Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Lugubrious
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Member Seen 10 hrs ago

I'm rather interested in this! Vita, I remember you from before, I think. Was it 'Living Reflection'?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by VitaVitaAR
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VitaVitaAR King of Knights

Member Seen 13 hrs ago

I remember that, yeah, eh-heh.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Exodus


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Down for this if there's still room. You should update the accepted characters in the first post, though.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by VitaVitaAR
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VitaVitaAR King of Knights

Member Seen 13 hrs ago

Oh, right, I forgot to do that. ^^;

Kept worrying about the site going down again, eh-heh.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by TheRider


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VitaVitaAR said
@Astarael: Hmm, my problem here is that he just seems... kind of chaotic with no real personality? Um, hmm.@Grey Star: Accepted.@Princess: Accepted. The class names are to describe their role, but keep in mind not to make them too "game-y".@Masaki Haruna: I'll wait until this one's been edited. You can make her from the Japan-analogue, but you'll have to explain why she's around and pick a different picture even still.@The Rider: Okay. On one hand, I don't mind party members being scoundrels, and everyone doesn't have to get along. But the party members have no not want to kill one another, and someone who tortures for fun, calls demons(though I currently need to figure them out better for this setting), and carries a knife they carved from the bone of a sapient being, um... Basically he's pretty blatantly evil and I'm not sure why the non-evil members of the party would tolerate his presence.I'm not saying everyone's character has to be a great person, but they have to be people who can't justifiably be killed by other members of the party.

Hmm...fair enough....your criticism makes sense. I'll rework him completely tonight.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Exodus


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Working on a big guy with a tower shield from Barukstaed. Not done yet, but calling dibs on the trope for now. =P
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Darcs
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Darcs Madama Witch

Member Seen 2 mos ago

I made a thing!

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Lugubrious
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Name: Kaghad Norm
Age: 194
Gender: Male
Race: Dwarf
Class: Technician
Appearance: Rotund and ancient. His hair is thick and white, his nose enormous, and the area around his eyes eternally purple due to accumulated years of poor eye treatment.
Take a look
Personality: Old Kaghad is a surprisingly pleasant individual, given his age. He's not too outgoing and doesn't talk much, but there is a kindliness in his manner that makes many look to him as they would to a venerated grandfather, dwarf or not. While not very wise in the ways of the world and definitely lacking social intelligence, Kaghad's expertise in crafts and materials is uncanny, and though he loves to show his work and teach bits of it to others, he'll always have forgotten more than most humans will ever know. Kaghad's mood tends to be influenced by those around him. While patient with others, he can treat them very condescendingly if he feels they have earned it. In most cases, first impressions influence his opinions of others the most. He's not at all fond of fighting, having terrible instincts for combat, and is somewhat cowardly. By nature, Kaghad is slow and steady, not to be rushed and certainly not to be told to do something differently than the way he's always done it—that is the proud stubbornness of dwarves. He loves collecting, and he is very greedy for both artifacts and treasure, but this is more of a benign motivation than a potentially malevolent obsession.
Brief Backstory:

Equipment: Kaghad wears an assortment of protective gear, not designed to be armor but adequately able to serve as such. He carries with him three implements at all times; the first is a very heavy metal hammer he uses in smithing and as his primary form of attack, when cornered. The second is a longer tool with a drill at one end and a hand-crank at the other, and by a complex system of gears in the middle of the keg-sixed device, his cranks are amplified and give an unexpected amount of power to the drill. The third, called the 'Portable Forge' is what amounts to an oven on a pole. By inserting coal -of which Kaghad always carries a copious amount if he can help it- into the furnace and turning a small crank to get it ignited, Kaghad can get a fire going just about anywhere. A lever on the Portable Forge allows the inner fire to be channeled out through a nozzle of adjustable size, which can result in a jet of fire anywhere between flamethrower and blowtorch depending on the nozzle's diameter. This is most often used to superheat metals that Kaghad is working on. The smoke from the Forge is sent through the pole at expelled from its bottom, away from where he's working.
Abilities: When in possession of his equipment and a good mood, there is no greater technical support for a team than Kaghad. Using his drill, he can bore through small obstacles and -more importantly- break locks. His Portable Forge can be utilized to quickly repair weapons and armor for his team members, and it can be turned into a flamethrower as a last-ditch effort in combat. In terms of combat, Kaghad isn't useless, but a lack of formal training and a crippling slowness make him pretty ill-suited for it, despite very impressive physical strength. He can also craft new equipment, including traps, in the field when provided the necessary materials. Less impressively, he is also quite good at lighting up dark areas, given his stock of coal.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Raineh Daze
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Raineh Daze Figure of Hourai

