Avatar of Darcs
  • Last Seen: 2 mos ago
  • Old Guild Username: Darcs
  • Joined: 11 yrs ago
  • Posts: 1517 (0.39 / day)
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    1. Darcs 11 yrs ago
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Stop and frisk me, daddy. Unf.
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Organize a strike in your school or workplace on the grounds that it does not satisfy your need for indolence & spiritual beauty.


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Things were... going.

Kukcoo was an optimist, something of one, at least, and as she peeked from the door inside the Exeralune to fire off a couple rounds, her optimistic assessment of the battle wasn't horribly inspiring-- stalemate. That was bluntly where they were. The silver clad mystery attackers weren't particularly well trained, they were aggressive and eager, but they weren't zealous. Cannon fodder, almost. Kukcoo could count on one hand the casualties of the barely organized crew of the Exeralune had suffered, and even those weren't confirmed, their aggressors meanwhile, almost seemed to want to take a bullet. Kukcoo furrowed her brow as she fired off another few bullets.

What are you after?

She discarded another surplus enforcer and moved to pick up another. It had to be the ship they were after, they were focusing too much power on it. Why send the 'b' team to take the ship then? These guys, their flash armor, their tactics... was it attrition, or distraction? Both? Something else? They didn't have any organization behind their assault besides 'ATTACK.' Kuckoo rolled to the other side of the Exeralune entrance and aimed her blaster at someone... who appeared new? They were getting reinforcements? To continue their slow push toward the ship? Why? Certainly, they didn't have the strength to rush the line, the turret could tear them all down, approaching from the sides of the ship would just funnel them into our own fire, and give them no cover... Still, they weren't trying anything new...

Whomever was behind the assault wanted the ship, or something on it, Kukcoo deduced. They had to have. There were plenty of opportunities to destroy the ship-- now being one of them-- they had decided to attack with an orbital assault after all, but they didn't destroy the ship, they attacked in a way that would absolutely decimate it's crew. Kukcoo emptied another surplus enforcer gunning down a silver man attempting to push the line, when she moved to get another, she noticed the blue stowaway, who called himself Alexis, rushing toward her.


So they were getting reinforcements.

Despite the pinging of bullets around them, and the harsh noise of gunfire, Kukcoo put on a polite smile and used her boots to get her to a height where she could comfortably place her hand on the blue boy's shoulder. "Hey," her voice almost eerily still given their surroundings, "We'll be fine. Nothing to panic about!" She tilted her head with a concerned look on her face, "Are you okay, though?"

While waiting for an answer, Kukcoo went to the nearest intercom and banged twice against the wall of the ship, "Isaac!" the influx of injured security painting her face slightly concerned, "It's me! New plan, turn the shields on and get this ship out of here!!!" She paused, deciding how to proceed, before continuing, "Keep it hovering around the warehouse! I want both turrets to be able to give us full support-- If you hurry you might be able to get the..." She gave a dry chuckle, preemptively, at her own pun, "You might be able to get the DROP on the DROP SHIP, out back! They aren't expecting this, and using the ship against ground troops should put us at an advantage-- but if you detect anything weird on radar you do what you think is best..." Her took on a distinctly sarcastic tone, "Isaac," She cracked a smile, "I'm assuming you can do all this with... whatever computer magic you know, but you know, if you can't feel free to give the pilot and gunners the order that it's safe for them to... oh, y'know..." She paused for comedic effect, "...actually do their jobs!" Grinning, she rolled her eyes and continued speaking into the intercom, "Anyway, over and out."

"I'll need you to cover my six." She said to Alexis, Kukcoo had begun walking toward the entrance of the ship and assumed the boy would follow. Instead of using the ramp, she took advantage of the function of her boots and glided to the nearest crate, the one her cousin Gogo was using for cover.

"Kook!!!" Gogo spat blood as she spoke, "Wat brens u dowwwnnnn to tha nitty-gritty!?" The trollish Korrvain Nymph smiled a wild, bloody and manic grin, she had lost several teeth, and her right eye was going to need to be replaced. Again.

