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The name's CosmicCowgirl, feel free to call me Cosmo or Cowgirl! ♡
♘ currently open to RPs! Pms only ♡ RT is here!
♘ MxF pairings, multi-para posts, regular replies
♘ fantasy, romance, modern, supernatural, drama, mature themes, DRAGONS always ♡

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Ooooh that's an interesting idea! :0 I'll definitely think on it, may go that route depending on what Ace says but we'll see xD Thanks for the suggestion! <3
@Ace of flames01
Hey! Finally got a chance to sit down and work on my character again but I was wondering what your thoughts were on superman-ish powers? Not on that extreme of a level lol, but if MC had like a form/state that included flight and gave her some low-level enhancements (above average strength, endurance, healing, etc.), but only while she was in that form/state, would you be cool with that as a power? 🤔 If that's still too close to 2 powers then let me know and I'll probably just stick to the psionic blades lol ;3
@cosmiccowgirl Heya thanks for your application! There will definitely need to be some changes before she can be accepted. Gifted people only have one power per individual so if you'd like to and feel like you can handle a second character, then you are more than welcome to make a second character to use the second power! There will have to be some minor changes made depending on what power you go with. As for the enhancements, those feel too close to having a third power so I would recommend scratching them out. Also the gifts that a character receives is based on the genetics of her parents and I'm not going to count telepathy and telekinesis as the same power and I don't consider making blades of plasma to be telekinetic. Lastly, could you please explain more as to how your character got to where the others are going to be? Sorry for the inconvenience, I know these are a lot of changes but thank you for your understanding in advance!

No worries, thanks for the feedback! And I apologize, I must've missed and/or forgotten that they should have just one power lol xD I'll definitely go over my sheet and figure out if I'd rather downsize Alaine or bring in a second character haha, hopefully I can get that done later tonight.

I did have a question about the starting point! Again, I might've missed and/or forgotten it if the answer to this was in the initial interest check, so I apologize if that's the case... As far as the starting point goes, after reading your starter post, are all our characters going to be meeting in the concentration camp (either already there or coming in with the newbies?), or is it possible for characters to be outside the camp (in the Rebel Army or otherwise)?

Thanks again for the feedback! I'll get on it as soon as possible <3
Okay, here's my character application! Please let me know if she seems too overpowered or anything, I just had two ideas I really wanted to use power-wise and thought I'd combine them. I tried to make sure they were well-balanced and not over the top lol, but I'm open to critique! xD

If this is still open/running I'd love to join! Thinking of making a character with the ability to fly (and maybe something to pair with flight)?
wee bump for bucky barnes ((and pirates))
wee bump for bucky barnes ((and pirates))
wee bump for gladiators and pIrATeS
wee bump for gladiators and pIrATeS
wee bump for gladiators and pIrATeS
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