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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Blizz
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Blizz Grand Chancellor Supreme of the Wizard Council

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@xXBalloonsXxtimberpaw smiled"I didn't know it would make his neck bleed anglefeather!"timberpaw said as he felt a sense of pride rush over him
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by xXBalloonsXx
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xXBalloonsXx This is my FIGHT SONG. I am STRONG.

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

"You need to be more careful! What if you really hurt Bro- Nevermind. GO ahead and grab something to eat, maybe chat with some apprentices." Angelfeather said, looking down at the apprentice.

"And who put you in charge, Angelfeather?" Brokenbranch chuckled, laughing. The brown tom fell down, laughing.

"Oh, I'll show you!" Angelfeather grinned, pouncing on BrokenBranchs belly playfully.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Blizz
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Blizz Grand Chancellor Supreme of the Wizard Council

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@xXBalloonsXx"brokenbranch if you need me, just jump up on high rock and you will be able to see where I am if you look east"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by xXBalloonsXx
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xXBalloonsXx This is my FIGHT SONG. I am STRONG.

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Brokenbranch nodded. "Alright, Good luck Tim-" He said, before laughing as Angelfeather tickled his stomach. The white and brown cats wrestled, talking to each other, challengingly.

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Blizz
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Blizz Grand Chancellor Supreme of the Wizard Council

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Timber paw bounded through thunderclan and in a few moments was out of the territory,rather he was in what remained of venomclans territory, he then stopped his run at a hill with a large tree.timberpaw gave a content sigh as he intended to stay there until midnight,for this was where he and river paw went everyday.
"River paw,I'm sorry I couldn't be there when you needed me the most,I loved you more than anything in this world, if I had a way to bring you make to us,along with all of venomclan, believe me...I would"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by ChronoBovino
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ChronoBovino Retired Cop

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@Strawberry425 @Shurikai

"Come on" he said pointing his head forward "I'll be an elder before we get there" he cheerfully mewed,Stonepaw always seemed to be cheerful except when it was something about his sister, he worried for her. Though Russetpaw did have some close friends Stonepaw still got worried for her.


Sparrowlegs turned his head to see that Honeypaw arrived "Ahh it's nice to see young apprentices caring for us older cats" he said thinking about how not only Stonepaw but Honeypaw came to see the other elders.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Apoalo
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Apoalo Harry potter Nut

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With the exception of Duskclaw, the rest of the Border Patrol was forming up at the gorse tunnel now. Silverstorm was glad the Big Tom agreed to join them, as much as she wanted Deputy she couldn't help thinking that Stormstrike would make a fine one as well, albeit a bit rough around the edges and intimidating. She greeted the rest of the patrol with smiles and of course talk, it was true Silverstorm could talk a bird into flying down and killing itself for fresh kill and she loved socializing with her clan-mates, asking how they were and what they had been up to. Offering advice on certain situations and taking advice on others, socialization was an art and Silverstorm was Picasso. She thanked the assembled cats for coming with her and with a quick wink and flash of her tail, the silver and black she-cat disappeared into the tunnel and took off towards Shadowclan border.

As she and her fellow cats sprinted through the trees Silverstorm had a mile wide smile. This was how she wanted to live every day of her life, patrolling the forest with her clan-mates and enjoying everything that nature had to give her. The whole thing was almost to good to not be a dream. She slowed her pace down, the rest of the cats catching up and she nodded at Stormstrike as he came into view. They had reached the Thunderpath, and the stink was rather overwhelming. One of the many reasons many cats were not fond of the border was the Thunderpath, but it was a responsibility to ensure the Clan's safety.

The patrol was quite routine until they came upon a weird scent. It was Shadowclan and Silverstorm was instantly on alert.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Shurikai
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Shurikai Dream Mage

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Shadowpaw had just finished his squirrel as Bravefeather approached. He had finally concocted some deviant plan to get the jump on his mentor. Literally. Now the tom was on his way over. The apprentice frowned, now he would have to wait. Though the scheme was half-baked, he was certain it would have made Bravefeather's morning.

