Avatar of Crimson Flame


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Current v Me but with gay guys. 😆
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That’s amore!
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Can I accomplish anything this week?!
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Should I call Big Bird then?
1 mo ago


Gay, he/him, Autistic

I’m Crimson Flame and I’m addicted to RPing. But sometimes ADHD kicks in, and it takes me longer to reply to things than it should. If I’m taking too long to respond, feel free to say something. Just don’t be rude about it.

There are a bunch of RPs I like. PokĂ©mon, Digimon, Fantasy, Superhero, it would take too long to list them all. I’m not a fan of Horror or Apocalypse settings though.

I have a particular type of character I like making. Look through my Character Sheet thread, and see if you notice what a lot of my characters have in common.

Most Recent Posts

@JewelSerket Damn, I posted my Concept before I saw yours. :P
Male Poison Ivy!

Full Name: Dr. Florian Pine

Nicknames/Aliases: Poison Oak, Professor Pine

Age: 30

Gender: Male

Powers: (Chlorokinesis: Poison Oak has the ability to control all forms of plant life on a molecular level. He also has expertise in Botany and biochemistry that lets him develop mutant plants, and create and bring to life plants that were long thought to be extinct.

Plant Physiology: Being part plant, he can breathe CO2, allowing him to survive in places that lack oxygen. He can also Photosynthesize, so he can go long periods of time without eating or sleeping (though he can still do both if he chooses.) He does require sunlight and water to function. He is physically stronger and faster while under sunlight. Being cut off from sunlight can weaken him, and eventually kill him. He can turn his skin from green back into a normal tone to blend in with society. He prefers his green skin though.

Regeneration: If you cut off a limb, it will grow back. Even if you kill him, he’ll just regrow somewhere else eventually.

Pheromones: His body can produce pheromones to control the behavior of others. Those with strong wills can usually resist though.

Poison: His body can produce a variety of plant based toxins. They can have a variety of effects from merely knocking people unconscious, making people happy, or outright killing them. He often delivers his Poison through a kiss.

Poison Immunity: He is also immune to Poisons himself

Description: Pine is a tall and lean man. He stands at six feet tall, and has a slim physique with toned muscles that he got after becoming a plant hybrid. He has abs, and he is quite proud of them. He used to be rather awkward looking when he was younger, but has since grown into himself. He has a heart shaped face with a firm jaw. His eyes are as green as the forest. He has a mop of blonde hair on top of his head. His skin is normally green, but he can make himself appear as his human skin tone if he wants. He prefers being green though.

Pine doesn’t have much of a taste for fashion in his day to day life. Some days, he dresses like the scientist he is. Wearing dress shirts and pants in shades of white and gray, as well as a green tie. He even wears a white lab coat. Other days, he dresses in casual jeans and T-shirts, often green in color and with floral patterns on them. Then other days he just wears floral patterns head to toe. He has even been known to wear flowers in his hair. In all of his outfits, he always wears a pair of thick green glasses, which he no longer needs, but wears non prescription glasses for that scientist look.

As Poison Oak, he basically wears plants. Vines, thorns, and flowers decorate his body. His only clothing are a pair of green tights with a vine pattern, and a pair of leaf boots.

Personality: Once upon a time, Pine was a shy and nerdy young man. He didn’t have an easy time socializing with people, and also didn’t have much confidence. He often preferred his plants more than other people’s company. After the accident, Pine developed a lot more confidence, but also drove him a little nuts. He still is fascinated with plants, but now he treats them like his babies.

Some days, Pine hates humanity. His experience with being bullied, along with the way people take nature for granted, makes him think the world would be better off without humans. He can be rude to people when he first meets them. He can still be rude even after he first meets them. While he’s not opposed to using his powers for violent means, even outright killing people if necessary, he does know he needs some people around to produce CO2 for his plants to function. He resorted to violent means to hurt the world that had been cruel to him.

