Oh my. That sounds like a terrible, terrible hell. Strength, brother @Jig. I'm just lucky it's still acceptable for me to roll around in a dorm building. But the day will soon come when I'll be feeling your pain.
@Kirah Ah, sorry to hear that, but best of luck on your interview! Good for you for being proactive. Should take a leaf out of your book, eh.
Good to hear that everyone else has been pretty alright. I'm in the same boat as you, @TheMaster99. Nothing much to complain about, thank goodness. Haha and good luck on your exam, @AuntFlavia! You're gonna kill the damn thing.
@Kirah Ah, sorry to hear that, but best of luck on your interview! Good for you for being proactive. Should take a leaf out of your book, eh.
Good to hear that everyone else has been pretty alright. I'm in the same boat as you, @TheMaster99. Nothing much to complain about, thank goodness. Haha and good luck on your exam, @AuntFlavia! You're gonna kill the damn thing.