The street gangs of of Tokyo are about to explode
you’re the lit match!
Across the schools of Tokyo, the various delinquent gangs of the city are all making their claim. Each gang vows they are the toughest, the strongest, and most deserving of the title “Kings.” You’d be hard pressed to find a schoolyard or alleyway where two banchou aren’t throwing hands, stomping each other into a mess of blood and ripped school uniforms.
Step into another gangs turf? Expect the physical consequences.
These are the
Delinquent Days.—-
A recent power vacuum has left the various schoolyard gangs bereft of order. A Rumble between the two highest ranking street gangs has left one leader dead, and the other behind bars.
Of all the gangs, only one stands to make the best claim to the top: The Ikebukuro Diamonds. A ruthless group of yakuza inspired hooligans who aren’t above extortion, theft, and all manner of debauchery. Their former leader has been arrested after the previously mentioned Rumble, leaving the unhinged lieutenant in command. And that's Kazuma Kyoya - dubbing himself the “Emperor of Tokyo” - an enigmatic high school delinquent who they say has never lost a fight. The influence of The Diamonds extends across the cityscape, and with it, Kazuma has absorbed command of a handful of the lowest ranking gangs, increasing their number almost three-fold.
Our story starts with a ragtag group of delinquents coming together to represent their school -
Sarayashiki Junior High. Your role may be the muscle, may be strategy, may be just wanting to kick some ass of guys who think they're even tougher than you.
Most of the cast will be students at Sarayashiki, and the player characters will all be members of the Sarayashiki Gang. Based on your submitted character sheets, I'm going to attempt to meld the story around you guys - using your backgrounds, I may make subtle adjustments without changing your character's root. For example, I may say "your character is going to be best friends with this other character, at least at the start." Some of them will be more plot significant than others, like I may have a character have a personal relationship with one of the arc's main antagonists. This will help make the story easier to get to the meat and potatoes without having to establish a bunch of first meetings, creating first impressions, all that stuff. Of course, I'm more than willing to adapt based on what you guys would think would work best.
Sarayashiki Junior High
If you'd like to apply a character, send me a pm with the following information for your character, and I'll get back to you. If all goes well, I can have the game up at the end of the week with everyone's updated characters and the first arc sorted out. My main player character will act as the Leader of the gang, but will alternate to play NPC's to keep plot moving forward.
The Leader character will be named
Minato Ishida - and most of the gang has known each other throughout the school year, if not earlier than so. He has a soft-spoken character, smart with an emphasis on strategy. Though he's capable in a fight, he will not be the strongest in the gang, that's where you guys come in. He leads you all by believing in you, each of us having a deep bond and connection that makes us fight that much harder. Although the group has been delinquents for a long time, it isn't until the most recent chaotic upheaval in the street gangs has Minato told you all his aim is to stake our own claim for dominance, making our way up the ladder of School Gangs and usurp even The Ikebukuro Diamonds.
Character Submission Sheet:
Appearance: (Please keep the anime aesthetic)
Favorite School Subject:
Favorite Food:
Theme Song:
Why They Fight: