Avatar of Crimson Flame


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3 days ago
Current v Me but with gay guys. šŸ˜†
11 days ago
Thatā€™s amore!
23 days ago
Can I accomplish anything this week?!
1 mo ago
Should I call Big Bird then?
1 mo ago


Gay, he/him, Autistic

Iā€™m Crimson Flame and Iā€™m addicted to RPing. But sometimes ADHD kicks in, and it takes me longer to reply to things than it should. If Iā€™m taking too long to respond, feel free to say something. Just donā€™t be rude about it.

There are a bunch of RPs I like. PokĆ©mon, Digimon, Fantasy, Superhero, it would take too long to list them all. Iā€™m not a fan of Horror or Apocalypse settings though.

I have a particular type of character I like making. Look through my Character Sheet thread, and see if you notice what a lot of my characters have in common.

Most Recent Posts

I hope I can live up to your expectations. :3
@Prints Avoid I remember you!

I think Iā€™ll have an OOC up tomorrow, and AndrĆ©ā€™s CS so you know the guy youā€™re gonna have to be friends with.

Age range of the characters will be 19-22. I hope that works for all of you.
Iā€™m in a bunch of superhero things. One more couldnā€™t hurt.
<Snipped quote by Crimson Flame>

Curious about specifically what you mean by recreation of the X and Y games. Is the plan to hit the same plot beats 1 for 1 with the exception of expanding the story to include all three legendaries?

Or do you mean recreation in the sense of using it as a template and altering/expanding from there?

A little of both tbh. I will be using plot beats from the games, but given the cast of characters, some things will likely change. Call it a reimagining.
<Snipped quote by Crimson Flame>

Barbie-rian would've been great lol

I thought of that after I posted, but like I said I like magic. xD

Thereā€™s nothing wrong with there being more than one Barbie to confuse Ken if you wanted to do it. xD
Thanks for the answers~
Hmm, but I think I'll pass on this one. Kalso is one of the regions I've got the least familiarity with, and it's been years since I watched the X, Y and Z anime (although Serena is still best girl, fight me!). I do wish you luck though and hope the RP goes well. :)

Thatā€™s ok. Thank you for your time. :)

Iā€™ll wait a little bit to see if I get anymore bites, and then start the OOC.
I imagine him as honourable and friendly but a bit dumb.

Sounds right.

Barbie will realize her feelings on the adventure.
@Crimson Flame

Would you like them to be in a relationship? Or perhaps they are friends? Do you want to go the route of Barbie trying to look for Ken, who went off fighting the Twisted?

I definitely do want Barbie to be looking for Ken. Thatā€™s probably why she learned magic in the first place.

I like them being friends, but one (or both) having a crush on the other.
@Crimson Flame

Cool, would you like to discuss ideas in a DM or here further?

Yes. Either is fine. :)
Annie and Davinaā€™s alone time was interrupted when Annieā€™s Spider-Sense tingled. She looked, and her eyes widened when she saw the fleet of approaching Ultron-Bots. ā€œGreat, Spider-Girl, weā€™ve got trouble! I know you probably want to kick their butts, but thereā€™s way too many for just the two of us. We have to warn the others!ā€

No. This couldn't be happening. Not now. Why? They were so close! Davina followed Annie's advice. She knew she was too angry to be able to really do anything with just the two of them. If anything she'd put Annie in danger. Was this all her fault?

They re-entered the Hangar where their family was waiting for them. ā€œThey're here!ā€ Davina yelled.

Caty didn't hesitate to sound the alarm. Alarms rang out throughout the bunker alerting everyone to the situation. Civilians and children went to the lower levels for safety while heroes and former villains suited up to take the fight to the surface. Caty knew her daughter didn't need to be in this fight. This was going to be her last chance to say goodbye to Nathan. ā€œDavina, go! We'll hold them off!ā€

Davina ran out of the hangar and passed her father, Hobie Brown in his modified Prowler suit and carrying Spider-Woman's costume. He gave her a smile and nod, determined to see her again once this was all done. ā€œWe'll be fine, Bug. Stay safe. I love you.ā€

ā€œI love you too, dad.ā€ She said with a tear dropping from her eye. They'd be okay. They were always okay.

Spider-Woman collected her costume from her husband and headed to the surface with Sue and Hobie. ā€œLetā€™s go Spider-Man and Spinneret. Letā€™s show these buckets of bolts why they can't fuck with our family.ā€

ā€œLanguage! There are kids here!ā€ Danny replied as he was putting his mask on. He had been wearing his Spider-Man suit under a lab coat this entire time.

MJ giggled. ā€œIā€™m sure these kids have heard worse things. Now come on, letā€™s do this!ā€

Oh, please be safe, dads.ā€ Annie said with concern.

Both MJ and Danny looked at their daughter lovingly, but MJ spoke first. ā€œDonā€™t worry, us Davises can handle everything.ā€

Danny nodded. ā€œIn the meantime, keep your cousin company ok? We love you.ā€

Upon heading onto the surface, Spider-Man and Spinneret fired a web, and pulled an Ultron bot close to them, before kicking it unison, and knocking it down.

As soon as they got to the surface the Invisible Woman created an arena of small platforms for the Spider-Family to utilize in this open area battle. She then placed miniature barriers in the first row of Ultron Bots before causing the barriers to expand, imploding the robots in the process.

The Prowler whistled at the display of robotic fireworks. ā€œThat power's insane. Let's show them our style, honey.ā€ He said to Spider-Woman as they launched webs at separate platforms to swing into the sky towards two Ultron Bots. The Prowler swiped claws at his, decapitating it, while Spider-Woman kicked a hole through hers.

The Prowler caught her as she and her robot fell before swinging to land on another platform.

The clouds in the sky above started to swirl together to create a dark cloud over the area. Two large bolts of lightning flashed from the clouds hitting a chunk of the robots in the back of the horde. Three figures started to descend from the sky. Two of them were humanoid figures covered completely in flames. A man and a teenage girl. In the center of them was a glowing beacon of light. A woman so ethereal she has to be a goddess. Her voice echoed across the field. ā€œYou dare intrude on the home of a goddess and attack her and her family? Your maker has made a grave mistake. Let me send you to him.ā€

Wind intensified in the area before a large gust of wind carried away fallen or destroyed robots clearing the trash while they continued to fight.

The fight raged on, and Ultronbots were taken down. Meanwhile, inside the bunker, Annie and other kids were watching the fight take place on a monitor. Annie was cheering her parents on, and she lost track of Davina.
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