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Nem Berserker will be posted tomorrow.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by VitaVitaAR
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VitaVitaAR King of Knights

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@Darcs: Okay, um... while I'm willing for there to be some dark things happening, rape is a subject I like to avoid in my RP's. It's a sensitive topic and I'm honestly very wary of including it in any way. The only times I would ever accept it is if it was from a canon in a crossover or canon RP and I absolutely knew it was handled well there.

I also wasn't sure if it would be relevant, but I honestly hadn't decided if Nem are capable of reproducing with other races. They're so small that I thought it would pose an obstacle to actually having a child like that.

Finally, I'm a little wary of her abilities since they seem to amount to entirely random events whenever used. It's hard to judge something like that.

@Lugubrious: Accepted, he looks awesome.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Darcs
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VitaVitaAR said @Darcs: Okay, um... while I'm willing for there to be some dark things happening, rape is a subject I like to avoid in my RP's. It's a sensitive topic and I'm honestly very wary of including it in any way. The only times I would ever accept it is if it was from a canon in a crossover or canon RP and I absolutely knew it was handled well there.

Changed the rape to her father just leaving her mother after a consensual relationship, more tame, less angering, but you make fair points.

VitaVitaAR said I also wasn't sure if it would be relevant, but I honestly hadn't decided if Nem are capable of reproducing with other races. They're so small that I thought it would pose an obstacle to actually having a child like that.

I was going by broad fantasy rules where generally humanoid things can have sex with other generally humanoid things and the relationship can generally result in a child. I can make her half-Elf half-Human, but I'd rather not, I really wasn't feeling it.

VitaVitaAR said Finally, I'm a little wary of her abilities since they seem to amount to entirely random events whenever used. It's hard to judge something like that.

I want to make a list of unique possibilities every time she uses her connection to Chaos Magic and roll actual die to see what happens. 1-6 and 1-20 would be my go to numbers, but as things get more challenging maybe I increase the roll and with it the negative possibilities, including death.

I could run the lists of possibilities by you to keep things as fair as possible.

(I also had an idea for a dungeon where the main enemies have been corrupted by this magic, and they have just as of a chance when attacking to put themselves to sleep as the do to cast a bolt of lightening.)
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Lugubrious
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Lugubrious Player on the other side

Member Seen 10 hrs ago

Thanks for acceptance.

Darcs said
I want to make a list of unique possibilities every time she uses her connection to Chaos Magic and roll actual die to see what happens. 1-6 and 1-20 would be my go to numbers, but as things get more challenging maybe I increase the roll and with it the negative possibilities, including death.I could run the lists of possibilities by you to keep things as fair as possible.(I also had an idea for a dungeon where the main enemies have been corrupted by this magic, and they have just as of a chance when attacking to put themselves to sleep as the do to cast a bolt of lightening.)

This reminds me of a book I recently read called the Storm Thief, wherein a huge city is ravaged by magical events called Probability Storms that alter reality locally. For example, one of the main characters had his breath robbed by a Probability Storm, and is forced to use a respirator. A different storm created monsters called Mozgas, which were out of sync with time and would shift from moving too quickly to see at one moment to slow-motion the next. Probability is an interesting thing.

After playing in an RP series called Dungeon Keepers for so long, I have more than a few ideas for dungeons I could make. Should be awesome.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by VitaVitaAR
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VitaVitaAR King of Knights

Member Seen 13 hrs ago

@Darcs: Thank you for making the change.

As for the whole issue with Nem, it's less biological incompatibility(and they can sleep with other races), and more producing a child that would be larger than Nem are really meant to bear is the issue here. Though, um, I'm not... completely sure, it wasn't an area I had completely figured out yet.

As for the randomness, I'm... not completely sure and I'll have to think about it.

In more of a general thing, I'm really excited to see what kind of dungeons people have thought up. If you've been accepted you can start work on them.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Astarael42
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@Astarael: Hmm, my problem here is that he just seems... kind of chaotic with no real personality? Um, hmm.

