Avatar of Little Raptor


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I'm a casual and free RPer returning after a long absence from the site. I am a fantasy RPer with a little supernatural, space and slice of life thrown in there.

I'm strictly 18+, 21+ preferred, even where no romance occurs just because it makes me feel really gross otherwise!

I love a slow burn and angst helps me to thrive. I play as OCs of all genders and have a collection to play with or am happy to create a new OC for a new plot or story.

I have cravings for an easy RP to build characters around each other and am very casual. A paragraph is absolutely fine with me if the scene calls for it!

As for my expectations:

I do expect help with the story but don't worry about writing paragraph after paragraph, especially when the scene or pace is fast. Write what you feel will move the scene along otherwise we just end up repeating ourselves and the scene feels really static and sludgy. A lore or background dump is always fun to read, but not for every post ;)

I'm also happy for you to take a scene your own way and react naturally to a situation, even if we haven't discussed it. Please allow me the same courtesy in return. I understand that to move the scene along, sometimes you have to forgo a reaction to something and move the scene forward, but I really don't like it when your posts continuously control my character or force them to react in really restricted ways. If you want me to do something, talk to me about it, then allow me to write it in my character's POV - please don't RP for me.

Most importantly I expect you to have fun and communicate your cravings with me - fancy a fantasy injection into our SOL RP - sure! Fancy taking a completely different plot route to the one originally discussed? Let's do it! Suddenly not feeling your character's abilities and want to have a change - let's talk about it and fit it into the plot. I'm very fluid and understand that needs and wants change. We're not writing a serious story here (unless we are) - so the rules of stories don't apply as much here!

I'm happy to talk about plots and characters alongside the RP and am more than happy to work out bigger plots after getting to know characters through something more casual too.

LGBTQ+ friendly~

Feel free to PM me with ideas~

~ Raptor

Most Recent Posts


So I recently finished watching Our Flag Means Death (late to the party, I know) and it's re-ignited my love of pirates and silly little queer romances. Would anyone be interested in talking about Pirates and making them have adventures together?

I'm open to lots of ideas, I have a few of my own. I love a romance, but it doesn't have to be the focus, nor does it have to be a part of the story. I'm down to chat about it and work with cravings; bring OCs old and new; all I ask is that you are happy to play with ideas, you let me know when you're going to be a while posting and that you have fun with your characters and fulfill your cravings as much as me!

Hey, would love to try an RP!

I like the high school loner idea, but I'm not in the mood for high school; could we work something out where it's a clique-y job and he's the outcast? New teacher?
I also love the 1900s idea, finding a mystery man in the garden sounds like a lot of fun, or the proper lady hiring a bit of muscle for the garden; they feel like they could be two sides of the same coin.
Or the band idea - dating a jerk in his band sounds fun too. Conflict is always fun to write!

LMK if you'd like to RP too :)
Absolutely suffering just like you and craving some Helluva RP. Wondering if you'd be up for some Ozzie/Fizz? If not I could get behind a Stolas/Blitzo rp too :)
Hey, I'd be interested in talking to you more about this :)

You have a lot of fun plot ideas I'd be interested in chatting to you about. I like your dark vampire plot and the warrior vamp and would be interested in dragon shifter/vampire if you're up for it?
This looks like a really cool idea - would you be up for talking more about it?

I'm a casual RPer returning after a long absence from the site. I am a fantasy RPer with a little supernatural, space and slice of life thrown in there.

I love a slow burn and angst helps me to thrive. I play as OCs of all genders and have a collection to play with or am happy to create a new OC for a new plot or story.

I'm happy to talk about plots and characters alongside the RP and am more than happy to work out bigger plots after getting to know characters through something more casual too.

Strictly 18+ but LGBTQ+ friendly~

Feel free to PM me with ideas!
Hey, shoot me a DM? I'm getting back into RPing here on the site, so would love to chat plot with you :)
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