Avatar of Darcs
  • Last Seen: 2 mos ago
  • Old Guild Username: Darcs
  • Joined: 11 yrs ago
  • Posts: 1517 (0.39 / day)
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    1. Darcs 11 yrs ago
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Organize a strike in your school or workplace on the grounds that it does not satisfy your need for indolence & spiritual beauty.


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"FAAAK U, YA... ya... YA FUZZY ASSHOLE!" Unlike her cousin, Gogo had no issues with the Korrvain, seeing a competent soldier as a competent soldier, regardless of racial history. What she did have a problem with though, was being forcefully ejected from a battle. She continued banging against Gunnos as he carried her to the Exeralune, "ahm... ahm telin' u!! AHM FIIIIINE!!!! Don' was ur tahm on me! Go fite!" It wasn't any use, he was simply stronger than her, especially with her weakened state. Her hamartia was hubris. "ahh SAID! AHHH AMM FAAAAAHHHHHNNNNE!!!"

The medical crew aboard the Exeralune didn't think so.

Soon enough she found herself under the care of Shor'Gen, her blood poured out at slower rates when she began, in a futile effort, to bang her fists against his carapace. "LEMME OUTTA HERE!!! Mah cuz is out thar... ah gotta..." He laid her on the table and applied the anesthetic. "Ah can pro... tec..." She was already small, but by now she had lost several pounds of blood and was running on fumes, she knew she needed this, but a soldier would fight until the bitter end, even against his allies. Her mind lingered on Kukcoo and, surprisingly, Gunnos-- I need to find the asshole who put me in here... and thank him..





Kukcoo rolled her uniformly black eyes. 3d printed guns were so much more convenient than this constantly reloading nonsense. Still, she went behind the crate to do the repetitive action. This whole thing felt off to her, far too repetitive, she didn't know, but she had a strong hunch they were being stalled with this. The situation needed to change, soon. She looked at the ship in concern, it still being in the port, what's taking so long? Nearby she could hear their stowaway, Alexis, fighting with his sword, Kukcoo smiled, it wouldn't turn the tide of the battle, but it was help. The gun clicked. Great, full magazine, she moved around the edge of the crate again, gun pointed carefully in front of her and looked for the nearest exposed silver limb...

In Paradise 10 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
chukklehed said We COULD help Mahz finance a new, more powerful server

That's what I want! But he's been strict about doing it all himself, for some reason I can't quite understand.
In Paradise 10 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
Augh, these website fluctuations though.

I feel like this is tragic because it's like this website I've grown to consider as close as family over the years is dying, but at the same time I can't even help mahz out with it.
The cops had fucked up.

Denny had taken a respite in the wooded area off to the side of the highway, she had traveled miles by this point-- going back to the city wasn't option, right? She had walked too far, and there was no promise the rioting in the city had died down-- and there was always the virus behind it all. But proceeding forward... the police were crazy... that wasn't NEW, but these were new standards of low. The cars were fucking stopped, if the virus made it's way here, she'd be fucked. She could survive the city, for a while, at least-- double back, find another car, take a dirt road out as fast as possible. Yes! That could work!

Her mind went dark, and Pete...

Yes, this was way worse than he had predicted, she needed to go back and get him, too.
Denny had taken to residential streets to get back, they were less populated-- she may even find a car here. Still, she kept her slung bag close and her gawdy gun at the ready. She was used to spending nights without a roof, the survival would be useful, but she hoped to keep to the shadows, she had no clue how to use the thing... It had a safety? She had already forgotten the numbers Pete had told her, she really hoped she wouldn't need it.

Denny used the back yards-- whatever kept her out of the streets. They weren't as bad as the city, but she didn't really want to be seen. She made her way around the front of a building and noticed another figure in the practically empty streets, the light was dim, but that was totally the girl from the music store!

Not wanting to draw the attention of those with the virus, Denny waved, hoping to get her attention-- more people would be better than less.
In Paradise 10 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
She swayed with the beat... not caring if they noticed.