There are other times when Pine longs for human companionship. If anyone shows him even the slightest hint of kindness, he will be all for it. He’ll cling to that person and be their best friend. At least until he perceives they did him wrong in some way. In general, his emotions can vary wildly at any given time.

Despite his love for nature and his desire to protect it, Pine's anger and resentment towards humanity often lead him to resort to violent and destructive means. He condemns others for their actions while failing to acknowledge his own hypocrisy, blinding himself to the damage he inflicts in his quest for revenge against the world that rejected him.

History: Pine’s parents were scientists who studied plantlife. They were often in the field busy with their research, and neglected their son. Occasionally they would take him on their research trips with them, but they would leave him to his own devices. Even though his parents didn’t show their affections all that much, Pine knew he wanted to be a Botanist, just like his parents were.

Growing up, Florian had always been a strange young man. He was fascinated by plants, which others found to be odd. He was often bullied by others because he was physically weaker, psychologically delicate, and because of his interest in plants. Due to the bullying, Florian usually preferred plants to people. Plants didn’t judge him.

Despite the bullying, Florian, who often went by his last name Pine because people made fun of his first name, was an intelligent young man. He eventually earned a Ph.D. in Botany and Biochemistry and was employed at a university before he turned thirty. There, he was still bullied by most of his colleagues. Only one colleague was nice to him. Dr. Evan Dendron. A handsome male scientist, and the only one who showed Pine any ounce of respect. He defended him from bullies, and was the only one who believed in Pine’s work. Pine had developed a crush on him.

Pine was developing a method that would allow humans to photosynthesize, thus solving world hunger. However the Dean of the University showed no interest because they couldn’t profit from it. As the funding for his experiments was about to be cut, Pine performed an experiment on himself to prove his theories were correct. However, something went wrong, and Pine was transformed into a half-plant half human creature.

The process gave him his abilities, as well aa confidence, but also drove him to instability. In a fit of rage, he killed the scientists who bullied him, as well as the Dean of the University. He then attempted to woo Evan. He rejected Pine because he already had a girlfriend. Plus, there was the whole murder thing. Evan wasn’t down for that. Heartbroken, and consumed by madness, Pine held him hostage, and attempted to perform the same experiment to turn the object of his affection into a plant too. He was ultimately stopped by [Hero] before anything could happen. However, from then on, Florian Pine was dead. Poison Oak had been born. He decided that he would become the earth’s protector, and would reclaim what rightfully belonged to Mother Nature, by any means necessary. He became a feared ecoterrorist, and still works as a professor at a different university.

Other: He’s Bisexual, but prefers men
I have a villian character that might work.
Danny missed having Dani with an I around, but understood why she had to leave. She said something about traveling the country with her sisters to get away from their creator, but Danny was sure they probably also wanted some degree of normalcy. Anyway, aside from the clones leaving, things have been going well, at least for Spider-Man. Jameson said the same shit about Spider-Man being a menace as he does for Spider-Woman, but at least MJ was there to make Spider-Man look like a hero. His Spider-Man videos were going viral.

Speaking of MJ, Danny has been seeing a lot more of MJ now. He moved in with his Aunt Anna, who happens to live next door to the Davises. Danny had a view of MJ’s bedroom from his own bedroom window.

Relationship wise, as far as Danny understood, he was still single. He and Chase were on a break, and MJ made it clear he was not ready to be tied down with a relationship. And yet, they were still going to Times Square for New Years Eve together. Danny still hoped to get a kiss at midnight, even though he was sure MJ would rather kiss Spider-Man.

On New Years Eve, while Caty was on patrol as Spider-Woman, Danny was there as Danny. Though he still had his Spider-Man costume on standby just in case things went wrong.

While MJ was taking selfies, Danny was having a chat with Harry. “Hey Harry. How’s Gwen doing?”

Harry shrugged. “It’s been rough. I barely managed to come out for this
 Whatever you do, don’t bring up you know who

Danny saluted. “Right, got it!”

“Anyway, Spider-Man has been all over the internet lately!”

