Run.RUN.The catgirl would have cursed under her breath if she had the focus to, but right now her survival instincts were kicking into overdrive. She'd chosen to follow the new girl on the spur of the moment, and yet even with the shining gatehouse right there the thunderous steps of death followed rapidly. She could hear it. The stop. The growl. The movement now coming towards them. She'd jumped the gun. They'd jumped the gun. It was coming for them. Donovan was perhaps the safest one right now, all things considered in the heat of the moment, and they were being focused. Should they just gun for the exit? Should they scatter and hope it confused this thing? Would they all just gun for it and let Donovan die? Dammit. Dammit dammit dammit.
No. She had to think. Something on the-...crap.
Well, she'd lived a good life and gotten this chance at another start.
"COME ON YOU BIG STONE SHITSTAIN, YOU WANT SOME OF THIS ASS? YOU'RE NOT THE FIRST, NOT THE LAST! GOTTA CATCH ME THOUGH!"The catgirl virtually screamed at the stone giant as she began to break off to her right, heading north and beelined it toward the entrance door of the tower at top speed. Whatever 'magic' stuff she had in her, or something, maybe, she did her best to try to push it into action as well. Speed. Give her speed. Push it through her body like a flowing river. Imagine a flowing river. Imagine the racing currents are her body moving, but not her body beaming. Just don't let it fail, please. If she could do one thing right let it be this right now.
She didn't care if it made big light, or somehow amplified her voice, or whatever that could draw attention as a side effect. She wanted to draw attention as she darted off. Draw the big lug towards her a bit, scatter away with some insults tossed at it, see if she could help the others try to make a break for the exit.
But who knew? She believed that Malphas guy had some ability, so as she heard his own call aloud she decided to try something. She would try to believe. Believe he had the power to get them out of here. She wasn't going to complain right now about it. She was willing to do anything to get this to work.
Her spear was clutched in her hand so hard her knuckles were turning white, but heck she had to get moving. If she died trying to save some strangers, then at least she died on her own terms. Not that she'd get another chance, but it wasn't like she knew she was getting this second chance in the first place. Wasn't even guaranteed one. So yeah. No skin off her bones, ah, in that sense.