Marinette and Anima Sola had wondered off again-- not too far from the group surrounding Cherry, a few feet, actually. Mari quite liked Cynthia going full on Sergeant Hartman mode-- but something about that always made her feel like Lieutenant Kilgore... Jesus man, those movies are like 100 years old... Still, she fell on her back on a patch of grass away from the group. She was lighting another cigar with her rather unreliable spell.

Spark. Spark. Spark.

The small fire between the snap of her middle finger and her thumb just wasn't enough to light the cigar it seemed, she used it another time when she heard Raijin, "--And I'll vouch for her, if that means anything at the moment." The fire took.


Marinette took a few bitter puffs before yelling, "I'll vouch for her too! Anyone that bad at mugging can't be all that bad!" As she finished, she noticed Hazard walking back to the cave. Marinette considered Hazard a good friend, a sentiment Ness shared, holding out her arm to let Anima sliver up to her shoulder, she followed the gun toting Esquen back to the Cave. He leaned against it's entrance, he could see her approaching.

"Hey man," She said, took another puff of the cigar before holding out to Hazard, something of a peace offering, something of a gift shared between friends, "What's up?" She didn't make an effort to hide her slightly concerned expression.
The argument about Native presence could really go either way, but I think there's something we can all agree on: modern day Fallout, and Fallout related fiction are currently suffering from a desperate need.

Of course, you already know the need I'm referring to-- It's Slags.

Fallout needs more Slags-- everyone needs more Slags.
"How are you out of guns?" Danielle groaned, resting her head on the counter in defeat, the Irish and rotund man behind the counter viewed the lithe girl with pity in his eyes, her responded to her in a gruff voice.

"Look, sweetheart-- Denny, I've known you your whole life--"

"I know!" She cut in, "I know you have, Pete." Her voice was soft, but passionate, filled with a new desperation, "Pete, please help me. I know you've got something back there."

Pete saw the people running through the clear doors of the shop, and licked his lips. He hadn't been keeping up with the news, business today had been too good. All he knew, was that people were leaving town for one reason or another, and they were buying like crazy. They had all seemed urgent, but none quite struck him with the same anxious fear as little Denny. She was good people-- she wouldn't come in here like this... Still, it wasn't the end of the world!

Pete's beady eyes darted around before he responded, "Y-you don't even have a license! I can't just--"

"Pete." touching his arm lightly with the word, Denny looked the pawn shop owner in the eye.

He let out a low growl sounding noise from the back of his throat before pointing a meaty finger at the woman, a stern expression on his face, "Now don't you say I never gave you nothin'." The large red haired man left Denny standing at the counter of the small pawn shop as he marched to the back through a door, looking for something. She looked around. The pawn shop was familiar, Pete's Pawn! She had been going here her entire life, her Father had first brought her here... years ago now.

The noise of the rushing mobs brought her back to reality, people were running outside-- looting, she was lucky to be here. Safe behind cheap neon and bullet proof plastic. She didn't know what was happening, the radio mentioned a virus and the possibility of hysteria... but this...?

She was lucky she had Pete. She barely survived the mob over here, it'd be hell getting out of the city, especially on foot.

A slight cough gave told her Pete was back, she turned from the door to face him with a grin, "Alright--" He said, hoisting a small gray backpack onto the counter, he looked at her with his bushy orange eyebrows furrowed and continued, "I, uhh, I y'know, but some basic stuff you'll need to get out the city, survive on your own-- you know, some extra clothes you might need, unmentionables, hygiene, stuff I had in back might help you, uhh, few bottles of water..." He wiped his eyes before going on, "Y-y'know, stuff you might like, might need, might uhh, help you, in leaving the city," He sniffed and rubbed his eye, as if wiping away a tear.

Daniele leaned in, concern in her voice "Pete..."

He laughed and shook his head, "Nahh, I'm good," he reached into his back pocket, pulling out a small pink gun, ".308... to help you out... sorry it ain't black..."

