Avatar of Crimson Flame


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Gay, he/him, Autistic

I’m Crimson Flame and I’m addicted to RPing. But sometimes ADHD kicks in, and it takes me longer to reply to things than it should. If I’m taking too long to respond, feel free to say something. Just don’t be rude about it.

There are a bunch of RPs I like. Pokémon, Digimon, Fantasy, Superhero, it would take too long to list them all. I’m not a fan of Horror or Apocalypse settings though.

I have a particular type of character I like making. Look through my Character Sheet thread, and see if you notice what a lot of my characters have in common.

Most Recent Posts

Chase blinked, stepping out of the ruins of the lab he’d just escaped and suddenly finding himself in a place he hadn’t expected—back in school.

The fluorescent lights flickered above, and the sound of laughter echoed down the corridors. Chase felt a knot form in his stomach as he walked down the hall, not sure why he was back here.

And then, his heart sank when he saw Danny, pinned against the lockers by none other than Skyler.

Danny looked like a shadow of himself, younger, smaller, with fear in his eyes. It was a look Chase had never seen on Danny’s face since they became close. Skyler and his group of friends taunted and laughed, as if time had rewound and Danny was trapped in his worst nightmare.

Skyler sneered, raising his fist. “You’re still just a loser, Danny. Always will be. You couldn’t even save your dad.”

For a moment, Chase’s mind flashed back to his own nightmare. He knew exactly what Danny was feeling right now. And there was no way he was going to let this play out.

Chase’s blood boiled as he watched Skyler taunt Danny, his cruel words cutting deeper than any punch. The sight of Danny, so vulnerable and terrified, made something snap inside Chase.

Without thinking, Chase charged forward, his Fistigons activating as he slammed into Skyler, sending him flying across the hallway. Skyler crashed into a row of lockers with a loud clang, his gang scattering in shock.

“Back off!” Chase growled.

And yet, Skyler didn’t seem phased at all. “Big move hero boy.” Skyler taunted as he got back up.

“Hero boy, huh?” Chase shot back. “Better that than a coward like you, Skyler.”

Danny, was still pressed against the lockers, still looking terrified.

Skyler cracked his knuckles, stepping forward with a wicked grin. “You think you can save him? Just because you’re here doesn’t change what he is. He’s weak. He’s nothing.” And then Skyler’s voice became more sinister. “That boy has so much torment inside of him, it’s amusing really. I can get so much power from one boy.”

Chase became aware that this was not just some high school bully. Something far more dangerous was at work here. As if being trapped in a nightmare wasn’t the first giveaway.

“Who are you?” Chase growled, stepping in front of Danny protectively. His Fistigons hummed with energy, ready for a fight. “You’re not Skyler.”

The creature wearing Skyler’s face let out a chilling laugh, its eyes glowing with a malevolent light. “Oh, you finally caught on,” it sneered, its voice a mix of Skyler’s and something demonic. “I’m not Skyler. I am the embodiment of his cruelty, his malice, all the things that broke your little friend here. I am Nightmare.”

“Danny’s not broken.” Chase spat. “Not anymore.”

The creature tilted its head, amused. “Oh, but he is. You think he’s strong because he puts on a mask and plays hero? Underneath it all, he’s still the same scared little boy who couldn’t save his father. And he knows it.”

Danny’s gasped at the mention of his dad, his body still frozen against the lockers. The memories of that day—of losing his father because of his own mistake—still haunted him, and the creature knew exactly how to twist the knife.

“I’ve had enough of this!” Chase growled. “You don’t get to mess with him. Not now, not ever.”

Nightmare’s grin only widened. “But it’s so easy.” He purred. “All I have to do is remind him of the truth—that deep down, he knows he’s not a hero. He’s a failure. And you… you think you can save him? You’re just as broken as he is, with your daddy issues.”

Chase flinched at the mention of his father but didn’t let it distract him. He wasn’t going to let Nightmare get into his head. This wasn’t about him. It was about Danny. He glanced over his shoulder at Danny, who was still staring at the ground, trembling, the weight of his past suffocating him.

“Danny.” Chase said, his voice gentler now. “Don’t listen to him. This isn’t real. You’ve already faced your past. You’ve saved more people than you can count. This? This is just another fight, and you’re Spider-Man.”

But Danny wasn’t moving. The words weren’t reaching him. His eyes were glazed over, trapped in the memory of losing his father, of not being able to save him.

Nightmare laughed, enjoying the scene. “See? You’re wasting your breath. He’ll never be free of his guilt. You both know it.”