"Would you like to go hunting with me, Sandfire, and Stonepaw?"
Of course Shadowpaw wanted to go hunting, but he couldn't just start the days errands without a little snark.
"But the fresh kill pile is fully stocked. I heard Hawkstar say he was already going to push off the hunting patrol until midday." As usual, the young cat couldn't hold a straight face and burst out laughing.
"Heck yeah, I want to go hunting!" he picked himself up and scampered toward the entrance to camp. When he heard Stonepaw's own snarky comment, he couldn't help but retort!
"It wouldn't be a far step, you already move like an elder!" the young tom bellowed out a laugh and ran ahead, but not so fast his mentor was left behind.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by ChronoBovino
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ChronoBovino Retired Cop

Member Seen 1 yr ago


Stonepaw blinked twice at Shadowpaws comeback and phased out thinking of what just happened, he turned his head to the Tom and squinted his eyes then opened them wide and said. "YOUR GONNA BE IN THAT FRESH KILLPILE WHEN I'M DONE!" he ran after Shadowpaw to see he stopped for the mentors he playfully pounced on Shadowpaw jumping off him straight after he leaped "Come on!" he said to the warriors jumping up and down.

1x Laugh Laugh
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by corrosive


Banned Seen 2 yrs ago


Following Silverstorm, he kept himself to his thoughts because he had never been much of a talker anyhow. She was an elegant speaker but he was better left to his senses when this was concerned. Hunting was as important as fighting and it required his nose and his ears more than anything else. He could miss a mouse in the undergrowth with his eyes but not with his nose and that was what mattered. The forest rose around him as he walked and he could hear the pawsteps falling in sound with him. He could see the odd coloring of Silverstorm ahead like a flash of white in the undergrowth, as swift as a hare and probably as quick. She was a beautiful cat, he could see why his brother had been stricken by her and yet, he had trouble completely putting it together but then, he had never felt adoration himself. He thought it to be a strange affliction, it would only weaken him to fall for another cat.

It might strengthen the clan though and that bothered him more, it made him itch beneath his fur. If he had kits with another cat then they would be strong Thunderclan warriors one day, strong ambitious warriors with true honor in their blood. He just didn't want to be the mousebrain who fell head over heels for a beautiful ruddy she-cat with amber eyes- Was he thinking of Flareheart? Surely that she-cat hadn't been occupying his thoughts, surely he didn't think of her as anything other than a clanmate. A clanmate who was once a kittypet. It was too strange, he couldn't- he wished he hadn't even thought about this. She was just a clanmate, she was just an astonishing warrior-just a clanmate!

The trees were opening to the thunderpath and almost immediately he could taste Shadowclan in the air and it was enough to put him on alert. He didn't ever like the thought of Shadowclan near their land, the cats were sneaky and prone to stealing to better themselves. He disliked their scent and it made him want to spit with fury when it flooded his nose.

His fur began to prickle along his spine, his broad gray head swinging to face Silverstorm with blazing golden eyes. "You don't think those foxhearts are on our territory, do you? I'll shred their ears one by one if those thieves have taken so much as a mouse from this edge of the border."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Shurikai
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Shurikai Dream Mage

Member Seen 4 yrs ago


Still laying on the ground, Warmpaw watched the heated banter between leader and queen. He frowned when the she-cat entered the nursery and he looked at Hawkstar,
"If Gingerflame starts up again, just tell her its only for precaution. It could just be the change in the weather affecting Ravencoat. Mallownose tells me that Paddletail gets this way when LeafGreen changes to Leaf-fall."

Warmpaw stood up clumsily and turned when he heard his name being called. When he saw who it was, he became stunned. Snowpaw said hello to him! He was going to shout back a greeting of his own, but she had already left. Still! The she-cat of his dreams said hi to him!

His exuberance was short lived as Mallownose had him lead the way out of camp and to Riverclan for tansy. Despite having an ever expanding memory for herb effects, he was still only two moons into his apprenticeship.. and their locations often slipped into one ear and out the other. Still, he wasn't going to admit his lack of experience in front of the clan leader, no matter how understanding he was.

