Avatar of Darcs
  • Last Seen: 2 mos ago
  • Old Guild Username: Darcs
  • Joined: 11 yrs ago
  • Posts: 1517 (0.39 / day)
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    1. Darcs 11 yrs ago
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QT said Interested?

AM I???

I just want an RP where I can be the hopelessly romantic and horribly unprepared zombie survivor I was always meant to be.
Not sure what you'd like me to change then? For biological reasons, it could just be that Nem mixed race babies come out the size of normal Nem and just get bigger as they grow.

For Luck magic, it'd be less 'i come up with a random thing on the spot' and more, I make a list of a few level appropriate attacks, buffs, debuffs, and maybe something silly, like falling asleep or getting like cake to the face or something, and then I roll. I could PM you the lists and rolls if you think I'd be trying to exploit it or something.

Why didn't you just give him a bag of holding?
Plz tell if something's wrong.

Name: Maman Brigitte Ghede, 'Brigitte'
Age: Technically ageless, her current incarnation and human shell is about 25

Gender: Female

Canon: Mythology, Ghede loa (Syncretic Religions, Haitian Vodou and Louisiana Voodoo)

Personality: Crass and perpetually buzzed. Brigitte is actually the one who came up with the idea that she and some of the other Loa should participate in the 'game' of inhabiting human bodies and seeing what they could get up to. Brigitte is not a technical thinker, instead rely on creative solutions to problems both major and mundane. She isn't a deep thinker and enjoys living in the now, drinking her spicy rum and reveling in the traditions of Old Voodoo. Brigitte has a devil may care attitude, curses like a sailor and is promiscuous, as well as protective of the dead.

Abilities:Brigitte is a powerful death spirit (Ghede Loa) possessing a human host. While in the human realm, her powers are significantly weakened and she is limited by the frailty of the human body. That being said, she is an incredibly strong death spirit, with quite a following in places where Voudou is practiced, as such, she has fairly strong magical and spiritual abilities in the human realm that she carries over from her own plane of existence and worship. She possesses basic pyromancy and necromancy, using the abilities costs her a great deal, and she can't really focus on much else when she uses these supernatural powers.

As a Loa of the dead, Brigitte can detect the presence of ghosts. She can cast her spiritual form out of her human body and into the body of a lesser minded being (animal), temporarily, at a great cost to her human vessel.

Item of Importance: A flask filled with rum infused with hot peppers.

Name: Baron La Croix Ghede, 'Mr. Lakwa'
Age: Technically ageless, his current incarnation and possessed human shell is about 45
Gender: Male

Canon: Mythology, Ghede loa (Syncretic Religions, Haitian Vodou and Louisiana Voodoo)

Personality: Mr. Lakwa is one suave motherfucker. Like his sister spirit Brigitte, he can be quite crass at times, but to contrast this, he is also the height of class and culture. Mr. Lakwa is sophisticated and has a debonair air about him, dressing in suits and speaking French-Creole accented English, he is never far away from a glass of bourbon and a fine cigar. An expert on death and the protection of deceased spirits, Lakwa is an existentialist and believes life and death to be humorous and absurd. He prefers to focus on extreme individuality and getting as much enjoyment out of life as possible.

Abilities: Like Brigitte, Mr. Lakwa is a powerful death spirit (Ghede Loa) possessing a human host. While in the human realm, his powers are significantly weakened and he is limited by the frailty of the human body. Mr. Lakwa is significantly weaker than Brigitte in raw magical and spiritual energy, but his human body is physically stronger than hers. He is also much more cunning than her, skilled in the manipulation of people and the use of his speech, bribery and sexuality in getting people to do what he wants.

As a Loa of the dead and sexuality, Mr. Lakwa can detect the presence of ghosts and can sense sexual energy. He can cast his spiritual form out of his human body and into the body of a lesser minded being (animal), temporarily, at a great cost to him.

Item of Importance: On his suit is a heavily stylized cross that serves both as a pin, and a very small container for a lethal poison. The cross is platinum, silver and is covered in diamonds.
Other: --
VitaVitaAR said @Darcs: Okay, um... while I'm willing for there to be some dark things happening, rape is a subject I like to avoid in my RP's. It's a sensitive topic and I'm honestly very wary of including it in any way. The only times I would ever accept it is if it was from a canon in a crossover or canon RP and I absolutely knew it was handled well there.

