Enapay, Huntington. USA.
November 12 2015.
A crisp morning, a dead home. Leah Novak awoke only to shower and stroll downstairs and discover each member of her family dead, bleeding onto the kitchen floor. A creature that seemed all too familiar lurked in the living room, knocking over lamps and set decorations as it shuffled through the house. Leah's footsteps didn't fail to catch the walker's attention as it looked up at her, growling at her from a mouth that was stained with the blood of her family. Her limbs seemed to go frozen, completely cold. This couldn't be happening. Could this thing be what was widely known as...zombies? But it sure did look like one. Sounded like one. And as it began to advance toward her, Leah knew she wasn't going to take her chances. The creature only growled; no words escaped it. It's eyes appeared to be clouded over with a milky white coat and it's skin was clearly rotting. Leah was surprised she hadn't smelt it all the way from upstairs. As it got closer to her, the smell almost made her gag.
Trying to think fast and effectively, she stumbled through the house and let the walker follow her out the door, in order to lead it outside. However, when she stepped out onto the front lawn, she immediately felt the instinct to rush back inside. The street was littered with walkers, sauntering slowly through the neighbour's garden, across lawns, down drive ways. What the hell was all of this?
Impatiently waiting for the walker to follow her outside, she rushed back inside once it was out of the house, taking care to not only lock the door but push pieces of furniture in front of it. She rushed to the other exits of the house to secure them as well. After this was done, she took a deep breath and re entered the kitchen to examine the corpses of her family members. Having to look at them was definitely challenging and she feared getting too close to them. As if that would somehow make this all more real. Each family member had a distinctive bite mark on their body. Leah questioned, if they were already dead, how long ago had they been bit? How long had she been asleep? It was not too long after that she discovered the remaining family member in the living room where the walker had been initially found.
What to do, what to do? Leah couldn't imagine that class could still be running if the city was in this position, could it? What was the rest of the city like? The rest of the state? The country? The world? Leah found that she felt completely isolated. Her cell, cable, and internet service were all out. The last resort was the radio. The voices that broadcasted from it only confirmed Leah's fears. The slowly worsening virus had seemingly turned the world to hell in a 10 hour period. Different radio stations told the people different things. Some stations would strongly advise people to come to the city. That a help center was set up and that they had answers, while others begged the crowds to leave the city and that they needed to distance themselves from the masses.
Letting the radio run, Leah sat on this for a while. In fact, she sat on it for two days. Each hour that went by, things seemed to worsen. The street continued to fill in with the mindless walkers and Leah was dying to know what this really was. In the evening of the second day, she realized her bitten family members could very well rise again; and so she put a knife to the back of each ones head - just lik she had seen done countless times before. In every aspect, this looked exactly like the movies. Zombies. To take over the world, eat the sane, to bring the apocalypse. If that was really what this was, was it ok to kill these creatures that so closely resemble humans? Were they really dead? Or just sick? Leah needed to know. And so, on the dawn of the third day, she gathered her supplies and any useful weapons she could find and headed into downtown Enapay.