With less enthusiasm, he walked over to where the camp met the forest. He stopped and looked around, then back at Mallownose to make sure his mentor was right behind him. There was no way he was going to leave camp without an adult. No way, no how. It hit him, in four moons he would be an adult. This was a frightening thought for Warmpaw and his tail drooped in response. He licked his chest in attempt to sooth himself and, once he knew for sure his mentor was with him, snaked off in the direction of Riverclan.

Of course, the young tom knew how to get to Riverclan, and Warmpaw racked his brain trying to remember where exactly the tansy could be found. He was so focused, he ended up tripping over a raised tree root. He steadied himself quickly, hoping he hadn't ruined some cats hunting with all his noise. There was no way he was going to remember where to find the tansy, so he decided to just lead on to where he remembered crossing into Riverclan last time they went out.

Warmpaw was quiet for a time, but the silence was making him uncomfortable. Plus he saw the way Mallownose had zoned out earlier. At first he wondered what he was thinking about, but one look told him enough. It was the same look he always had when he made eye contact with Puddlefoot, his father.
"I've seen the way Puddlefoot looks at you." he started. Though he was still young, he felt he understood a little bit of what the medicine cat was feeling. He wanted to make sure Mallownose knew how much he appreciated him. "You are more than just my mentor, you looked out for me in a time when I had no one. If it wasn't for you.. I might not have survived." the small cat stopped and looked at Mallownose. "You were like my father. I know Puddlefoot doesn't accept you being the medicine cat, but I think Thunderclan would be lost without your skills as a healer."

Turning back toward Riverclan, Warmpaw started walking again. While he always expressed his affection for Mallownose, this was the first time he had actually admitted to thinking of him as a father rather than that silly, scatterbrained tom of a mentor he shared a den with.

It was still well before sunhigh when they reached the Riverclan boarder. Warmpaw's tail twitched with agitation and he looked back at Mallownose.
"So, uhh.. I can't seem to remember where the tansy grows.." he smiled his sorry, "Guess I still have a lot to learn."
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by corrosive


Banned Seen 2 yrs ago


"Good day, Sandfire, Bravefeather." he meowed to the two warriors as he passed them, their apprentices seemed to be tumbling towards the tunnel at light speed and he knew they would have to catch up with them. He liked the siblings but more than that, he liked Sandfire. Sandfire was always a kind she-cat, at least to him, they seemed to get along and he tried to offer her a "good day" whenever he could. Sometimes she got it through mouthfuls of herbs and sometimes he said it while hurrying out of camp. She was a good addition to their clan. He had heard the most amazing things of her hunting skills and he had tucked away a note to hunt with her some time so he could see them in action.

She was practically a legend as far as hunting went and though he was almost as lopsided as a badger, he was sure he could talk her into a hunting trip some time. Maybe then he'd get to have a good conversation with her and not distract her from her mentoring duties. He hadn't gone on a good late night hunting trip in some time and Warmpaw could hold the den down for him if he did. It would be good to bring prey back and good to finally get to know the she-cat who seemed to pass him glances so quickly that it made his head spin. He often wondered if there was moss in his fur or maybe blood on his muzzle from freshkill and he'd spend moments trying to clean his fur to figure out why he was suddenly so glance-worthy. He decided he'd ask her if there was something in his fur.

Warmpaw however, only had eyes for Snowpaw, he had seen the look before in many lovesick cats. He looked at her as if she had set the stars in the sky one by one and it made Mallownose stifle amusement sometimes. He understood why the young tom might like her, she was very smart and she seemed to have a good head on her shoulders. He thought it was innocent though and he didn't have the heart to confront his apprentice. If his moony eyed looks became something more or if the two seemed to become friendly then he'd poke his nose in to remind him of the code they had sworn by. It wasn't against the code to develop a crush, these things just happened sometimes but if it went beyond that then he would have to intervene.

