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Poking a blocky head out of the underground den that he had taken residence in, Sketch squinted against the bright light of the sun. It was always sort of cool underground and it reminded him of the cliff face where he had once spent his life. The shadows from the earthy tunnel would cool his pelt as he slept and the warmth of the sun blazed on his pale brown pelt when he was awake. He was a tall, scrawny thing but his shoulders and hind legs held the hidden bulk of a true Skyclan cat. He often used that to his advantage while he hunted, though his mother had only taught him to hunt with Scratch, he had taught himself to hunt alone. Birds were the easiest because he could score branches that hovered high above his head and take them down with outstretched paws before they could fly away.

Today was a bird day, he hadn't quite gotten the hang of ground prey and that lead to many hungry days. He could spot a black bird picking at a mite in it's feathers and he decided that today would not be one of those days. The bird was plump and it had a glossy set of feathers, a healthy bird and a good meal. He couldn't wait until he perfected everything and he could finally gather the nerve to meet the clan that he had heard so many stories of. Maybe he would try to bring them prey as an offering, he just had to brush up on his skills before he showed face. He just had to make sure that he was the perfect warrior some day.

His pawsteps were soft and they followed each other without a sound and he almost seemed to drag his hind quarters before bunching his muscles and leaping into the air. He seemingly took flight for some time, his small body soaring through the air and his front paws stretching out smoothly before he crashed into the branch and the bird and took them all down much too quickly. The bird was killed by a swift bite to the neck and he lifted his prey with a triumph puff of his chest, his tail curling over his spine.

"Haha! Another great catch for Sketch! I live to run another day! I am the true warrior! Sketch! Sketch! Sketch!" the tom laughed with enthusiasm over his catch before settling near the mouth of his den and tearing into the bird with sharp fangs.
I'm going to get my first post for Sketch up and call it a night probably, I'm very tired. 8)
@Shurikai Aaaaa, that really makes me happy because he feels really good. Like sometimes my characters feel kind of off center and I end up too frustrated to play them but he's come out so nice.

Thank you for appreciating him <3
@Shurikai Blessu <3 I love reading your responses, Warmpaw is the loveliest character.
@LetMeDoStuff That could work for me 8) No problems here, Mallownose might have a panic attack because of the sudden collective of cats but I'm sure he'll get over it. Provided that they don't all chime together at once and chant at him.

But they're still in Riverclan right now collecting tansy, you'll have to wait some.
@ChronoBovino They're going awfully close to the border near it so that could probably work ;o I could maybe jump Sketch in there bc that's close-ish to his den.

Stonepaw's antics are highly encouraged, please help the clueless medicine cat. He's a truly confused individual.

"Good day, Sandfire, Bravefeather." he meowed to the two warriors as he passed them, their apprentices seemed to be tumbling towards the tunnel at light speed and he knew they would have to catch up with them. He liked the siblings but more than that, he liked Sandfire. Sandfire was always a kind she-cat, at least to him, they seemed to get along and he tried to offer her a "good day" whenever he could. Sometimes she got it through mouthfuls of herbs and sometimes he said it while hurrying out of camp. She was a good addition to their clan. He had heard the most amazing things of her hunting skills and he had tucked away a note to hunt with her some time so he could see them in action.

She was practically a legend as far as hunting went and though he was almost as lopsided as a badger, he was sure he could talk her into a hunting trip some time. Maybe then he'd get to have a good conversation with her and not distract her from her mentoring duties. He hadn't gone on a good late night hunting trip in some time and Warmpaw could hold the den down for him if he did. It would be good to bring prey back and good to finally get to know the she-cat who seemed to pass him glances so quickly that it made his head spin. He often wondered if there was moss in his fur or maybe blood on his muzzle from freshkill and he'd spend moments trying to clean his fur to figure out why he was suddenly so glance-worthy. He decided he'd ask her if there was something in his fur.

