"Ah yes! I know Lady Luck quite well. She is not a stranger to me... or my bed."
Name:Isi Eno
Age: 58
Gender: Female
Race: Half-Human/Half-Wood Elf
Class: Witch
(High Priestess of Chaos Magic)Appearance:
Isi, standing at about 5'10'' much taller than her mother, but also quite a bit shorter than her Wood Elf father. Her tan complexion comes close to the bronze of her Elven father and tans quite well. Her eyes come from her father also, but the raven black hair she shows is identical to that of her mother. Her lithe and almost androgynous figure is a perfect mixture of the skinny and fragile physique of her late mother and the athletic and lean tree dwelling Wood Elf form. Her hair is always kept short and wild and her gaze is always impish, depending on the angle you approach her from, you may have difficulty determining whether she is male or female.Personality: If you wanted to quickly sum up Isi's personality, you could do so in two words "fuck it." Isi is something of a subjectivist and takes very little aside from her own pleasure and the well being of those she is close to, to be important. While not particularly lazy, Isi can't be spurred into action unless she is convinced that she'd in some way gain pleasure from doing something. She believes her actions are ultimately for the best for the realm, but she sees her own finite experience as above that of the futures of people she will never meet. Despite herself, she still hopes, one day, to kill her father.
She is a hedonist, an epicurean, and just a tad bit of Cynic in a way resembling Diogenes. She thinks people have a tendency to over complicate things, and that Velt is country too focused on saving material wealth for the future that people can't see the enjoyment of the present. Isi does not fear death and sees little value in the preservation of life for the purpose of living, instead preferring to do exactly whatever it is she wants in the moment with little concern for whatever consequences may follow. She does not see the Faith of the Fair Lady as a cult or a religion, but instead a philosophy asking those it touches to accept the unknown and to live for the enjoyment of the now. She is a deep thinker, and may surprise her companions with extremely insightful observations and statements out of nowhere. Her attitude, combined with her tendency to view societal norms as pointless can lead her into trouble, particularly in theft and (wo)manizing.
Though not overly strong, she does have a slight southern Nem accent, and still has trouble pronouncing her 'b's.
Brief Backstory: Isi was born a bastard born from the brief affair between a Wood Elf wanderer and a Human peasant, living in a desert town heavily populated by the Nem. Her mother did try to care for her infant daughter for several years before dying, of causes that seemed natural-- but Isi concludes it was brought on by a broken heart. Isi's mother died when she was very young, but the woman still has vivid memories about her, and still very much resents her death.Life as an orphan for the toddler was extremely harsh, especially considering her differences from all the Nem children around her.
At some point in the months following the death of her mother, she was adopted by a group of missionaries from Velt, apparently members of the small faith/cult that was 'The Faith of the Fair Lady of Fate.' The years that followed were based largely around their secretive forest temple, with Isi serving odd jobs and growing into the belief, shifting from a guard, cook, carpenter, and eventually even a nun, form there she worked her way up to the rank of high priestess within the faith.
While she would make runs to surrounding villages and cities on missionary runs and procurement missions as she rose through the ranks, she could never get particularly close, as attitudes from the Witch Wars meant her worship of a minor deity would be seen as heresy. As a high priestess, she makes her own way in the name of the Fair Lady, and apparently she sees what she does now as the best way to spread the messages and teachings of her Goddess.
(More to be added IC)Equipment: Aside from the stylized armor of The Fair Lady of Luck, her lucky green cloak, her guard spear and her (various) concealed coin purses, Isi doesn't carry much on her. Her religion forbids it, carrying too much alters the odds of life.
Abilities: Isi is about as close as you can become to a "Master" in the art of Gambling with the will of the Gods and the Universe-- or as it's more colloquially known, "Chaos Magic." Her body serves as a direct link and vessel for the erratic will of the unknown, primarily the spirit Hexea, a spirit of dead stars in the 'Faith of the Fair Lady of Fate'. However the residual screams of cosmic horrors that the sentient can not comprehend and perhaps scientific laws in the universe and reality that create what we see as 'chance' also heavily influence her magic.
She is a witch, and relies on the will of her patron spirit to grant her hexs, jinxes, curses and other buffs/debuffs.
Kaos Magyka explained: She can use her magic in two ways-- either by exposing her blood to the air and summoning forth the energy herself or through the use of practiced Chaos magic rituals, invoked through chants, sigils, sacrifice, and the occasional creation of a poultice or brew. Both of these types of magic wager her life force against the power she summons from the supernatural, spirits and ghosts she's made pacts with, cosmic entropic background noise, and the Fair Lady Luck herself. Using Blood magic to summon Chaos magic is faster, but is much weaker and comes at a greater physical toll.
Most of the abilities she can summon are dependent on the moods of the Gods and completely situational environmental factors, making them appear random or without purpose in the moment. However she is practiced in their use, and knows, generally, what she needs to ask from the unknown forces in a moments notice. While she has gifts from all the forces of the immaterial world, most of her magic comes from a singular entity she's made a bargain with-- this entity is Hexea, her patron spirit, representative of dead and unseen stars.
Hexea grants abilities to Isi that are mostly curse based, focusing more on harming opponents through the evil eye, jinxing, hindrance and attrition. Proper rituals cast spells that debuff foes, with a few buffing her own party. Blood magic comes less from Hexea and more from the unknown and cast darker, more attack based magic-- it hurts Isi as well as opponents and it's use corrupts her soul and physical form.
Along with that, years of guard duty have left her with some skills in the use of her spear, and she can infuse spear based attacks with Chaos Magic. She is skilled at gambling in battle as well as outside of it and is skilled at improvisation with little in the way of supplies and time. While she isn't a socially butterfly, she has a way with people, especially women, and can usually get what she wants from them. If all else fails, she is also very agile and fast, thanks to her Wood Elf lineage, this, of course, leaves her vulnerable to a strong hit, though.