Before Danny could respond, Skyler butted in. “Spider-Man is lame! Spider-Woman is where it’s at. Her costume is cooler, and she’s hotter.”

At this point, MJ put the phone down. “If Spider-Man is so lame, why did you dress as him for Halloween?”

Skyler shifted his feet nervously. “Uh
 that was supposed to be a joke Matt. You know, funny haha. I would never be caught in a sissy pink costume for real!”

 Then, explain that photo of him in your locker.”

Skyler’s face turned bright red. “Um
 I think I hear my date calling!” He stammered before running off as Danny and Harry laughed.

MJ smirked. “He doesn’t have a date. No tea, no shade, but I think that boy is hiding something, if you know what I mean.”

Danny just chuckled at the exchange.

Just as Danny was starting to have fun, a crazy person had to go and ruin it. As soon as Mysterio came on the big screen, Danny ran off to change into Spider-Man. When he got back, he was greeted with chaos. Everyone was running and screaming in terror.

Amidst all the panic, Jumper found Spider-Man, and directed him to Spider-Woman, where she was in a fight with Mr. Fishbowl head himself. Danny stepped in, and caught his fist. “Excuse me, I think you’re mistaken. I’m the hero here. Oh, and the fishbowl isn’t a good look.”

Spider-Woman and Mysterio's eyes widened with shock as the latter's fist was caught by “Spider-Man!?” They exclaimed in unison, but with two completely different tones. Hers was more of hope and his was more of rage and annoyance. He was confident he could take Spider-Woman, but Spider-Man as well? Two was a bit more than he could chew.

Spider-Woman wasn't sure if her brother was really here or if this was her mind hoping he was there to save her. Either way, she was alive and Spider-Man provided an opportunity for her. She pushed herself up sending her flying above Spider-Man's arm feet first to kick the giant target that was Mysterio's fish bowl. It was surprisingly very durable and sturdy, but the force of the kick sent him flying into the crowd where he disappeared into the gas waiting for his next opportunity to strike.

Spider-Woman recovered her bearings and turned to face her brother. “Thank you. I didn't realize you were so close. You weren't on a date were you?” She knew he and MJ had gotten closer since Christmas. It was part of the reason why she decided to still go solo tonight. She waited for his response before getting back to the subject at hand.

Danny shrugged. “Kinda. But this is more important!” He wasn’t sure if he and MJ were considered dating, or if he was just in the friend zone. Either way, that didn’t matter, they had more serious matters to deal with.

“There's something strange about his gas. Outside of the hallucinations it seems to even be affecting our spidey-sense.” Caty finally said.

“If it’s affecting us, then Fishbowl head must have gotten his hands on some really powerful Neurotoxin.”

Right on cue, Mysterio attacked, spraying Danny with a whole bunch of the gas. Suddenly Caty was gone, as well as the rest of New York. Danny was standing alone in darkness. “Uh

Suddenly, Mysterio came out of nowhere, and punched Danny in the face, knocking him back. “You may act like a hero, but we all know it’s a farce!”

Then, another Mysterio appeared, and punched Danny. “You and I know the truth. You’re just a scared little child playing dress up!”

And then a third Mysterio attacked. “The city may think it’s cute, but they’ll turn on you!”

Danny stumbled backward, disoriented by the sudden onslaught of attacks from multiple Mysterios. Each punch landed with force, shaking him to his core. He tried to fight back, but it was like battling shadows in the darkness. Of course, in reality, Danny was punching the air.

“Mysterio!” Spider-Woman yelled. She watched as her brother fell victim to his gas and was fighting the air.

“That's my name! You can say it as much as you want before you go down. Your partner's useless and you're all alone.” Mysterio replied more sure of his victory.

Spider-Woman closed her eyes. He was trying to get under her skin and it was working before, but he was wrong. She wasn't alone and Danny was far from useless. “You're wrong about everything you said here today. I'm not a villain and I'm not alone. Spider-Man's my partner and I have friends, many friends and I think it's time you got a taste of your own medicine.”

