Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Lady Absinthia
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Lady Absinthia ⚘ Blossoming ⚘

Member Seen 28 days ago

Chanteuse Amaranthine
Location: Shadowell Manor: Music Room
Skills: Charisma
Hit Points: 4

There was a hint of a smile as the newly self presented man introduced himself. Her hands resting on her instrument case she gave a slight nod of greeting towards him before she spoke in a soft voice. "Oh um, thank you. I am to be called Chanteuse Amaranthine." Taking a breath she watched as Doctor Swamp came closer to her. Her head tilting up at his hushed words and she stiffened slightly. Her eyes darting down towards her instrument and then to the satchel in which she carried with her. Her tongue slipped from behind her lips and ran over them. "Yes, of course."

Swallowing slightly, her throat bouncing with the muscles along her throat she laid the satchel on top of the piano her head cocking slightly to the words behind her. Her eyes moved from Swamp to Cobalt and back again before they rolled down to the case and she flipped the securings up. Gingerly she lifted the lid and laid it back. Inside laid a violin of ornate design and worn appearance, yet that was all things in Rutas Mu and instruments were a rare commodity. Retrieving it with a delicate hand and the bow that laid in the top of the case her eyes went to Justice Cobalt's. "If you don't mind," she said, trying to ensure that at least one other would not mind a quick piece of music, "that I repay a kind gesture from the doctor that is."
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Morose
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Morose ✨Krakoan Princess✨

Member Seen 1 hr ago

Professor Walnut
Location: Shadowell Manor: Central Hall -> Starry Salon
Skills: N/A
Hit Points: 4
Walnut couldn't help but feel disappointed. Why hadn't these people gone off with the rest of the pack as well? She longed for the silence of an empty room, quiet enough that she could hear her own beating heart. Yet to add insult to injury, one of the mongrels decided to come and speak with them. Her method of deriving pain through suffering - if she did such a thing - were her own. "Perhaps I ought to give you some special treatment," Walnut quipped, looking at her with a steady gaze.

She nodded, taking Titian's arm as she ventured forward with him, leaving the central hall for the aptly named starry salon. There was a genuine smile on her face as she took it in, looking around at the exquisite decorations. She would quite like to have a room of her own like this. Perhaps one day she would. "Doesn't the ceiling look like the falling snow would just overwhelm you?" Walnut whispered, enjoying the exotic atmosphere. What was damn cheery for some was exquisite for the others - just as what is normal for the spider is chaos for the fly.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by BlueSky44
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BlueSky44 Tech Monkey

Member Seen 2 days ago

Sister Penance
Location: Shadowell Manor: Central Hall
Skills: N/A
Hit Points: 4

Penance turned to look at the man who had entered the room behind her, not too sure what to make of him. His choice of clothes were interesting to say the least, and she was slightly surprised that he had spoken to her. After all, she had been perfectly fine not talking much to anyone, just wandering here and there throughout the manor was what her plan had been. Though she couldn't be rude, so she knew that she should answer him in some way, whether it appeared to be rude or not had yet to be seen.

She gave him a slight smile, "It is a pleasure to meet you Master Tack," she said, a little glad to hear him call her pretty. His name or whatever you wanted to call it was a slightly strange one to say, but it didn't matter, she might be able to find some way to benefit from this interaction. "You may call me Sister Penance," she add, not sure what else to really say to the man, for the moment anyway.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Sigil
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Sigil Literary Hatchetman

Member Seen 6 hrs ago

Dr. Swamp
Location: Shadowell Manor: Music Room
Skills: N/A
Hit Points: 4

The man in the long-nosed mask had just identified himself as Master Plum through use of simple poetry. He had done so in response the Lord of the Manor, as well. This earned a cautioned eyebrow arch in his direction. It reinforced Dr. Swamp's first impression that he was a performer, though the continued use of lyrical meter suggested an imbalance. Or a game of some kind he was playing at for purposes all his own. Swamp gave a polite but silent nod of his head to follow, acknowledging the man's presence before turning his attention elsewhere.

