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Maxima LA-02
Core Details
Name: Maxima
Age: 18
Gender: Female
Species: Android
Who are you?
Maxima, while having remarkably humanlike features, is clearly an android - her reinforced joints and chassis-embedded shield emitters betray that there's more to her than simply looks. Her attention-grabbing outfits and long, flowing hair show a bit of a diva streak, and anyone who converses with her would rest assured that she considers herself a performer above all else - whether that performance is in a firefight or on a stage. She brings a brash and competitive attitude to most things, and hates losing or admitting defeat. She's more likely to claim someone she admires as a rival than a friend - and would be loathe to admit otherwise, even if it actually was the case.
Maxima considers weaponry beautiful, perhaps to a strange degree to those around her. During downtime she can be seen lovingly maintaining weapons (oftentimes not even her own weapons) in a way that she would never regard another person.
Apart from being used to create a powerful overshield, her hardlight emitters can also be used to project accessories or effects around her in a short radius, which she often uses when showing off or performing.
What do you bring to the table?
Maxima is excellent at grabbing the attention of all. Her body is covered with hardlight shield emitters - miniaturized versions of the same kind used to armor starships and other heavy vehicles - that she can activate at will to project a powerful (and extremely bright) overshield. It offers excellent protection without any hinderances to her range of motion and mobility, letting her be both agile and sturdy at the same time - at the cost of being basically incapable of stealth.
Maxima has an obsession with weaponry, and is an avid collector - especially for prototypes and rare productions. She considers herself nothing less than an expert in identification, repair, and maintenance of weapons - and has the eccentric arsenal to back it up. Of course, she is also well trained with several different items she uses - especially her one-of-a-kind personalized LMG built alongside her. With her armor and machine gun, she is ostensibly a vanguard fighter that is meant to be at the front of the fight, more likely to crash through a wall than find a clever way around it.
She also is an excellent vocalist and dancer, capable of learning songs and choreography at an astounding rate.
What's your problem?
Maxima was the brainchild of a failing marketing branch of a megacorp, desperately searching for a "hail mary" idea to revitalize their brand. The idea: Create an idol unit of specially-designed combat androids that matched their flair for performance with their competency in battle; creating both a spectacle to draw attention to the brand as well as a designer product to sell. Eager to provide a prototype before their branch was downsized, many corners were cut with Maxima's design. With that, and rumored corporate meddling, sabotage, and power games, Maxima's AI ended up growing beyond the bounds of what anyone expected (or wanted). After a disastrous shareholder presentation, her project was scrapped and the branch completely liquidated.
Maxima, being designed as a combat android, had no trouble breaking free and avoiding being liquidated herself. Wandering free, she found herself pursuing whatever whimsy she felt - and whether a part of her initial programming or a quirk developed after being set free, she soon found herself enamored by weaponry. After a string of high-profile musical burglaries, Maxima became the target of several different armed groups, all of which looking to regain the various weapons and relics she had pilfered as if she was the rightful owner all along. She joined the Guernica crew to "lay low," as much as she hated the concept.
Maxima believes that she may have sister models, though she has no definitive proof. She insists that her designation as 02 means there was at least one before her, and the scientists developing her constantly mentioned a unit of four - though it could have meant anything at the time. With no trail left from the corporation's liquidation, there is little trace to go on. But that doesn't stop her from looking, attempting to form (or reform) the unit "GA-LA-TE-A" from which her designation LA comes from.
Life in the crew
Maxima is the self-proclaimed armorer of the Guernica, often taking any chance to clean, repair, and polish any weapon that isn't nailed down (and often some that are). She also is never one to shy away from putting on impromptu performances - to the joy or sorrow of her crewmates.
Maxima is relatively new to the crew, only being aboard for less than a year.