Chase’s heart pounded in his chest. He had to do something to reach Danny, to pull him out of this nightmare before it consumed him. Nightmare was feeding off Danny’s fear and guilt, but Chase knew that deep down, Danny was stronger than this. He just needed to break through the haze that was trapping him.

“Danny!” Chase shouted, full of emotion. “You’re not that kid anymore! You’ve faced bigger threats than this! You’ve stood up to villains who could destroy the world, and you’re telling me that this bully is gonna beat you?”

Danny flinched at Chase’s words, his eyes flickering as if trying to come back to the present. But the grip of the nightmare was still strong, and the mention of his father’s death weighed heavily on him, making it hard to breathe.

“I… I couldn’t save him…” Danny whispered, his voice shaking. “It’s my fault…”

Chase took a step closer to Danny, lowering his voice. “It wasn’t your fault, Danny. You’ve carried that guilt for too long. You’ve done so much good since then—your dad would be proud of you. But you have to let this go. You’re a hero.”

Nightmare hissed in frustration, seeing the flicker of doubt in Danny’s mind. “Don’t listen to him!” it snarled, stepping forward menacingly. “He’s lying to you! You’ll never be free of your past!”

But Chase wasn’t done. He squared his shoulders, standing tall in front of Danny, his eyes blazing with determination. “I know who you are, Danny.” He said. “You’re my boyfriend. You’re the guy who’s always looking out for everyone else, even when you’re scared. You’re the guy who saved my life more times than I can count. You’re Spider-Man.”

“I… I’m Spider-Man.” Danny whispered, as if he was trying to remind himself of who he really was.

Nightmare’s twisted grin faltered as it sensed the shift in Danny’s resolve. “He’s lying to you, Danny! You’re weak, just like you were when you couldn’t save your dad. You’ll always be weak!”

But Chase wasn’t having it. He turned toward the creature, his Fistigons glowing with energy, ready to strike if Nightmare made another move. “Shut up!” Chase growled. “Danny’s stronger than you’ll ever be. And you’re nothing but a pathetic illusion!”

With those words, Chase fired a blast from his Fistigons, the energy hitting Nightmare square in the chest. The creature shrieked in pain, its form flickering and distorting, but it wasn’t finished yet. It recovered quickly, turning back to Danny.

“You can’t escape your past.” Nightmare hissed. “You’ll always be haunted by it.”

But this time, Danny didn’t flinch. He took a deep breath, his hands curling into fists. The weight of his guilt still lingered. It always would. But Chase’s words were cutting through it, reminding him of all the battles he’d fought, all the people he’d saved. His father’s death had been a terrible tragedy, but it didn’t define him.

Slowly, Danny straightened up, pushing away from the lockers. He raised his head, his eyes locking onto Nightmare. “You’re wrong.” He said, his voice stronger now. “I may have made mistakes… but I’m not weak. I’m not a failure. And I’m sure as hell not afraid of you.”

With that, Danny’s Spider-Man suit began to form around him like a magical girl style transformation, the pink and purple material glowing with energy as he embraced his true self. The mask slid over his face, and suddenly, he wasn’t just Danny anymore—he was Spider-Man.

With a surge of determination, Danny shot a web at Nightmare, yanking it toward him. “And I’m not afraid of you.”

Nightmare snarled, thrashing as Danny’s web tightened around it. “This isn’t over!” He hissed, and then vanished in a puff of smoke.

Chase, still standing nearby, let out a breath he didn’t realize he’d been holding. He walked over to Danny, his Fistigons powering down, and placed a hand on his shoulder. “You okay?”

Danny looked at him and nodded. “Yeah… I think so. Thanks to you.”

Chase gave him a reassuring smile. “Hey, we’re a team, right? I’m not letting some creepy nightmare version of Skyler keep you down.”

But that thing was right about one thing, this wasn’t over yet. Because they were still in school.
It’s been slow
Ice Beast

Gary was still locked in an intense match of Street Kombat IX with Gridlock when the smell of brimstone filled the room, making him wrinkle his nose. He barely caught a glimpse of Hellcrawler teleporting straight to the elevator, and he looked pissed.

As Kid Cannonball and Marauder stepped out of the elevator and filled them in, Gridlock stood up.

Gary set his controller down. He looked at the screen, the news about the unidentified meta-mutant remains in front of him, and then back at his teammates. “Damn it, Eddie! I was winning too!” He muttered.

When Vic turned back and asked, “Who’s coming with me?” Gary was already on his feet.