Ok. The chaotic nature of Lannick is a huge part of his personality. He is as fluid and shifting as his magic. He's very nice, genial, and completely ADD (though I dislike that label as it has become too common place in today's society). In D&D terms he is truely chaotic neutral. If that doesn't work for you I will need to make a new character which will require some thinking and will still likely end up being a mage-type.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Lugubrious
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Lugubrious Player on the other side

Member Seen 10 hrs ago

Time to set a ludicrously detailed example.

Name: The Queen's Tree
Brief History: Within the jungle city called Virens, a lowborn girl called Nona grew up on the streets, ignored by all but a boy called Theo who gave her refuge solely to seem charitable. Harboring much resentment in her heart, she was all too eager to listen to a voice that appeared in her head one day, demanding that she journey into the jungle and find its source. After much walking, Nona stumbled upon a logging camp, and in its main hut found a large, deadly-looking wasp sealed in a jar. When she released it, it stung her, transferring into her body the powers and spirit of an ancient evil – Avak. The infusion transformed her into a woman armored in maroon exoskeleton, armed with a barbed rapier, and freed by two marvelous dragonfly wings.

This being, calling herself Clotho, searched the jungle until she found the King Tree, a centuries-old behemoth that towered above the canopy. It was there that she fashioned her essence into a cocoon at the very top, and it was there that her conquest began. After littering the King Tree with countless hives and making the place into a veritable citadel in the sky, she attacked the town of her birth and stole a gem from its guild of life-mages, the Biomancers, that contained the source of their powers. The Biomancers' Guild has reached out for a band of adventurers brave and strong enough to attack Clotho's lair, fight their way to its top, and pry their Jade of Vitality from Clotho's cold, dead forearm.
Layout Summary: Despite the density of the Saploya jungle, the ground beneath the King Tree has been cleared for several hundred feet in every direction, meaning the only way to approach it is from the trunk. At the base of the King Tree, among the roots, is the underground colony of the Antlions. From there, the marauders must work their way up the trunk and into the canopy, exploiting many hive stems, branch bridges, and tunnels through the wood to traverse the way. At various locations on the tree are different specialized rooms, including the Antlion Colony, the Myrmidon Den, the Lambent Hives, the Compound of Eyes, the Living Foundry, and the Apothecary. Each are challenging to assault but will debilitate the dungeon's ability to fight back when taken. There are numerous Stashes hidden everywhere, where loot hidden away by the insects can be found. At the very top of the tree, at a dizzying height, is the Heart Chamber, wherein lies the cocoon that contains Clotho's life essence. There, the Jade will be.
Threats: This dungeon's primary threat are the various monstrous insects that infest it. There are no real traps to speak of, or puzzles, but navigating the place can be tricky since it was built for insects, so agility skills may be necessary.
Macula- A living security system. It is approximately a foot across and wide, with traits of both tick and cicada. It sports a thin carapace, murky brown-green in color, that help to camouflage it, but its dominant feature is the huge eye in its abdomen, facing upward. This startling oculus resembles a human's, but with a sickly yellow hue and orange iris. They sound a large grating song to alert other Maculas when they see any intruders. Their vision is relayed back to the Compound of Eyes en masse, allowing its occupant to see whatever they see.

Myrmidon - 6” tall, 4” long ant-centaur sort of thing. Though it does have a humanoid torso, it is still totally enclosed by a carapace that is tough, fibrous, and spiky all in one. Usually outfitted with both body-length shield and long spear, and can fight with claws and mandibles in close quarters. Built for survivability. Expect to find them throughout the Tree.

Antlion – Living siege engines. Six feet tall, six feet wide, and sixteen feet long, these huge bugs are sturdily built, with multi-coloured splotchy shells. They have four huge mandibles on their heads; these mandibles are incredibly dense and possess extraordinary strength, and are used for digging through the earth or tearing apart structures and enemies. The feet have high traction due their barbs and hairs. Physically powerful, but has negligible mental or magical capability. Though big and intimidating, Antlions' slowness and stupidity make them relatively poor fighters in sustained combat (though they can charge fairly quickly). The head, all muscle and no shell, is the weak spot—if you can get past the mandibles. Expect to find them closer to the base of the Tree.