He almost felt sorry that the young tom wouldn't ever be able to pursue Snowpaw, they would never be able to become mates some day. It was something fatherly and he knew it, Warmpaw had practically become his son over the moons that he had known him. Any father would want to see their son get his first mate but they were sworn under the same code and he had to watch out for him now. Warmpaw mentioned Puddlefoot and his jade green eyes swung to study the tom with shock before he spoke of his appreciation for Mallownose. Warmth flooded the tom and he was smiling at him before he knew it.

"Do you mean that?" he said through a throaty purr, his eyes shining as he stopped at the Riverclan border alongside his apprentice. The stepping stones were very slippery and often hard to cross but Mallownose had enough experience with it by now that he begin to cross them with careful paws. "You've been like a son to me and I'm so proud of all of your progress so far. You'll be an even better medicine cat than me someday."

Leaping off the last stone, he steadied himself and waited on his apprentice to cross. "That's not so bad, it's easy to forget where things grow but one day you'll have to travel over here without me and you've got to remember where to find the tansy. A medicine cat collecting herbs isn't a crime. A lost medicine cat-well you'll look awfully silly to whatever Riverclan patrol that stumbles across you."

Pressing forward, the white tom stuck out like a sore thumb on the grassy terrain and he moved with a collected gait. His pawsteps barely made a sound as he pressed further through the unfamiliar territory. Tansy grew closer to their camp then he would have liked but they couldn't very well chase him out for collecting an herb. "Remember to snip the stem and don't uproot it, it'll keep growing if you leave the roots. We'll just grab a few clumps and get them over the border and then we'll head towards our border closest to the Twoleg nests to collect some catmint because there shouldn't be so much of it."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Jeep Wrangler
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Banned Seen 2 days ago


It was quite warm. He hated it. Warmth only drew more and more lazy clanners out into the open, drawing them closer and closer to him. He looked up, continuing his ever-lasting conversation with Frogpelt.

"And you went out hunting?" Frosbite nodded in response. "And that method you used really was the truth?" Frostbite beamed slightly, nodding once more. "Looks like you've..." Frogpelt let out a large yawn, her mouth gaping open as her missing few teeth bared. "Sorry...uh...where was I? Oh yes...Looks like you've had quite the day today..." Frostbite couldn't of felt more happy talking to Frogpelt. To him, every other clanner's personalities were too lively, too...extreme...Out of the blue, he asked Frogpelt something...

"How can they be so lively?" He was technically speaking to himself, but as it was aloud, Frogpelt took it as a question directed to her.

"How can who-what?" Her head tilted and her ears slightly raised, perking towards his question. "Who...them?" She had nodded her place towards the outside of the den. There it was moderately lively, and loud...oh so loud..."Are you...thinking about the Clan again, Frost? We talked over this at least more times than I could count all the Voles and Mice in the world..." He turned, grinning a half-smile at her famous saying. Though it quickly fell away as he nodded. It was true. Somehow whenever he wasn't around Frogpelt, he felt a sense of dismay. The two had been talking for hours now, without a Duty to be handed to Frost. His smile completely faded. "Aww...Frosty...I know how much different you are! However, that doesn't mean you are completely unlikable. You go out there this minute and get a friend, Frostbite. Go on...Mmhmm...I'm waiting." She slowly began to move Frostbite out of the den.

"H-hey! I can't just do that!" A faint hiss seeped from his mouth. "I...It is better to keep to one's self than to spread personal information...Wait..." He tried to think of the appropriate saying. He wished to be as wise as his Guardian, but also he wanted to outwit her. Something like this was a risky move...

"Don't give me that attitude! Now do as one has commanded..." She grinned, giving him one large shove outside. He almost completely skidded out, losing his balance and toppling over before making a grand halt. He sat up, turning to the Clan. What exactly was he supposed to do next?


The two padded down, almost completely out of the clear of Shadowclan territory. Birch looked at his 'Friend'. He pondered in his mind of what exactly she was taking him to see. Maybe a new kit they could steal. Or maybe he finally had gotten what he wished for and she was going to admit her affection for hi-. She stopped, turning to him and cutting off his trail of thought. Her standard half-grin re-emerged into life.