Spider-Woman borrowed Cassandra's move and called for all the spiders in the surrounding area. It'd take a while for them to get there since the ones in the Square were affected by the toxin. She needed to help Danny and keep Mysterio distracted for the time being. “SPIDER-MAN, STOP FIGHTING THE AIR AND WAKE YOUR ASS UP!!!” She hoped that hearing her voice was enough to get him to break through Mysterio's illusion. She needed his help. She needed her brother.

As Danny was being piled on by multiple Mysterios. He tried to regain his composure. “This
 this isn’t real,” he muttered to himself, trying to shake off the effects of the hallucinogenic gas.

But the onslaught of Mysterios continued, each one taunting him with words that cut deep. Danny felt his confidence waver. Were they right? Was he just a scared child pretending to be a hero?

But then, he heard his sister's voice calling him. His mind latched onto the familiar sound of his sister’s voice. It cut through the illusions like a beacon of hope, reminding him of who he was and what he fought for.

With renewed determination, Danny focused on Spider-Woman’s words, pushing aside the doubts and fears that threatened to overwhelm him. Taking a deep breath, he summoned all his strength and resolve. With a sudden burst of energy, Danny broke free from the illusions. He was back in Time’s Square with his sister by his side. “Thanks.” Danny muttered. “God, that was awful. I knew there was nothing there, and I was still taking a beating

Caty smiled under her mask. She knew she could rely on Danny. Spider-Woman was reinvigorated and ready to finish this. She'd play Mysterio's word game to buy them time. “You failed, Mysterio. You reflect people's insecurities and fears back at them with your words and your fishbowl. All that to hide how much of a failure you are inside. Your first thought was to put people in danger to turn them against someone trying to protect them. If you really wanted to be a hero you wouldn't have put on a flashy performance or attacked people. You would've talked to and joined us.”

Mysterio was furious now. He refused to let his plans be reuined. He really wasn't expecting Spider-Man to be here. They only worked together once to his knowledge and that was in California. This wasn't supposed to be happening. He could deal with one spider freak, but when they were this in sync he was useless. No. He was not going to give up. “So what? You haven't won yet.”

Mysterio threw his arms forward preparing to release his neurotoxin again on the Spider-Duo when he noticed something on his gloves. His helmet magnified it and he realized it was a spider. No, there were multiple spiders crawling all on him. He let out a girlish scream. “Get them off, GET THEM OFF!!”

Spider-Woman held back her laugh. “I will, only if you release everyone from their torture.”

Mysterio released a neutralizing gas into the air immediately. Once the gas was in the air and Caty didn't feel any illusions she told the spiders thank you and that their job was done. They scurried away leaving Mysterio on ground scratching his body in a frenzied panic. Caty would've webbed him up, but she wasn't all that concerned about him running away at this point. The police should be here soon anyway.

The civilians were returning to normal and realized that they weren't being eaten alive by spiders and that Spider-Woman and Spider-Man saved them. The crowd ran up to the Spider-Duo and began thanking and praising them. Some saying they always knew Jameson was full of it. For the first time since they put on their masks the Spider-Twins were finally being recognized and not looked at as menaces or villains. For the first time it all felt worth it to Caty.

And amidst all the praise, everyone’s favorite redheaded social media influencer was filming the whole time. “This is getting even more clicks than the Mall incident. You know, you two should work together more often. The Spider-Twins of New York has a nice ring to it. Do you mind if I get a pic? My friend Danny is going to flip when he sees I got a picture with both of you.”

Spider-Man’s eyes went wide. “Sorry, I have to go. Duty calls!” He swang off, to find some place to go change. MJ just chuckled knowingly.

Spider-Twins of New York? Caty thought to herself. It was official. MJ definitely knew, but at least he wasn't forcing Danny to admit it. Spider-Woman waited for the police to arrive to pick up Mysterio and took a picture with MJ and a few other people in the meantime. She needed the good PR and he was right. They definitely needed to work together more often.