She hugged him.
The freeway now. She had somehow made it out of the riotous city and was walking alongside the cars trying to evacuate, they weren't moving at all. She sighed as she continued walking, moving faster than the parked cars of the evacuees.
darkwolf687 said Figures say she makes more than she costs, so its not like she isnt paying her way... Plus "United Republic" just sounds a bit silly really...

She makes waaaayy more than she costs.

EDIT: fix'd, also link
darkwolf687 said They did fine, eh?

WW1: Russia left the war during the revolution, America only actual joined battle for half a year despite having officially been at war for over a year (Though I'd say this was more greed) and the French had to set up machine guns facing away from the Germans because so many of their soldiers kept running away.

Less greed, more "Germany is violating too many trade deals, attacking innocent ships, trying to get out ally and neighbor (Mexico) to attack us and trying to take over Europe from countries we had generally warm relations with.

Also, boots on the ground are great and everything, but having a source raw materials and supplies are incredibly important to winning a war, you can be mad that America profited off of the sales it conducted, but don't pretend those sales didn't play a vital role.

darkwolf687 said WW2: The French surrendered

They totally didn't though, France never stopped fighting.

darkwolf687 said Russians only fought because Stalin was worse (In fact, many towns in Western Russia at first thanked the Germans for conquering them and didnt resist)

True. Though, they also fought because "muh Polska, muh Eastern Bloc"

darkwolf687 said The Chinese collapsed into a civil war

It was less "shit let's fight each other" and more "OH NO JAPAN IS #RECKING US OUT OF NOWHERE WHAT DO WE DO?" Cities were razed and Japanese militants, without supervision, did some sick things to the Chinese population. Don't marginalize their sacrifice and contribution, they never stopped fighting either.

Also Korea didn't escape unscathed, never4get

darkwolf687 said the USA only joined half way through and got their arse handed to them until they swallowed their pride and joined up with the British and Frew French (I am of course reffering to Africa... Where the American soldiers ran away in their first battles).

Way to completely ignore the airmen who dominated the American and Canadian contributions to the African theatre. Why do people always forget about the Tuskegee airmen? They OWNED the American east African campaign.

Not only that, but Italy was constantly being kicked out of east Africa, especially by Ethiopia (I should add they maintained complete independence even during the scramble for Africa). It's unfair to say American's "ran away," more that we helped, but we really weren't needed, no one was. Italy just can't beat Ethiopia, 2independent4them.

--Also, what about the Pacific Campaign? Russia had not 50 years prior lost a war to Glorious Nippon, if they managed to make their way through China to Russia the war would have been very different.

darkwolf687 said The Germans and Italians lost the war.

*and Japanese and Romanians and Latvians

darkwolf687 said I that they did fine.

Everyone except Romanians.

darkwolf687 said Right, and when the revolution starts you expect the world to be fine with such? Oh, and the people will win? This is the 21st century, now more than ever rich people have the advantage.

You both have a point, this is the 21st century, widespread desire for revolution has grown complacent, and the last major groups for social change (The Black Panthers, '70's/and the Anarchists of the early 20th century) have all but died out. Still, to say people hold 0 power is a broad assumption to make. I mean, "rich" is only a relative term, all it takes is a large enough group of people no longer accepting the technically worthless fiat currency.

darkwolf687 said And the other uneven playing field? So you know, France after the French revolution and Russia after the October revolution all ended up so even, right?

Uhh, the Paris Commune? That shit worked great while it lasted, as did the Catalonian Autonomous Anarchistic zone post Spanish Civil war. Emma Goldman considered it a successful example of Anarchism in action. Hell, even Haiti post-revolution would have been boss if France hadn't fucked them over.