“You know I’m in.” Gary followed Gridlock to the elevator, giving Marauder and Kid Cannonball a nod. “Let’s go before Eddie gets himself killed, or makes things worse for everyone else.”
Thank ye and goodbye for now.
Feel free to poke me about any other fun RPs in the future guys. ^^

Sorry about that, I’m just not in the headspace to GM rn. Good luck with everything
Hmm, maybe.

I call dibs on Iceman. Because I enjoy playing gay superheroes.
Ice Beast

Gary kept his eyes on the screen, fingers moving over the controller as he battled Gridlock for what had to be their sixth or seventh match. It was a close game, both of them trading wins and losses. He was about to land a combo when he noticed Vic glancing over at Laura, who had just taken a seat nearby with a cup of coffee.

Gridlock, started to give an impromptu history lesson on the Street Kombat franchise. Gary’s eyebrows lifted slightly, amused as Vic rattled off the series’ long list of sequels, variations, and obscure characters. He couldn’t help but chuckle as Vic’s auto-tuned voice went on, wondering how Laura would react.

Gary smirked, shaking his head slightly but keeping his focus on the match. “Vic, are you seriously comparing her to a video game character? You better be careful. She might decide to turn that coffee mug into a weapon.” he teased, trying to keep the mood light.

“Besides, we all know Barakavega wishes he was even half as badass as our Orphan X.” Gary said with a grin before quickly returned his focus to the game, mashing the right combination of buttons to pull off a combo with Frozen Ryu.

Zach winced as the meta’s words cut deeper than any physical attack could. As the guy patted his tophat, Zach didn’t even flinch; he was too consumed by his own thoughts, the magic that once flowed through him feeling distant and out of reach.

The swift punch that followed knocked his hat askew, and Zach stumbled back, catching it just before it hit the ground. He stood there, clutching the brim of his hat. The comment about his parents hurt the most. The idea that they might see him as a failure now, after all his training and hard work. His father, who had sparked his love for the stage, and his mother, who had tried to protect him by sealing his powers. Despite everything, he had chosen this path, not to defy them but to honor them, to prove that he could stand on his own as both a magician and a hero.

Zach watched the meta walk away, anger bubbling beneath the surface, in spite of the raging feeling of inadequacy. He desperately wanted to prove the guy wrong, to prove himself. “Hey, you can badmouth me all you want. But keep my parents out of your mouth!” He slowly stood up, still trembling from all the conflicting emotions. “They were better people than you’ll ever be. Everything I am is because of them. “And I’m not going to just sit this one out,” he declared. “You’ll see exactly what I have magic for.”

“Mih barg seniv cigam!” Ethereal vines erupted from the ground, shimmering with a faint glow as they surged forward, wrapping around the man’s legs and arms, pulling him back toward Zach. “You think you can just walk away after insulting my parents? After making me doubt myself? Not happening.”

And then, Zach did something… unexpected. He punched the guy in the face while the guy was bound, as hard as he possibly could. “How about you sit this one out! Oh, and another thing. No one touches the hat but me.”
Ryan was completely stunned as he clutched the pink crystal that had flown back into his hand on its own accord. One minute they were sitting in a lab, and the next, they were shooting into space, their bodies engulfed in vibrant energy. As they landed somewhere futuristic as far as Ryan could tell. His eyes looked around, taking in the bizarre surroundings and the odd robot speaking in an unfamiliar language.

“Well, this is definitely not how I pictured my day going…” Ryan muttered. He brushed off imaginary dust off his beach outfit. Ryan gave Eddie a look when he announced what the robot was. “A what? Darling, it’s a robot… I think someone has been watching a little too much Science Fiction lately.” Ryan said with a giggle.

Speaking of, he turned his attention back to it. “Alright, I have no idea what you’re saying, but I’m going to need some answers. Preferably in a language that doesn’t sound like a glitching toaster. Some context would be fabulous right about now.”

Danny’s eyes snapped open. Chase was nowhere to be found. In fact, he wasn’t even in the Baxter Building anymore. Instead he was… back at Midtown High? This was different though. The fluorescent lights flickered above, casting a dim glow that made the place feel more like a prison than a school. Danny looked down, and to his horror, he saw that he was wearing the same clothes he wore when he was younger. He glanced around, panic setting in as he realized this wasn’t just some random hallway. The lockers looked exactly the same, and the distant sounds of students’ laughter and chatter echoed down the corridor.

Danny’s heart sank when he saw Skyler, and his group of friends up ahead, laughing obnoxiously. It was just like it had been back then. Danny’s stomach churned as he remembered the daily torment he had endured.