Kukcoo spoke in her calm voice between controlled shots, more suppressing fire than anything, "I ordered," *blam* "the ship," *blam* "to take off."

"VWHOAAW!!!!" Gogo slurred and she fired off, she had an automatic weapon, most likely looted from their opposition, in contrast to Kukcoo, Gogo's shots were wild and unaimed. "U cannd du tha...?!?!"

*blam*"Probably not," *blam* "but I did it anyway." *click* For the first time in the battle, Kukcoo reloaded her gun instead of just getting a new one, and she searched her bag for ammo she looked at her cousin in concern, "You know, maybe you should sit the rest of this one out, Go. Get to the medbay while you still can?"

"WAAAT????" Gogo struggled as she climbed on top of the crate, gun in mouth, "Eye A'VENT felt tis gud in YEAAARRS!" She slowly raised the gun and had her left arm shot to hell, as she knelt down to pick up her gun bullets whizzed past her head, blood poured out of the fresh wounds on her left arm. Faster this time, she wildly fired with the gun held solely in her left hand-- the force knocking her back behind the crate, she hit the ground hard and laid on her back, "AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!" she sighed, "Ahm ALIVE!"

Kukcoo could only exchange a concerned look with Alexis before continuing her methodical attack on the silver men.
Sounds like we need a giant COLLAB POST!
Name: Danielle "Denny" Bryson
Age: 19
Occupation before the turn: Unemployed, (instrumentalist, producer, lyricist, rapper, poet)
Gender: Female


Physical description: Denny, at 5'10'', is quite tall for a woman who eats as little as she does, she pays for her height in a lack of bodily mass, having almost 0% body fat and little in the way of muscle. While her figure does have a slight curvature, her short hair, height, and lithe form make her easily androgynous or masculine to the untrained. To compensate for this she tends to wear overtly feminine clothing and black that fits her form to bring out her form.

Personality: Denny is someone who can appear stoic and detached, and while this may be true to a degree, she mostly suffers from being lost in her own head. Often losing herself in the artistic works she has created or the works of others. Denny is aware that she needs others to survive, but is confident in her own abilities that she doesn't let this hinder the decisions she makes, even if they're overly confident. She is both airy and foolhardy.

(to be developed in IC)

History: Denny dropped out of high school when she was barely 16 in favor of pursuing her artistic and musical passions. While a bold and passionate move, it also led to her relationship with her parents deteriorating, and the past few years of her life have been spent homeless, in shelters, hotels and on her friend's couches. Recently, however, she has begun to find more work doing shows in small venues, such as lounges and cafe-- although she has had to do things she regrets in order to get to this point.

(to be developed in IC)
Posting this response to OP because for some reason I spent the time writing it all out.
TJByrum said Everybody wants to be free, but is freedom to dangerous to be left in the hands of citizens like us?

TJByrum said What if we had the ability to track each citizen? If a kid is kidnapped we know exactly where they are, we know where they're going, and we know who has them. If we could control the population we could make sure that kid never gets kidnapped, and even they are kidnapped we have a very effective way of rescuing them. Imagine if that kid was a little girl who was about to be sexually abused by the kidnapper; isn't it better that we CONTROL the population to ensure these sick things never happen?

TJByrum said What if we had a system that told us when someone was doing something illegal? What if we knew when someone was drinking and driving? We could save the life of an innocent child, or perhaps an entire family.

TJByrum said Drugs don't always make you do bad things, but drugs will ALWAYS lead to violence, and we need to control the population to ensure violence is contained.

TJByrum said What if our law enforcement had the ability to search whatever they wanted? They need no warrant. Why do you want a warrant anyway? Do you have something to hide? If you're an innocent person you have nothing to hide. In my eyes, if you request a warrant then you're hiding something.

TJByrum said Imagine if we had the ability to immediately flag and arrest potential terrorists.

