Fleuri Jodeau
Despite having returned to the real world, Fleuri's daily schedule hadn't change too much compared to how he had spent it in Merilia's world. He continued to seek instruction from Rui and sought to spar with older and more experienced knights, and now that he had his horse back, he was able to practice with a lance as well. It would not please Reon to allow the skills he had picked up in Merilia's realm to stagnate, not to mention it'd be an insult to both Merilia and all the knights that had been passed over. Furthermore, and much more pragmatically, he wished to be as strong as possible for when the knights inevitably came face-to-face with whatever Merilia's friend had originally foreseen would bring them a "painful and unfortunate end".
Sure, passing Merilia's tests and being released implied that they, but you could never be too prepared when it came to averting one's own death.
It was a bit odd, Fleuri thought as he rode along, that the knights were being called to Brennan. This mission wasn't on direct behest of the crown, rather it was the initiative of the captain to come here. Evidently the Lord of Brennan had quite suddenly lost his mind, and Fanilly suspected that it could potentially be the work of the shard of Angoron. Considering their proximity to where they had fought the Golden Boars not long ago, Fleuri couldn't see it as being outside the realm of possibility that these events were connected.
By the time they saw the city's walls in the distance, the journey had been nothing but smooth. Fleuri was well-accustomed to spending time on the road in the saddle from his tournament days, and was quite used to traveling along this route. From the sound of what Fanilly had spoken, this mission probably wouldn't involve any fighting, and instead would entail investigation akin to what they did at the fort. Still, he knew better than to assume such a thing.
For all he knew, they could be riding straight towards what Merilia had been preparing them to face.