"Y'know why we are stopping here right?" Birch looked in anticipation, something exciting was coming from here. "Oh...well...since we are tormentors of the clans...we need to expand our 'Research'...in other words...why don't we try Thunderclan for once? We aren't known there for our antics, making our deeds easier..." There was a stroke of genius in this plan. Though strong with fighting, Thunderclan was known for being one of the more welcoming of clans. Rogues could easily get in for shelter and make companionship with the largest and meanest of Clanners inside. It was the perfect hunting ground...a place built for the two of them. Birch then realised what her plan was about...where it fit in and how it worked. A grin grew on his face.

"That's...genius! They won't suspect a thing!" Birch leapt around in joy. Well, sinister-joy.

"We'll tackle an apprentice, not literally, and maybe a Warrior or two. If we are lucky, we might be able to swipe a role-model of the clan...L'emme tell you this...I'm excited for this one!" The two plotted away, beginning their march around the Thunderclan territory. Step one was always involving reconnaissance. Scanning an area, scrutinizing the targets entrance and exit points. Though the killing was barbaric, there needed to be thought and consideration...well...they were about to walk straight into one of the more 'interesting' of meetings...
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by corrosive


Banned Seen 2 yrs ago


Poking a blocky head out of the underground den that he had taken residence in, Sketch squinted against the bright light of the sun. It was always sort of cool underground and it reminded him of the cliff face where he had once spent his life. The shadows from the earthy tunnel would cool his pelt as he slept and the warmth of the sun blazed on his pale brown pelt when he was awake. He was a tall, scrawny thing but his shoulders and hind legs held the hidden bulk of a true Skyclan cat. He often used that to his advantage while he hunted, though his mother had only taught him to hunt with Scratch, he had taught himself to hunt alone. Birds were the easiest because he could score branches that hovered high above his head and take them down with outstretched paws before they could fly away.

Today was a bird day, he hadn't quite gotten the hang of ground prey and that lead to many hungry days. He could spot a black bird picking at a mite in it's feathers and he decided that today would not be one of those days. The bird was plump and it had a glossy set of feathers, a healthy bird and a good meal. He couldn't wait until he perfected everything and he could finally gather the nerve to meet the clan that he had heard so many stories of. Maybe he would try to bring them prey as an offering, he just had to brush up on his skills before he showed face. He just had to make sure that he was the perfect warrior some day.

His pawsteps were soft and they followed each other without a sound and he almost seemed to drag his hind quarters before bunching his muscles and leaping into the air. He seemingly took flight for some time, his small body soaring through the air and his front paws stretching out smoothly before he crashed into the branch and the bird and took them all down much too quickly. The bird was killed by a swift bite to the neck and he lifted his prey with a triumph puff of his chest, his tail curling over his spine.

"Haha! Another great catch for Sketch! I live to run another day! I am the true warrior! Sketch! Sketch! Sketch!" the tom laughed with enthusiasm over his catch before settling near the mouth of his den and tearing into the bird with sharp fangs.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Jeep Wrangler
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Banned Seen 2 days ago


He began to pad away. He had been staring at Clanners all around for at least 15 minutes now, and that didn't really help. He sighed, soon finding himself out of the boundaries of the Clan. It was nice and peaceful for him once again. The Bliss of hearing Robins tweet all around. Truly one of Frost's better experiences with life, he continued to follow up to the Clan border. He arrived to his favourite spot, a small rock which gave a clear and perfect view of the Highrocks in the distance. There weren't that many trees in this clearing, making the ideal spot for relaxation without the feeling of isolation. Taking long deep breaths to calm himself, he relaxed. He knew if anyone were to question where he was, Frogpelt would surely tell them. It wasn't the fairest of decisions, putting him in the position of having to socialise with fellow comrades. What if he didn't need friends? He had only just been appointed a new Apprentice, being Honeypaw. That's more than he should have to deal with rather than other's feelings, right? In his tail, coiled, was what his share of the Fresh-kill pile was. He only carried a small mouse, as he wasn't the one to eat much on regular occasions. Frostbite began to chew on the food, saying a graceful thanks to Starclan once more. It was nice that he had been introduced to Starclan, or 'The Others' as he once had called them as a Kit...