"It is a lovely instrument." he spoke quietly to Amaranthine. He was unaware of exactly how his voice must seem, coming from behind the osseous, avian-esque mask he had chosen for the event. "I do very much enjoy music, when I have the time for it." And indeed, threat of looming expiration aside, the really only had time anymore. How much of it remained to be seen. Dr. Swamp rested his hands on his cane in front of himself and marveled in the fact that he was actually waiting with some anticipation the notes which were to follow.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Romero
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Romero Prince of Darkness

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Justice Cobalt
Location:Shadowell Manor: Music Room
Skills: N/A
Hit Points: 6

So her name was Chanteuse Amaranthine. It had a certain musical ring to it that Cobalt couldn't help but enjoy as he turned it over in his head. Unfortunately, the character that was quickly becoming his apparent companion for the evening had followed him into the Music Room, and began to speak to the woman that Cobalt had turned his attention to. A sarcastic smirk crossed Cobalt's face for a moment, it would appear that behind the bird-faced mask there was apparently a beating heart, and one that seemed to yearn for this Chanteuse. What fun.

Cobalt opened his mouth to speak, but before he could, another voice joined the small group's conversation. In verse, apparently. And another bird no less, Cobalt was quickly beginning to worry he had inadvertently stumbled into some bizarre aviary. Turning to take a better look at the new entrant, he saw that he could have been closer to the truth than he thought. A raven perched on the mans shoulder, and he did not know if it was the beady eyes of the bird, or the blue-green eyes peering from behind the beaked mask, but something about the other man deeply unsettled Cobalt. Turning back to the more pleasing sight of Amaranthine, he did what he could to push the flock of birds from his thoughts. As luck would have it, she addressed him, even if it was about the good 'doctor'. He smiled as she spoke, holding out his hands as he nodded.

"Of course not, madam. It would be my honour to witness your talent."
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Natsu
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Natsu Weierstrass Personified

Member Seen 21 days ago

Miss Creme
Location: Grand Vestibule (D9) -> Breakfast Room
Skills: N/A
Hit Points: 3

Creme quickly followed behind Blush, nodding along at her words. It would be a long night, and anything they could do to pass the time would be welcomed. As they stepped into the breakfast room, she noted that several others had also ventured here. Sticking close to Blush, she nodded. It'd been a very long day, and she could use something to eat. "But Miss, I don't know how fitting it would be for us to help ourselves to our host's food." She said, her face turning into a small frown. She didn't want to impose any more than they surely already were, especially with a stowaway somewhere here. It'd be much safer to er on the side of caution, and lay low.

Her hands behind her back, she looked at the others in the room. None of them seemed to give her a bad feeling, nothing like tat one man from earlier. They all seemed quite alright. She gave a small, quiet smile at them, but said nothing. Shifting a little more behind Blush, she looked up at her and said quietly, "And after hearing the Lord talk, I don't know how much we should trust anything he gives us." She didn't like assuming that the Lord would go out of his way to poison them, but again, she thought it wisest to prioritize her safety. Especially after hearing how the Lord addressed them, she figured he had something akin to contempt for them.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Ciaran
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Ciaran Lord's Blade

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Master Tack
Location: Central Hall
Skills: N/A
Hit Points: 5

Madame Mauve, and now Sister Pennance. Neither had given a first name, only a title, entirely similar to the name he himself had been given, 'Master Tack'. And so it occured to Master Tack that it was reasonably likely that not only were these not real names, as in his case, but also that they had all been assigned in a similar manner to his own, and by the same person, or group of people. A running theme would almost never occur by accident - only a person or group of people intentionally doing so would make sense. Of course, it could just have been that the ladies had decided not to tell him their first name, perhaps out of a sense of propriety or somesuch. It didn't matter so much anyway, though, because there was a simple way to work around it:

"And how about a first name?" he asked, smiling warmly. "Accept my deepest apologies if I seem forward, but I am afraid I simply could not live with missing an opportunity to get to know one such as yourself."

Master Tack was keenly interested in the answer to this question. If it supported his theory, then it could help him find out what was happening and potentially get him out alive when otherwise he might not. There was a lot he didn't understand, but a lot he could learn here. If everyone here had been assigned these aliases by one person or group, then it was likely that these aliases had been established in a similar manner, for similar reasons. It could mean that they had all been contacted by Ardad Lily. It could mean that they had all been blackmailed into arriving here. And there had to be something to blackmail them with, hadn't there? So it could mean that he was trapped in a building full of murderers and psychopaths.

