There, I kicked it up. Lol
One idea to have a chronological meeting point for everyone is to say they all joined an afterschool club for anime, comics, video games, or whatever. Maybe earlier in the Summer they all pitched in so their club could go to Anime Expo or San Diego Comic-Con or something. That could be the first time they all really got to know each other as a group outside of school, and they've been hanging out ever since.
<Snipped quote by CaptainManbeard>
So yeah I may of goofed on that. My bad lol. with the history I am writing up, it could make sense why Cleo is a year behind, but i don't have any issues changing it to 17. been doing research on things on my breaks at work, i need to remember my log in info so i can get in on the chats sooner on my phone lol.
<Snipped quote by Crimson Flame>
This is actually a very good question! it possible they could met at different times or glass etc... but it actually got me thinking more on this as it could vary how long some of the characters have known each other, some may of known longer than others and over time to this point they become a close knit group of friends. but this and also got me thinking. I would like all of your thoughts, would you guys prefer a personality added to my CS or discover it on the go? i normally do add peronality sections to CS. maybe this will h elp in establishing any shared history or why they became good friends despite there differences and different backgrounds?
Also on the colour fronts, i suppose i never thought about it, but I think that any gender can use any colour as a ranger :)
@Crimson Flame
It's fine! I think I would have been more upset if pink had been a girl, tbh lol. Franchise is so damn color = gender coded lmfao
Also, fun fact, Trini doesn't have a skirt like Kimberly in the original Power Rangers because in the footage adapted, the Yellow Ranger is actually a guy LOL.