His eyes were constantly fixed onto the Highrocks, dismay in his eyes. It was a grudge and sorrow that would haunt him everyday. It was only common courtesy to come here when being alone. Paying respects...He nodded after finishing his Mouse, a smile of cheerfulness had finally come back to him for once. And as he had always done, he began to talk to himself once again...

"Maybe she's right...I could start socialising...It might help with hunting. I should imagine trying the techniques with other clanners..." He followed with a quick head-shake. "No...that'd bring you down, remember. You have too much responsibility. There is no time for friends, or anyone...Just me, Frogpelt and all my duties. I can't fail Hawkstar by chatting to others..."

At that moment in time, he was driven by the idea of not having Friends as it dragged him down. There was the image in his head of Hawkstar turning him down, spotting him talking to an friend only visible in his mind. Laying back...He had to stay as responsive as possible, making sure he did what had to be done to redeem himself and to pay back the endless favours he had to bring. Though...he did feel a bit tired of having himself to talk to constantly. It bored him. Since when can you tell yourself that you did something that day, or how you found something? No...he had to stay loyal. Though...to him...it wouldn't hurt to talk to someone. Seeing as he Frostbite was never notified about by or to Hawkstar, except when he was decided to Mentor Honeypaw, so what was the point? He was endlessly scrambling around to get as much done sorted without a "Hey thanks!" from anyone, especially Hawkstar. He seemed to give his appreciation to others, but Frostbite, oooooh no. It was like as if he were just a Pawn...just an expendable Tom among strong and proud Thunderclan cats.

He shook his head. This is what spending too much time alone had done. It had messed him up. These thoughts weren't what he wanted. Though he did have a point, speaking of which. Once again, he shook his head, smiling slightly as he told himself...

"No wonder you speak to yourself...you are totally insane, Frostbite..." He jokingly chuckled to himself. "Anyway...Frogpelt is probably trying to fix-me-up a friend right this second...I bet it!" He boomed exceptionally loud to himself, standing in his tall, proud posture. Though what exactly there was to be proud of, stumbled him. Eh...oh well...just had to live his life like the way he liked. All alone in one spread out location. Perfect...

Well...surely no-one would interrupt his monologue...
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by ChronoBovino
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ChronoBovino Retired Cop

Member Seen 1 yr ago


Coochie listened to Robin and Syndey talking about Pedro, a boxerdog who lived 8 doors down (9 doors for Coochie). Coochie looked over his fence at the forest and thought of the clan cats if thier lives were as peaceful as his. That reminded him he didn't see Sketch in a while, though it was understandable because Sketch lives in a tunnel that Coochie has only seen once or twice. He went back into the house because the sun was blazing on his black and white fur. His owner sat there an old man Carl Henderson he was in his early 80's

Coochie jumped on his lap and Carl stroked him and smiled. An 1hr later Carl fell asleep so Ccochie jumped off his lap and went back out the back door you could still here the laughing noise that would play in a sitcom from the televison. Coochie decided to look for his own food he jumped the fence and walked along the dirt path out the back of the houses.

There it was a nice mouse it looked quite large, and slow enough for Coochie. He crouched as if he was a lion and he was watching his prey, he pounced and got a perfect kill. He brought mouse back to his home. The ending credits for the show were able to be heard from outside. As he chewed the mouse until finishing it he was ready to go see Sketch, then he said to himself.