Lambent- Large fireflies with a few human traits. Decently intelligent, strong, and fast, though their dark brown exoskeletons cannot sustain much damage. They wield natural blades extended from their first two pairs of legs. Their bodies are full of chemicals that react to produce intense light. This light can be used to disorient foes, but the chemicals are even more useful when stored in their abdomens for use as glowing, caustic projectiles to rain down on foes from above. Expect to find them in great numbers at the top of the tree.

Baudrii - Having once been human like his mistress, Clotho, Baudrii's appearance is similar to hers in many aspects. He stands at a tall 7'8", leaving him a few inches taller than his mistress, his carapace being a much darker shade compared to Clotho's, almost black with dark-green lines and streaks. His carapace was fashioned into sleek, contiguous plates. and his head and shoulders in particular were shaped to form a chitinous gorget and armet. A large rhinoceros beetle horn grows out of the top of his forehead. His beetle-esque wings are protected by hardened fore-wings that formed a shape very much like a shield when not in use. One his forearms are tiny pores that can be opened at will to secrete an acid venom capable of burning and melting through most materials, that he is also capable of determining just how long the affects of last. He is most likely to be encountered in the Living Foundry, or in the Heart Chamber. Consider him a miniboss.

Clotho - A tall, lithe physical fighter that prefers speed to brute strength and is a master of bugs and parasites of all kinds. She is a foot taller than most men, with long arms and legs, and has a rather spiny, chitinous exoskeleton that is a dull brown-maroon in colour. Two gossamer rounded wings form into a cloak when not in use. A mohawk of sorts adorns her head, made of a rough, leathery material that resembles scales. Her favoured weapon is a barbed sabre, which goes in cleanly but is very messy coming out. Some of her power relies on the gem she stole from the Biomancer's Guild, which is implanted into her left forearm. Protruding from that same arm is the Stinger, a small blade full of corrupted life magic, capable of delivering devious toxins. As long as Clotho's Heart lives, she will be resurrected by it. She is most likely be in the Compound of Eyes, monitoring her tree through her Maculas' eyes.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Tatsua Aiisen
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Tatsua Aiisen The Lewd Maid

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Is it possible to play a race besides the ones mentioned, if I clear it beforehand with the GM?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by VitaVitaAR
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VitaVitaAR King of Knights

Member Seen 13 hrs ago

I'll look into everything newly-posted in more detail most likely the day after Christmas. ^^;

For now, um, it is indeed okay to play a race unmentioned as long as it's cleared with me, I did mention being flexible.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by The Patriarch
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The Patriarch The Champion of Men

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

can I make a Gnome Ranger who has a bear for an animal companion?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Lord Santa
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Lord Santa Body of a man, heart of a Chupacabra

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Alright, here comes my blacksmith weapons master

Name: Jonathan Grimsteel
Age: 30
Gender: Male
Race: Human
Class: Weapons master
Appearance: Short brown hair, square jaw, brown eyes. Fairly non-descript, slightly better than average appearance.
Personality: Jon is fairly stoic in nature but is a joking person on occasion. He’s isn’t usually the type to joke around but occasionally tries to lift the mood (and fails because he’s seen as super serious). Also somewhat humble. He’s actually light hearted at times and often smiles, though not when he’s working or fighting. He's a fairly down to earth person because of his peasantry background. Jon is also a weapons collector and enthusiast and takes some pleasure in window shopping for weapons.
Backstory (not that brief): Jon was born to a peasant family and always dreamt of being a knight. In his childhood, Jon figured out that there was a solution to everything. As soon as he could, he went to a knight school and trained to be a knight. He became a skilled and well respected knight but he began to wonder. What was the perfect weapon? Each weapon had their own strengths and weaknesses, but there was no one weapon that suited every situation. Jon travelled the lands to find it, and found new and strange weapons, mastering different arms but he found no one weapon that was perfect. It was then that he saw a traveller wield a strange weapon in a fighting style that he hadn't seen before. When Jon asked where he had gotten the strange weapon, the traveller answered that they had found it in the dungeons. Jon decided to delve into the dungeons to find the perfect weapon.

Abilities: Jon has a lot of strength for a human. He’s so strong that he can run with his kit. Not for long, though. Other than that, he also has a mind for strategy. He also has a lot of knowledge about weapons and how they are used.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by VitaVitaAR
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VitaVitaAR King of Knights

Member Seen 13 hrs ago

@ThePatriarch: Depends on what you intend, really.

@LordSanta: An awful lot of weapons, but I'll look at it more possibly tomorrow but more likely after.
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