Skyler noticed Danny and sneered. “Well, look who it is. Little Danny Davis. Still as pathetic as ever.”

Danny tried to walk away, but his feet felt heavy, like he was wading through quicksand. He wanted to fight back, to say something, anything, but his voice caught in his throat. All the confidence he’d gained as Spider-Man felt like it had been stripped away, leaving him vulnerable and scared.

“Where’s your stupid costume now, huh?” Skyler taunted, shoving Danny against the lockers. The impact was jarring, and Danny winced, feeling that familiar helplessness creep over him.

Danny’s back hit the cold metal of the lockers, the sound echoing through the hallway. Skyler loomed over him, his sneer turning vicious as he grabbed Danny by the collar, pulling him closer. “What’s the matter? Cat got your tongue? You’re so chatty when you thought you were something special.” He shoved Danny back again, hard enough to make his head slam against the locker, a sharp pain shooting through his skull.

Danny squeezed his eyes shut, trying to block out Skyler’s taunts.




Each word cut deeper than the last, and Danny felt tears well up in his eyes, his body frozen in fear. He wanted to scream, to fight back, but all he could do was curl into himself, waiting for it to be over.

Skyler raised his fist, ready to take another swing. “Let’s see what happens when you don’t have your stupid mask to hide behind.”


Meanwhile, Chase found himself in a different kind of nightmare. He was standing in a dark, cold lab filled with old, dusty equipment and the faint hum of machinery. It was the exact setup of his father’s old lab—a place Chase had avoided even thinking about since the day he ran away. He was wearing his old school clothes.

Chase knew exactly what was coming next. He could hear the echo of his father’s voice, stern and filled with disappointment.

“You’re nothing but a failure, Chase. You’ll never be anything without me.”

Chase turned around, his heart racing, and saw his Victor Stein standing there, looming over him. The room felt smaller, the walls closing in as his father’s presence filled the space with anger and resentment. Chase tried to leave, but the door was locked.

His father stepped closer, shoving a prototype of the Fistigons into Chase’s hands. “You think you’re a hero? You’re just a stupid kid playing with toys you don’t understand.”

Chase’s hands shook as he held the Fistigons. He wanted to tell his father he was wrong, to prove he was more than just a disappointment, but the words wouldn’t come. Instead, he felt small, trapped in the shadow of a man who had always made him feel worthless.

“You’re a disappointment.” Victor said coldly.

Victor loomed over him, a towering figure of disappointment and disdain. “You’re not smart enough to use those,” he sneered. “You never were. You couldn’t even get your grades up, let alone be a hero. Without me, you’re nothing.”

Chase’s heart pounded in his chest. He had heard these words so many times before. He wanted to scream, to fight back—but, to do something, he couldn’t move. His feet felt glued to the ground, and his voice was caught in his throat, silenced by years of self-doubt.

“You’re weak,” Victor continued, stepping closer. “You always have been. That’s why you keep failing. That’s why you’ll never be anything.”

Chase looked down at the Fistigons, his hands trembling. The words cut deep, and for a moment, he felt like that scared, lost kid all over again. But then, somewhere in the back of his mind, he remembered all the times he’d proven Victor wrong—every battle, every time he’d stood up for his friends, every moment he’d used these gauntlets to protect the people he cared about.

He wasn’t just a kid playing with toys. He was Talkback, a hero in his own right, and he didn’t need his father’s approval to be that.

Chase’s grip on the Fistigons tightened. He looked up at his father, his fear slowly giving way to anger. “You’re wrong.” Chase said, his voice shaky but gaining strength with every word. “I’m not a disappointment. I’m not weak. I’m stronger than you ever gave me credit for.”

Victor’s expression twisted into one of rage, but Chase didn’t flinch. He activated the Fistigons. “I’m not you.” Chase continued, raising the Fistigons. “And I never will be.”

With a burst of energy, Chase aimed the gauntlets at Victor, firing a powerful blast that sent his father’s shadowy figure hurtling back. The room shook, and the illusion shattered, the walls of the lab crumbling away as the nightmare began to break apart.

Victor’s form disintegrated, leaving Chase standing alone in the ruins of the lab. He had faced his father’s ghost and, more importantly, he had faced himself.

Chase felt better, but it wasn’t time to celebrate. His father may have been gone, but he knew he wasn’t back in reality yet. If he had to face his nightmare, then Danny was dealing with something too. Chase wasn’t about to let him face it alone. “Hold on Danny…”
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