With all of these things it's always some larger entity pressuring the smaller entity to cave in.
Operation: To Blunt A Spear - South of Goldendale

The afternoon sun lightly kissed Aesir's face, shading her ghostly white skin a sickly orange. She leaned out of the farmhouse window and aimed the heavy service rifle into the distance. It was all these NCR bastards carried, long distance shooting was particularly difficult with them, especially with her eyesight. She aimed down the sight of the gun and held her breath, Vanir sat at the window next to her, using her binoculars to spot, her hand fell down and Aesir shot into the daylight. The bark of the bullet was different than the residual sounds of fire fights in the distance, it broke the monotony.

The lone tan figure fell to their knees, grasping at their neck.

Notte ran out of the two story farmhouse the girls were stationed in to confirm the kill, it'd be the 1st of the hour, 17th of the day. That wasn't great, but then, they weren't working under great conditions. The NCR had some how managed to get the drop on them. Why hadn't they had anyone surveying the border? Where was the Intel? Where was she? Aesir reloaded the service rifle and got ready for another shot.

"Anything yet?"

"No...." Nari, one of the two twins who decided to follow her from Ghost Farm into the wastes, responded, "Nothing yet." she fiddled with the dial of the HAM radio, her slender white fingers looked as pale as soft bone, Aesir found herself enchanted by the soft 'click' of the turning dial and the static as it faded in and out. A snap from Vanir brought her back to reality-- back to the second story of an ill protected farmhouse in the middle of an unexpected assault.

"We got one, looks like 500 feet, 11 'o' clock."

Aesir's tired eyes grew focused as she looked down the sights of the rifle, she slapped herself a little to help wake up, "He alone?"

"Of course he's fucking alone-- I wouldn't want to waste your precious time," Vanir snapped back

"You alright, Vani?"

The slag peered angrily through her binoculars for a moment before conceding to a yawn, "Yeah, I'm... Just... tired--but don't let him get away!" She quickly recovered, "Quick!"

Aesir led the trooper with the rifle for a bit before taking another shot, he fell in a similar way to the last. 2nd of the hour, 18th of the day.

"Great..." Vanir rolled her eyes, "One less piece of shit out of a sea of fucking bullshit-- oh no, excuse me, bearshit." She stifled a yawn, "When are those assholes gonna get here with support?"

Aesir borrowed Vanir's binoculars to watch Notte dutifully dragging back the two NCR bodies, "Knowing Hathaway," she said, giving back the binoculars, "He'll probably send us a car, and bitch about having to give the muties that much..." Narfi and Nari let out dry chuckles at the attempt at humor, Vanir gave an exasperated groan and buried her head into her hands. Half asleep herself, Aesir snapped at Vanir, "Wake up, we gotta cover Notte."

Exhaustion had overcome Vanir and Narfi, neither of the two had gotten any sleep since Swooping Crane. Before they fell under, however, they had taken out enough NCR that each of the girls could disguise themselves in full unbloodied NCR garb. Aesir sat by the radio, the Nari and Notte took occasional potshots at lone troops passing by. They had to change their building to one further south.

Aesir was idly flipping through the possible frequencies for the radio when she heard the message; "*static*--is Major Thorne of *static* Mechanized *static* We will be available *static* to *static* with 8th *static* at approximately 1800 on *static* at *static* AWAY FROM ACTIVE *static* COMBAT *static* on the outskirts of *static* South Goldendale *static* R-repeat: This is *static**click*"

The mere mention of being taken into Goldendale proper, where guerrilla tactics would be more effective, was apparently enough to wake Vanir up, she was the first to respond.

"About fucking time!"

"Yeah." Aesir said, looking to the group, "Looks like you guys have a place to be."

Nari tilted her head, "'You guys?'"

She hoisted the service rifle over her shoulder, "Yeah..." she pulled the face wrap up to her nose, "I'm gonna head south, see what I can find out about... Intel... stuff."

"Well we're coming with you!" Was Vanir's immediate response.

Aesir held up her hand, as if to ward off the thought, "Nah, you guys need to help retake Goldendale-- don't wanna piss off Clearwater too much. I'm leaving you in charge, Vanir."

"But what if--"

"No." She moved to leave, "I'll see you guys later,"


Aesir shrugged, a smile on her face, "I don't really know."

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