Depending on Sister Pennance's answer to his question, he might not be able to trust anyone.
Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by mnkee
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mnkee *Retired Account

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Madam Mauve
Location: Shadowell Manor - Breakfast Room
Skills: N/A
Hit Points: 3

The smirk that had been on her features only a second ago soon faded as she stopped before the window and gazed out at the courtyard. She tilted her head a bit to the side as if lost in thought. A glint of something danced in her dark blue eyes as she fingered the edges of her sleek black hair. She eventually let out a small scoff, her eyes darkening with displeasure. Her hand soon fell back to her side as she heard a nervous greeting off to her side, and she straightened before somewhat casually looking over at the woman. She gave the woman a quick onceover, taking in her nervous demeanor and her interesting choice of attire in particular. She pivoted slightly on her heels to fully face the woman before speaking, "Madam Mauve. How do you do?"

Her head turned to follow the sound of an unknown man's voice. Her gaze similarly took in the man, who had introduced himself as Captain Moss. She gave him a onceover like as she had done to the woman, though perhaps her gaze lingered a bit more with the man. She glanced back over at Prima Rave as the woman spoke up again. The woman's comment, though not necessarily meant to be intentionally funny, nevertheless elicited a chuckle from Mauve. "Now that's one way to put it," she remarked amusedly, before looking back over at Captain Moss. She let out a small sigh as the man inquired about their thoughts on this event. She gave a slight shrug of her shoulders before leisurely strolling around the room, running her fingers lightly over the table and the walls. She glanced back over at the door she had entered in as some newcomers joined them in the room, but her attention otherwise went back to the Captain. "What is there really to say? We were screwed over," she stated with surprising bluntness. She eventually halted her little tour of the room to stop beside the man. Looking down at him, she added, "Whatever the case, I intend to make the most of it."
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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by FantasyChic
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FantasyChic Poptarts and Glitter

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Debutante Blush
Location: Shadowell Manor: Breakfast Room
Skills: N/A
Hit Points: 4

While Miss Creme's concerns were valid, Blush was still in the mood for some food. And surely if they were expected to be here overnight he wouldn't let them go hungry. "Oh pish, what is life without some sense of adventure, petal. I can assure you, I will make sure no harm comes to your fine self. Not while I am here." Blush glanced at the others who were in the room, making introductions and what not and she became aware that none have bothered to meet with her.

Well that simply would not do. "I am Debutante Blush, by the way, lovelies and this delicate flower with me is Miss Creme. So delighted to make your acquaintances on this night. Oh what a lovely spread this is! Come, petal, I am sure this food will not be missed if a morsel or two is consumed." With that, Blush helped herself to some of the fruit arranged. It was as if bliss itself entered her mouth and danced along her tongue. Her expression shared her thought.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by rivaan
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Member Seen 7 hrs ago

Prima Rave
Location: Shadowell Manor:Breakfast Room
Skills: N/A
Hit Points: 6

β€œIt's a pleasure, Captain Moss, Mis... Madam Mauve.” She replied to Captain Moss and Madam Mauve as they introduced themselves. Prima Rave tried to remember them, though this being some kind of alias, she supposed that it probably wouldn't be much of use outside of this manor. It probably was not of use even in here since most people didn't know each other and frankly they could in theory always deny being named the alias. Still it was better than nothing to at least have some name to put to a visage.

β€œIs it bad premonition to say I don't think it will end well?” Prima Rave asked, Moss in return when he asked for the opinion of the others in the room. She liked to think of herself as a careful person and her decision to attend here was one she thought of as a gamble at best. Now it seemed she was not going to win said gamble, given the start of the night. There was a dead person already, no one seemed to care and now they were informed that the invitations were fake! This screamed that it was going to turn bad real soon! She threw a glance at the newcomers and smiled friendly at them.” Hello. Nice to meet you two. I'm Prima Rave.” She greeted them, still smiling.

It was nice to do some pleasantries and be friendly with people after getting that cold shower earlier. A nice enough way to pull one's mind away from probable doom in the imminent future. She then looked around again, thinking about a few different things before she looked to the window again. This place was pretty darn big. She wondered what else was there to see.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by The Grey Dust
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The Grey Dust The / Grey

Member Seen 5 hrs ago

Master Plum
Location: Shadowell Manor: Music Room (Western Door) -> Music Room (Northwestern Corner Chair)
Skills: N/a
Hit Points: 6

A collector's piece indeed,
Every detail exactly carved embed,
She spoke not to me or my friend,
Your viol whining, by your fiddle bow is led,
Will you still play, when all the rest of us are dead?

