refreshing and pleasant, had her mind not been occupied with other ever more concerning and cautious thoughts about their possible fate of being dog feed! She also studied the man who had also entered the room just before her. The doctor acting fellow who had tried to help that rocketing woman from earlier. Rave vaguely wondered if he was a real doctor!

Still her main focus of attention was the Breakfast Room. She studied it like her life depended on it! Taking in every corner of the place, every nook and cranny she could spot, every piece of food or furniture and carefully tried to find anything of interest about it, but despite all or maybe for the best of, she couldn't find any trace of abnormality or curiosity. Thus she also decided to take example in the others and take something little to eat. Her choice fell into a fruit also. She selected a piece and slowly brought it to her mouth, taking a bite from it. As she did so, her eyes fell into the windows at what probably was a courtyard of some variety. She now started to wonder about it too, so she decided to start making her way to the window.
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