TJByrum said How many people live in poverty and continue to spend taxpayers money on drugs?

TJByrum said Why are people against drug tests for welfare and food stamps? Why would you deny a drug test?

TJByrum said Are you spending the money that you supposedly don't have on illegal substances?

TJByrum said I believe a BETTER world is a SAFE world, but a SAFE world is only possible through CONTROL, NOT FREEDOM.

Sometimes you just need to do things without any purpose.
Protagonist said I think the answer to this question is simple: the power vested in the state should be exactly proportional to how much you can trust its leadership. Theoretically, any system can be corrupted by stuffing it full of enough bad people, and any system can work if stuffed with enough good people. Ideally, the best governmental system would be a totalitarian system (hear me out) led by an infallible despot. However, since people are very, very fallible, despotism invariably fails. So, you just cut back on their power and make them a bit more accountable, and eventually you end up with a constitutional republic.

If only Mr. House was real.

Yog Sothoth said I say human beings are meant to have hierarchies every culture in history has, hell even animals. I don't believe in idealistic thinking because normally it leads to disappointment, depression and anger. Me personally I believe in monarchy and I think democracy is overrated and chaotic, humans are too stubborn to all work together. I say bring back the old ways.

You mean small city states with no real connection to each other besides maybe confederate agreements, a manageable population, Athenian Democracies, single transferable voting, economies backed by currency with actual value, and personal relationship between people and small, generally syncretic governments?

Oh, if only.

Magic Magnum said The main difference between Monarchy and Democracy is that a person is put in charge due to blood, not personal merit.The position is leader becomes a title of inheritance, something that a few lucky children 'deserve' no matter how rotten they are. Rather than a title/responsibly that one must earn.

I will agree that Democracy is far from perfect, it has many flaws, and gives too much voice to people who either don't care or don't know crap about the world in comparison to those who do know or care about the world. But it is definitely a better system that systematically raising the most ultimately spoiled/entitled brat of a child you could ever imagine and then letting them lead.

I think a type of democracy is ideal, taking into mind size of the population, size of the territory, neighboring countries or autonomous zones, agriculture, economy and general level of technology. I think an Athenian Democracy ((OPEN TO EVERYONE), with some bits thrown in from Communist Marxism, Anarchism and Socialism) would be great on a city and town level.

darkwolf687 said Actually, thats wrong. Several european Countries (notably the Holy Roman Empire) had an elected king. Admitedly elected by the rich and important, and in the case of the HRE it devolved to the point where it may as well have been hereditary

You know you're grasping when the Holy Roman Empire is your notable example. Not only was it not even really a country-- it was neither Holy, nor Roman, nor an Empire. But that's just a personal bias against the HRE.

darkwolf687 said The trouble with what your saying is that "Monarchy" and "Democracy" are broad and sometimes overlaping terms. You can have hereditary monarchy, you can have appointed monarchy etc. Democracy is the same, you can have republics, you can have communes (obviously there are no soverign communes, because they simply dont work as a national system.).
Hell, you can even have both monarchy and democracy at the same time (Constitutional monarchy with an elected governing body, or a monarch voted in by the people)

Yessss, communes ftw.

darkwolf687 said Saying the two concepts automatically equal one thing, or that the two are mutually exclusive, simply arent true. Hereditary monarchy suffers the problems you suggest, but monarchs can actually be appointed as well which can circumvent said problems. Likewise, democracies can still be dominated by rich brats who brought their way to the top or had more money to spend on a political campaign, and in the past it was common to restrict voting to the well off anyway, or they would be the only ones literate enough to vote.

And while some claim republics are better than monarchies, some republics can in fact be less democratic than monarchies, depending on how the two are run.

Monarchy is the wild card really, it can overlap with both Democracy and Dictatorship, which are probably better suited to the discusion than "Monarchy" and "Democracy", or even "Ways of new" and "Ways of old" because the concept of democracy has been around for thousands of years. While the two still cover a range of government types, they do not really overlap as you cant have a "Democratic Dictatorship" by definition.