It seemed to go well, flitting in and out as a fitting shadow. None of the trio had so far had reason for quarrel, a doctor, a musican, and a Casanova if such a lordly tramp could be called one. Would Master Plum find them eager to strike a compact? A deal where they would agree to a non-aggression treaty between all involved in a mutual understanding that they would prefer to stay away from the Lord of the Manor's wrath. But to do so so soon, was it wise to possibly implicate oneself as a person of interest? He had already isolated himself by his mannerisms, perhaps a blessing as to not entangle himself to heavily into the arms of possibly armed strangers. That said, to be alone in such a dilemma was also to be the hanged man pulling his own rope in self-harm...

"Poisoned are we but I know,
Music makes us an antidote:
One Lady rubs fiddle with bow,
Three gentlemen taking notes.
Miss or Madam if I may urge,
Play us not a fateful dirge."

Sliding from the doorway and taking the near chair as the other men stood. Alas, Master Plum had snatched the seat in spite of the beaked doctor. Perhaps to take dominion of the corner chair away from one who would sit his derriere upon such a throne. For here he could watch all three more easily, turning his head all the slight left. His right blue eye icy and gazing at the lot, and the left green eye a mesmerizing shade of jade turned towards his bird. The raven on his shoulder hopping down from the master's perch and resting on a reclined falconry forearm.
Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by Congee

Congee best served hot | perpetually bored

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Madam Envy
Location: Shadowell Manor: Central Hall > Grand vestibule
Hit Points: 6

Madam Envy let out a quiet chuckle, sipping through her wooden filter, the faint smoke of her cigarette slightly envelopes her. "Fair enough." she replied to the other jaunty fellow. The other one let a lingering gaze after speaking, an attempt a threat, or a childish jest mayhap. Madam envy returned her look, and smiled under her mask, "That's cute. " with another sip and blow, she eyed the pair took their leave. She is left alone with other two people, she could only guess if these two are planning to pair up too. It may seem to look like it.

he would have initially gone out and stayed in the courtyard today but the feeling of thirst suddenly changed her mind. She decides to drop by the music room for some drinks and food, and maybe see if no one had not dropped dead from a poisonous cookie, then she could take some for herself. After she is done with her personal musings, she would need a drink. Madam envy walked back to the grand and astounding display of the vestibule, she could not get over how beautiful this place is, certainly she can't wait to explore the rest of the rooms if they are just as equally beautfiul.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Lady Absinthia
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Lady Absinthia ⚘ Blossoming ⚘

Member Seen 28 days ago

Mr. Titian
Location: Shadowell Manor: Starry Salon -> Lunar Ballroom
Skills: N/A
Hit Points: 4

Tilting his head back his brow rose beneath his mask. "Like it could drown you," he replied before looking back down at Professor Walnut. Yet before his eyes went to her he noticed something, or more aptly someone else in the room. Turning his head his dark eyes fell on a man with icy eyes and blonde straight hair. Hadn't it been for the mans tanned skin the two would have looked like polar opposite giants as this man was nearly as tall and as broad at Titian. Nearly but not quite. He grinned a tad and motioned towards the door to their left.

"That would be the trophy room," the man said dryly. he had a pretty face but he didn't seem to be anything more than a flesh statue standing there.

There was a look of well alright on Titans face and a bit of a nod. Looking towards the double doors in front of them he grinned. "Well no time like the present," he towards Walnut before making strides towards the doors. As he reached them he pulled one open and stepped into the room. There was a balcony above him so it took a few steps to clear it and get a good look fully at the dark painted walls and the gold trim. Candles and chandeliers were light, mirrors dotting here and there, windows around the circular room. There was no fire place so it was a drastic drop in temperature in the room but still better than outside. "Damn, this place will make you pull your partner close for warmth," he chuckled as he looked towards Walnut.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Lady Absinthia
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Lady Absinthia ⚘ Blossoming ⚘

Member Seen 28 days ago

Chanteuse Amaranthine
Location: Shadowell Manor: Music Room -> Joyous Corridor
Skills: N/A
Hit Points: 4

There was the slightest of smiles that came to her lips as Amaranthine looked over towards Dr. Swamp when he complimented her instrument and perhaps even the slightest hint of pride that flickered in her eyes. "Thank you, it was a gift," she said with a lilting sigh of memory in her voice. Those dark eyes moved towards Justice Cobalt and the smiled widened a tad. It seemed he didn't mind that she should repay the kind gesture that Dr. Swamp had shown her on the ride to the house with a bit of music.