Changed the rape to her father just leaving her mother after a consensual relationship, more tame, less angering, but you make fair points.

VitaVitaAR said I also wasn't sure if it would be relevant, but I honestly hadn't decided if Nem are capable of reproducing with other races. They're so small that I thought it would pose an obstacle to actually having a child like that.

I was going by broad fantasy rules where generally humanoid things can have sex with other generally humanoid things and the relationship can generally result in a child. I can make her half-Elf half-Human, but I'd rather not, I really wasn't feeling it.

VitaVitaAR said Finally, I'm a little wary of her abilities since they seem to amount to entirely random events whenever used. It's hard to judge something like that.

I want to make a list of unique possibilities every time she uses her connection to Chaos Magic and roll actual die to see what happens. 1-6 and 1-20 would be my go to numbers, but as things get more challenging maybe I increase the roll and with it the negative possibilities, including death.

I could run the lists of possibilities by you to keep things as fair as possible.

(I also had an idea for a dungeon where the main enemies have been corrupted by this magic, and they have just as of a chance when attacking to put themselves to sleep as the do to cast a bolt of lightening.)
It's just now occurring to me how lame Christmas is when you aren't a kid anymore.

A-at least I got the internet and all you guys, r-right senpai(s)?
I made a thing!

James laid his accent on thick as his smile grew impossibly wide, "Well, Jyenny..."

Che groans, muttering to himself, "Ugh, Sirène help me..." knowing what came next, he covered his eyes in anticipation and pre-embarrasement.

James stands, almost instantly unbuttoning his shirt to allow it to resemble a cape, placing a foot on Princess' sleeping head, he struck a Captain Morgan pose. "I!" He winked at the groaning Che, "AM JAMES GARCIA PEDRO ROSARIO SANTIAGO." He leaned in close to Jenny, "I'd offer you a rose, but it'd only wilt in comparison to your staggering beauty..."

Che perked up at this, "Christ, Jim, really?"

"What Chewwy?" James glanced Jenny's features over, "She's not legal?"

"It's not even..." Che gripped the bridge of his nose in frustration, "Look, bro, can we not do this today? They just got here, I just got up, we're all tired..."

After a brief stare down between the brothers, James responded, "BAHH!" he fell back down, sitting on Princess' sleeping body, he crossed his legs and his arms, "Boring as always Chewwy, I was just having a little fun with the new kids..."

Letting out a yawn in response, Che turned to Jenny, "He's not as creepy once he sobers up, I promise." There was a hesitation in his voice, as if even he wasn't sure that was true, "And to answer your question, she's uhh... well, she's Princess." He gestured toward the old and battered woman sleeping beneath James, "She's not actually a Princess... obviously. But it's more than just a clever nickname. She's one of the few direct descendents of island royalty who don't hide away on the atoll... She'd actually be a..." He thought for a second, "Duchess, or like a Countess, or something." Addressing the group as a whole, he finished, "You guys'll find out a ton of weird stuff like that all year. Y'know, if they were a commodity, I think our little island would export secrets."

huh I wonder whats going on in this thread oh wait its a lame thing for losers aka everyone not me aka everyone aka also you

*lights up 'clove' cigarette*

ayy lmao east coast beast coast dirty south represent atl bank head what up what up hue hue hue gibe mone b0ss

*busts up your TV*

i close my eyes and seize it i clench my fist and beat it i light my torch and burn it--

*shoots up your couch *

i am the beast i worship

*kidnaps your qt3.14159 gf*

see ya later neeeeeeeerd!!!!!!!!

*spills spaghetti on way out*
Yeah this isn't great. All my RPs are dying and more and more people are leaving. It's a weird dogmatic loyalty, but I feel like I've been here too long to just leave because the site is being lethargic. It's less like going down with your ship, because I still believe things will get better later, it's more like watching a family member sick in the hospital.

Which I find symbolic, and maybe a little ironic relative to my life, because I've been in a hospital for the past 3 days with my great grandmother (broken hip).

I don't have all the information I'd need to make the most informed analysis, but I feel like the difference here is that the website downs would stop being a problem if mahzy mahz let some of us donate for a better server maybe?
It's the solstice, though. You mean you guys aren't sacrificing goats to Baal?
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