What do you think about The Crown's basically 'Ceremonial Monarchy'?

darkwolf687 said I agree, however, with a certain gentleman
"Democracy is the worst type of government, except all the other types which have failed."


Yog Sothoth said Besides a monarchy, I would say that a diverse authoritarian government could also work if done right

Wouldn't every type of government ever work if 'done right?'
In Paradise 10 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
mite b cool, tho

Like Standish decides half-way through the challenge that we're making too much progress, so he starts sending people individual messages to pit the party against one another, and Prince realizes the only way to keep us together is to give us a new, more threatening common enemy other than Miles. So Prince becomes that enemy himself.

And of course Miles Standish planned it all along.
In Paradise 10 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
HylianRose said I edited it in. Lol.
Chuks told me it looks more like a rogue-ish Prince when he decides to leave the party and become some sort of 'Masked' character.

In Paradise 10 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
"I'm Cherry..."

Cherry's voice had a slight girlish inflection, like a child everyone tried protect from the world. Cherry possessed a certain... innocence. She probably hadn't even intended to steal, Marinette lessened her grip as she considered this, the girl was trying to be safe... albeit, in a very untrained and blunt manner. She couldn't steal from the noobie, not in good conscience anyway. Okay, she definitely COULD steal in bad conscience, but a quick look told Marinette that Cherry didn't have anything that good, the only person she knew who even used guns, Hazard, didn't even use the kind the girl had.

Nah, she'd let the girl go, but it was her moral responsibility as a citizen of Paradise to make sure she never tried anything this hamfisted again. A menacing whisper in her ear wouldn't be enough. Marinette searched her own mind for inspiration, who did she know that could inspire that kind of fear? Something that would be simple and easy to do, but memorable enough that the memory of this little episode would be associated with general... unpleasantness. A single name came to her mind, a character Ness was particularly spooked by when the old re-runs of Sherlock came on.

Charles Augustus Magnussen

It didn't take many licks to her face to inspire the fear of the Loa into Cherry, "Aaahaa w-what are you doing, s-stop it!" Oh my Gods, is she actually crying? It took all of her being not to respond with laughter, that would have been even crueler than the girl had bargained for. Grey gave away his presence with his characteristic "two clicks" and suddenly, the two engaged in friendly banter, almost as if Cherry wasn't there, the girl practically being held hostage at this point. It wasn't until Mari offered her a piece of jerky that Cherry even spoke up, over the occasional sniffle. "Can I really?"

"Sure!" lightening her mood a little, that seemed to have calmed the girl down, "You ever had Paradise bear before...?" As the words left Marinette's mouth, the rustling of the grass gave way to another companion of her's, Raijin, followed by his wolf familiar Void. He had a dagger out, but his expression wasn't hostile toward the girl, Cherry, no, he seemed to recognize her, as well as showing some minor surprise.

"Hey there Cherry, long time no see. It seems you have gotten yourself into an a little bit of a pickle." Huh, so they knew each other, he then turned to Marinette after directly addressing Cherry, more confused than anything, "Geez, What she try to do that you had to pull a knife on her?"

Marinette let the girl free of her death grip as she answered this question, "You're little friend tried to mug me!" As the girl moved to pick up her rifle, Marinette moved to pick up her own discarded weapons, as well as the now useless cigar butt, it pays not to litter! She continued, half mocking Cherry "I wouldn't mind that so much, but she was really bad at it! I was just giving her a few pointers!" She gestured to the jerky eating cyborg in closing, "Grey can vouch for me!"
Carantathraiel said Viktor, you are not having sex with the right woman.
Or man.

*Or both
We could totally continue if someone besides me, you or Whirlwind were to post-- pretty sure we aren't the only people who want to keep going.

AllOurPrettySongs said I'd like to keep it going if anyone is interested in doing something with my character ?

We could just assume you and Aaron awkwardly said goodbye and then you went to join everyone else?
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