Warmpaw however, only had eyes for Snowpaw, he had seen the look before in many lovesick cats. He looked at her as if she had set the stars in the sky one by one and it made Mallownose stifle amusement sometimes. He understood why the young tom might like her, she was very smart and she seemed to have a good head on her shoulders. He thought it was innocent though and he didn't have the heart to confront his apprentice. If his moony eyed looks became something more or if the two seemed to become friendly then he'd poke his nose in to remind him of the code they had sworn by. It wasn't against the code to develop a crush, these things just happened sometimes but if it went beyond that then he would have to intervene.

He almost felt sorry that the young tom wouldn't ever be able to pursue Snowpaw, they would never be able to become mates some day. It was something fatherly and he knew it, Warmpaw had practically become his son over the moons that he had known him. Any father would want to see their son get his first mate but they were sworn under the same code and he had to watch out for him now. Warmpaw mentioned Puddlefoot and his jade green eyes swung to study the tom with shock before he spoke of his appreciation for Mallownose. Warmth flooded the tom and he was smiling at him before he knew it.

"Do you mean that?" he said through a throaty purr, his eyes shining as he stopped at the Riverclan border alongside his apprentice. The stepping stones were very slippery and often hard to cross but Mallownose had enough experience with it by now that he begin to cross them with careful paws. "You've been like a son to me and I'm so proud of all of your progress so far. You'll be an even better medicine cat than me someday."

Leaping off the last stone, he steadied himself and waited on his apprentice to cross. "That's not so bad, it's easy to forget where things grow but one day you'll have to travel over here without me and you've got to remember where to find the tansy. A medicine cat collecting herbs isn't a crime. A lost medicine cat-well you'll look awfully silly to whatever Riverclan patrol that stumbles across you."

Pressing forward, the white tom stuck out like a sore thumb on the grassy terrain and he moved with a collected gait. His pawsteps barely made a sound as he pressed further through the unfamiliar territory. Tansy grew closer to their camp then he would have liked but they couldn't very well chase him out for collecting an herb. "Remember to snip the stem and don't uproot it, it'll keep growing if you leave the roots. We'll just grab a few clumps and get them over the border and then we'll head towards our border closest to the Twoleg nests to collect some catmint because there shouldn't be so much of it."

Following Silverstorm, he kept himself to his thoughts because he had never been much of a talker anyhow. She was an elegant speaker but he was better left to his senses when this was concerned. Hunting was as important as fighting and it required his nose and his ears more than anything else. He could miss a mouse in the undergrowth with his eyes but not with his nose and that was what mattered. The forest rose around him as he walked and he could hear the pawsteps falling in sound with him. He could see the odd coloring of Silverstorm ahead like a flash of white in the undergrowth, as swift as a hare and probably as quick. She was a beautiful cat, he could see why his brother had been stricken by her and yet, he had trouble completely putting it together but then, he had never felt adoration himself. He thought it to be a strange affliction, it would only weaken him to fall for another cat.

It might strengthen the clan though and that bothered him more, it made him itch beneath his fur. If he had kits with another cat then they would be strong Thunderclan warriors one day, strong ambitious warriors with true honor in their blood. He just didn't want to be the mousebrain who fell head over heels for a beautiful ruddy she-cat with amber eyes- Was he thinking of Flareheart? Surely that she-cat hadn't been occupying his thoughts, surely he didn't think of her as anything other than a clanmate. A clanmate who was once a kittypet. It was too strange, he couldn't- he wished he hadn't even thought about this. She was just a clanmate, she was just an astonishing warrior-just a clanmate!

The trees were opening to the thunderpath and almost immediately he could taste Shadowclan in the air and it was enough to put him on alert. He didn't ever like the thought of Shadowclan near their land, the cats were sneaky and prone to stealing to better themselves. He disliked their scent and it made him want to spit with fury when it flooded his nose.

His fur began to prickle along his spine, his broad gray head swinging to face Silverstorm with blazing golden eyes. "You don't think those foxhearts are on our territory, do you? I'll shred their ears one by one if those thieves have taken so much as a mouse from this edge of the border."

I believe in you! 8)

It is "right now" ;o I use way too many text talk things, I don't even think about it any more.
@Shurikai I like to share info on pasts through the post and I care the most about Mallownose RN so I just won't slow down. You def don't have to try to match that, I love your posts regardless. 8)
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