"I should wait till night so Carl dosent get worried about me when he wakes up".
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Orior
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Member Seen 9 yrs ago


From her spot, the young she-cat witnessed her mentor returning from an early morning jaunt with fresh-kill. Honeypaw didn't know her mentor much more than many of the other warriors in camp; he was eccentric and, honestly, strange, but to the apprentice that mattered little. Frostbite knew how to hunt and taught her well enough. He was, however, undoubltly difficult to talk to and even more difficult to relate to. The black kept eating her breakfast as she watched her mentor disappear into the Elders' Den where she had just been herself. She knew there was no one quite like Frogpelt to the warrior, and figured she would approach him after he was done inside. He was approachable to a fault, but experience told her that it was easy to overwhelm the tom with just her presence. She wasn't sure exactly what his 'problem' was, but she herself wanted to be alone sometimes, and he treated most cats the same, so the apprentice knew better than to take offense to such behaviour from her mentor. Though, knowing better didn't always keep one from being disappointed. Frostbite and Honeypaw didn't have the warm relationship with her mentor the way some others did.

With a few last ravenous gulps of her mouse, Honeypaw finished her breakfast and and buried its remains. She sent a prayer to StarClan for its life, despite knowing whoever caught it had already done the same. Many cats had left the camp, some apprentices scamper after their mentors, and a morning patrol off to who-knows-where. Honeypaw absent-mindedly started grooming her shoulders as she waited, and debated returning to their den once more before Frostbite made himself known once more. He looked disheveled and uncomfortable, and his graceless exit from the den made his apprentice wonder if he had been kicked out. Honeypaw shifted uncomfortably on her front paws, trying to decide if she should approach him. After a few minutes the tom hadn't moved, just peered around awkwardly, and Honeypaw rose to her full meagre height and headed toward him.

A deep breathe expanded her chest as Honeypaw went to talk to her mentor, but before she could make more than a few steps passed the Warrior's Den before she was called over by a senior warrior, Spottedtail. Honeypaw bowed respectfully as the she and the warrior made small talk, and after a few idle pleasantries the warrior excused himself and Honeypaw moved on, but when she looked back, she saw only her mentor's hind-quarters disappear out of the camp entrance. She cursed herself silently, wishing she had kept paying attention. Quickly padding to the entrance, she saw neither hide nor hair of her mentor; he had been too fast for her. Retreating inside, she huffed. Frostbite was never easy to get a hold of and always seem to have his own plans. She briefly wondered how much of a mentor he was going to really turn out to be, but she shook the doubt from her head and chastised herself and her lack of faith in him. He was a hard worker and would teach her all that she needed to know. Even if making him do so was harder than catching a rabbit on the moors.

At this point, Honeypaw felt as though she had spent the morning lazing around. Hawkstar and others were walking around taking care of their own duties, and she hunched down unconsciously, not wanting to be spotted and seen as doing nothing. She didn't want to spend the day doing nothing, and wanted to ask if she could join the next hunting patrol if she could not find her mentor before then. She would have asked Ravencoat, as he usually organized such things, but she couldn't see him anywhere. SHe doubted herself, wondering if she shouldn;t bother their leader with something so insignificant as what one apprentice was could be doing. Honeypaw took a deep, steadying breath, and stood up proudly. With determined steps she trotted toward their leader, trying to not shake under her fur. However, as she got close, she realized he was talking to Duskclaw. She waited a respectful distance away for a moment, not wanting to easedrop, and only approached when there was a lull in their conversation.

"G-Good morning, Hawkstar!" She said, a bit loudly, and her ears flattened in embarrassment. She cleared her throat. "Uh... I was wondering if Frostbite didn't return by the next time a hunting party is sent out if I could join them..? O-Or should I just wait for him to return?" She had not been an apprentice long, and she didn't know if it was better for her to be proactive and ask for tasks or to wait for her mentor to return. She stood low, eyes flickering around and often resting on the leaders paws in her nervousness. She didn't want to waste his time.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Ginger Kollie
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Ginger Kollie Young Hermit

Member Seen 8 yrs ago


Hawkstar listened to Mallownose closely, remembering the incident he described all too well. It was painful losing any clan-cat member and bouts of Greencough always brought along heaps of death. The worst thing of all was watching proud and strong Thunderclan cats breakdown at the sight of their loved ones dying. The look in a Queen’s eyes when their kits lay before them, suffering from this fatal illness, is something he hopes he’ll never see again. Hopes that’ll unfortunately not come true. Meadowheart was a prime example of this. Not even Puddlefoot could console her, nothing anyone tried could even help the she-cat with her grief. It was the same for Gingerflame, when her two died last new-leaf. It was hard for him to watch his Deputy go through that with her, the Leader’s own helplessly becoming so painfully evident since all he could do was stand and watch.