Amaranthine nodded as she brought the violin to her neck and rested her chin to it. A darkly painted bottom lip curling in to be bitten by her her front teeth lightly as she stood in thought of what to play, her eyes closing as if in dream perhaps. The bow came up and nearly brushed the strings before she heard another voice chirp in. She halted and listened. Her eyes snapping open as she came back to herself internally. Her head went left and right before lowering the violin. "The air suddenly feels..." she began to say in nearly a whisper as she took a shallow breath that caused a long awkward pause, "let out of the room."

Forcing a smile to her lips there was a look of regret that passe her features. Hurriedly she placed the violin and its mate back in the case. Closing it swiftly and gathering her things before heading towards the door closest to her. She stooped just within the door frame and glanced back at the two men in which she had been conversing. "I am terribly sorry. Perhaps when the air isn't so stifling," she said in a darkly tinted voice. There was a pause before she gave a curt nod, her eyes darting everywhere but to anyone there, and then exited the room. Heading into the corridor and heading to her right quickly for one as vertically challenged as she.
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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Morose
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Morose ✨Krakoan Princess✨

Member Seen 1 hr ago

Professor Walnut
Location: Shadowell Manor: Starry Salon -> Lunar Ballroom
Skills: N/A
Hit Points: 4

Walnut looked at Titian for a moment, considering his words. There was something dark and sinister that she felt for a moment, at the notion that the snow would not just overwhelm one's person but drown them. Altogether, there were worse ways to meet one's end. The irritating woman from earlier had experienced one of them, shot into the sky by her own chair and then smashed into the ground below. Walnut had little doubt that the woman would have greatly preferred to be drowned by snow as an alternative demise.

As they entered the ballroom, Walnut followed after Titian as he opened the door, she noticed the palpable drop in temperature. Was that its intended purpose - to force couples to dance closely? She felt the cold as if it crawled up her skin, her pale and delicate features easily revealing her body's response to just about any change in temperature. "Curious...for a family of such apparent wealth to have a room without a fireplace for warmth," Walnut mused. "Perhaps this is where the cold and not the snow truly drowns you..."

Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Nallore
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Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

Member Online

Captain Moss
Location: Breakfast Room
Skills: N/A
Hit Points: 6

Captain Moss eyed Madame Mauve for a little bit as she stared at him a little bit and started to walk around the room, then over towards Prima Rave. "It is nice to meet the two of you." Moss said in a friendly smile as he eyed the food a little bit more as the other two ladies entered the room. He gave them both a nod as he and decided to get some food in him at least, he hadn't gotten anything to eat before leaving the previous town he was in to come here. He reached over to grab a small piece of cheese and took a bite out of it, his eyes then returned to Madame Mauve and nodded slightly towards her.

"I feel the same way, but we are all here now regardless." Captain Moss said, as he looked Rave and nodded, things most likely wouldn't end all that well for them while they were in the manor. The Lord of the manor seemed to not like them there at all since they weren't 'invited' he then stood up looking at the others"I'm going to look around the manor, anyone care to join me?" Captain Moss said, he didn't mind going alone but some company would also be nice as well.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Sigil
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Sigil Literary Hatchetman

Member Seen 6 hrs ago

Dr. Swamp
Location: Shadowell Manor: Music Room -> Joyous Corridor
Skills: N/A
Hit Points: 4

Swamp looked from the man in brassy devil mask to the man in the beaked Venetian mask, then back again. Beneath his own facial covering of what appeared to be worked bone, the Doctor breathed a heavy, irritated sigh. He raised one hand to his face as if to pinch the bridge of his nose to avert a coming headache, momentarily forgetting that he was still, for the most part, incognito. He let out a single laugh at his own foolishness and shook his head slightly, mood returning to something near its default from earlier. Dr. Swamp rested the tip of his cane beside him on the floor with a muted tap, leaning only lightly upon it for the moment. He cleared his throat and addressed the two other man in the room with clear, solid syllables: "Gentlemen? That was disappointing. Excuse me."