Once the police arrived her job here was done. She had something else she needed to do tonight.
Danny was dragged pursuaded by his Digimon to go talk to the other humans, but Danny wasn’t so sure. When they all got together, there was a long moment of awkward silence, before Roll made her presence known. “Well? Aren’t you gonna say something.”

Danny rubbed the back of his head nervously. He wasn’t even sure what was going on here, let alone how to talk to a bunch of strangers. “Um
 I’m Danny
” He uttered nervously. “That’s Roll, and Salamon.” He said gesturing to his Navi and Digimon.

Sally waved a paw. “Hi! You can call me Sally if you want!”

 D-d-d do any of you know what’s happening here? I kinda just
 found myself here with Roll and Sally, and you’re the only humans I’ve seen so far

Conner was impressed with Gray’s display of magic. “That awesome Gray!” Conner shouted. He gave his friend a thumbs up of encouragement. “Chesi, how do I do something like that?”

“Magic takes discipline and focus. Something I know for a fact none of you have
 strong displays of emotion can also trigger a magical outburst.”

The bear roared, angry that her attack had failed, and tried to strike Gray again.

Conner did not listen to a word Gray said. “Hey! Mamma Bear! Over here!” Conner shouted.

The bear turned her attention to Conner, and Conner stuck out his trident. “Come on water
 Do your thing

There was a moment of awkward silence where nothing happened. Then the bear just roared in Conner’s face.

Chesi facefinned. “Boy! You have to feel something. You can’t just point the trident and expect water to come out.”

Conner frowned, feeling a bit frustrated with himself. “Right, right. Feel something
 Got it.”

He took a deep breath, closing his eyes for a moment to focus. In an instant all sorts of emotions came flooding in. About how he was never good enough for his family, his perfect older sister and how he could never be on par with her. His fears, his insecurities, and how his friends supported him through all of it.

As he did, he felt power coursing through him. When he opened his eyes, he saw his trident was glowing with blue magical power. Conner pointed his trident forward again, releasing a powerful jet of water in the bear’s face that sent the bear stumbling backwards.

 Did I do that?” Conner exclaimed.

Chesi nodded approvingly. “Yes, you did. Remember, magic is as much about what you feel as it is about what you do. Let your emotions guide you, and you’ll tap into powers you never knew you had.”

Conner threw his fist up happily.

“Don’t celebrate yet. It hasn’t been defeated.” Chesi replied, pointing to the angry, wet bear. “In fact, now it’s even angrier
 But something is wrong
 Ursa Major’s are gentle creatures. They usually only get violent when their young are threatened
” She turned her attention to Milo. “Oi, windy boy! Did you touch a baby bear around here? You seem like the type that would touch unfamiliar things...”
*Runs in* Hi, remember me!
Regardless, I’m still here.

As Cameron looked around in awe at the village, he couldn’t help but notice that everyone else had bonded with their own Digimon friend, except him. Where was his Digimon Companion?

Cameron’s attention was suddenly drawn to a small, secluded area of the village where he spotted a small creature, sitting alone, seemingly lost in thought. Intrigued by the sight, Cameron approached.

As he drew closer, the creature looked up, and Cameron and the Digimon made eye contact. It was a small, green plant-like Digimon with a flower on its head.

“Hello there!” Cameron greeted the Digimon excitedly. “Are you alright? You seem a bit lonely over here.”

The Digimon looked up at Cameron. “Oh, I’m fine.” she replied. “I was just lost in thought. My name is Palmon. It’s nice to meet you.”

Cameron grabbed the creature’s leafy hand, and shook it excitedly. “Hi! I’m Cameron! Where gonna be best friends you and I! Just you wait and see!”

He grabbed Palmon’s hand, and ran back to join the rest of the group. Much to Palmon’s terror. “Guys! Guys! I found my own Digimon friend too! This is Palmon
 Hm, actually
 Can I call you Rosie?”

Rosie was recovering from the shock of being forcibly dragged off. “Um
 I guess.” She nodded shyly.
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