Even himself was stricken with Greencough, many, many moons ago. It took one of his lives along with it, leaving him with but three lives left. He remembers that day, how the pain in his chest and fluid filled coughs tortured him for hours before Starclan took it away. Hawkstar wouldn’t wish that sort of suffering on anyone.

The sudden voice of Redwhisker sounded through his ears, making him jolt to the side sightly. He hadn’t noticed the old cat’s presence until now, and wasn’t particularly happy that he’d overheard their conversation. All he needed right now was another Greencough scare, not with all the Queens and Elders that the clan had. Mosscoat’s kits were just a few weeks old now and it wouldn’t be wise to frighten the mother of something that hadn’t even been confirmed yet. He knew from experience that stress and fear can affect a cat’s ability to carry out their duty, so it was better to not bring this to everyone’s attention. Not until Mallownose knows for sure if it’s anything to worry about, that is. He trusted the Medicine Cat and valued his opinion highly.

He was about to speak to Redwhisker himself, to sooth his fears about the possibility of Whitecough within the camp but stopped as Mallownose addressed his concerns. He stood there, looking at Redwhisker with a confident gleam as if to back up Mallownose’s words.

As the Medicine Cat made his way out of the camp, his young Apprentice following him, he heard yet another voice. Hawkstar turned, scanning the direction he had heard his name being called from. It became apparent that the voice came from Duskclaw, who was trotting nearer to him. Hawkstar rose from where he was and moved away from the entrance of the Nursery and met him halfway. He’d just about caught what the tom had ask before he finally reached him in a slow, and carefully manner. Just then, he realised, Duskclaw must have overheard Gingerflame’s yowling. With a calm, and friendly smile and a twitch of his nose, he spoke, “Yes, Duskclaw, everything’s alright.” He nodded at the tom, and sat down.

As soon as he did so, though, a young voice caught his attention. “Good morning, Honeypaw.” He replied, noticing her nervousness. Hawkstar was half expecting her to deliver him bad news, and was quietly relieved when she spoke about joining the next hunting party. Where was Frostbite? He surveyed the camp but found not even a glimpse of the tom. Remembering Silverstorm and the border patrol that she’d organised earlier, he instantly assumed that Frostbite must have been on it. It was a bit strange that he didn’t bring his Apprentice along with him though, and would have to talk to him about it later. It was a waste of time leaving Apprentices with nothing to do especially with new kits coming.

Hawkstar sighed, looking at the small she-cat in thought. “Why don’t you go and get some new bedding and moss for the Queens? If he comes back, I’ll tell him to come and find you.” He then switched his gaze towards Duskclaw. “Do you mind going with her? I’d like to have a fair amount of moss ready in case one of the Queens kit early.”
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Blizz
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Blizz Grand Chancellor Supreme of the Wizard Council

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Timberpaw had stayed at the cliff for a while now,he decided it would be time to head home."I'll be back tomorrow riverpaw."(fixing my mistake of using OC)

When Timberpaw got back he went straight to the apprentice den and waited I case brokenbranch was looking for him.Despite the fact that his dream burned in him like an inferno, Timberpaw was happy to have someone like brokenbranch as his mentor(maybe he's right,maybe he does know how I feel).
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Pink Madness
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Pink Madness

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

She looked at her mentor the to the ground "Yes it's alright...I sorry...I promise that you can have your ears, still we go back to the hunting" she meowed little bit embrassed "It's just...I hate to wait...It's just not my think" she meowed tring to calm herself, even thought she wasen't angry but she talk before thinked. "Can we go now? I starting to come a hunger..." she meowed looking at her mentor.

Redwhisker nodded at the healer, knowing that his needed to make the whitecought think as a secret from now one. He shuffled back to the elder den.
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