The tap of his cane sounded alongside his footfalls as he made his way out of the western door and into the Joyous Corridor. He swung the door closed behind him, realizing full well that it would not actually prevent anyone from following. It did afford the slightest inclination of privacy, even if it was merely the appearance of it. He cleared his throat again, hoping to acquire the Chanteuse's attention. "Please accept my..." he enunciated the next word a hair more slowly, as if not fully familiar with the use of it, "...apologies..." Nailed it. "...for my part in this. And please do not feel that you owe me anything, Chanteuse. Your music is yours. If you prefer to be alone or in differing company, I will take my leave without ill intention. Otherwise, I might suggest that we explore what places we are allowed in the time available." Absently, the good doctor adjusted the artistically crafted metallic flower on his lapel. Nervous habit, perhaps, or a strenuous desire to keep things on his person ordered; only he could say.
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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by BlueSky44
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BlueSky44 Tech Monkey

Member Seen 2 days ago

Sister Penance
Location: Shadowell Manor: Central Hall
Skills: N/A
Hit Points: 4

"Well kind sir... Master Tack as you have introduced yourself. I believe that I don't know you well enough to even consider giving you my first name. Apologies if that may sound a bit rude, but it is simply the truth," she said with a slight smile. Penance didn't really care too much about the way things seemed to be going, but it was nice, and even a little bit pleasant, to converse with someone else. He was the first person to talk to her aside from the owner of the manor and he had addressed everyone.

"And if I may be so inclined to point out. You ask me for a first name, yet you never gave me yours," she said, giggling slightly at him. Why did the man expect her to answer that question, when he hadn't even introduced himself with a first name? It did not make too much sense in her mind, but it couldn't be avoided too much. How could someone ask a question that they hadn't already answered for themselves? It was slightly rude in her opinion.
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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Romero
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Romero Prince of Darkness

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Justice Cobalt
Location:Shadowell Manor: Music Room -> Joyous Corridor
Skills: N/A
Hit Points: 6

How disappointing. Cobalt could only watch as Amaranthine seemed to lose her nerve, hurriedly packing away her instrument again, and fleeing the room. No doubt partly due to the frustratingly persistent verse-spouting bird-faced man that had followed the group into the room. Unsurprisingly, the 'doctor' quickly followed after her, like a puppy, and Cobalt could only smirk at his leaving comment, closing the door behind him as he went.

The room did suddenly seem to posses a greater chill, and glancing at the man seated in the corner, the ravens beady eyes seeming to watch him from across the room, Cobalt decided that he didn't particularly enjoy the prospect of remaining in the room either. Forcing a smile, Cobalt nodded his head slightly towards the other man as he crossed the room, pulling the door open. It only made sense to explore the house further, if it was to be the setting of the dangerous game they were all playing, and if it meant getting away from the creature, then all the better. He hesitated, only for an instant, as he realized he didn't even know the man's name, but he didn't particularly want to spend the time to find out.

Stepping out into the corridor, Cobalt glanced around at his new surroundings. The doctor hadn't moved far, and was leering at Amaranthine, making pawing attempts at what he could only assume was... flirting? In truth, Cobalt didn't care. For now, his patience had run out with the other guests. He wanted some quiet, if only for a moment, so he turned away from the two of them, moving towards the door at the nearer end of the corridor.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by rivaan
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Member Seen 7 hrs ago

Prima Rave
Location: Shadowell Manor:Breakfast Room
Skills: N/A
Hit Points: 6

It was quite the interesting for Rave event to meet people from behind the safety of a mask. Granted all people had masks, so it wasn't really a certainty that all people were as nice as they were all presenting themselves, but she let herself enjoy it non the less. Now that there were a few people in the breakfast room and she did have a little bit of a grub, she felt a lot better. Then there was the fact that with all the heating going on, the cold from outside seemed like an illusion.' So this is how people of the highest of status live! It feels like maybe even the royalty aren't their equals.' She wondered to herself, recalling the odd details she had managed to spot since they arrived. Like the new looking clothing that their host was wearing or the weirdly grand machine they used to carry them over.

As the Moss Captain fellow expressed his desire to go exploring, Prima Rave's attention snapped back to him.” I do want to see more of the place too. Better do it now before other guests arrive.” She replied to his inquiry with a smile. Most people would spend their lives never entering this place, now that she was here, she couldn't not look around a bit. There was also the fact that knowing the place better was probably going to be beneficial to their welfare in the future. You never knew when you had to evade someone... or hide.” Shall we follow the others into the next room?” She asked, throwing a look at Captain Moss. Now that she threw a look at him, she also wondered why Captain and why Moss. Was he a ship captain? A military captain? Even if it's either or neither of the two, why exactly Moss though? She wondered who thought up the names and in what train of logic.
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