Avatar of Darcs
  • Last Seen: 2 mos ago
  • Old Guild Username: Darcs
  • Joined: 11 yrs ago
  • Posts: 1517 (0.39 / day)
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    1. Darcs 11 yrs ago
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Organize a strike in your school or workplace on the grounds that it does not satisfy your need for indolence & spiritual beauty.


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Raven is absolutely terrifying.
Agree about Raven, I really get unnerved when I see that pic.
We'll have to see but keep in mind he came from a major city, so seeing a subrubanite acting like Thugnificant will probably cause him to cringe. Or laugh. At the very least he'll be quite perplexed by her.
Oh it's not an act, Mary is a stone cold G, raised in the school of hard knocks-- Put you underneath the Earth's surface Thought she told you bitches that she sleeps with those demons that she worships Cause shit's deeper than the blood she's submerged in Black checkered floor with that red velvet curtain *pew* *pew* Ride er die 665 + 1 etc.
August = reasons that I won't divulge. My characters are complicated.
Is it correct of me to gather that August's obsession with 'fixing' things and 'making them better' probably stems from some past psychological trauma? The same kind that's make her unequipped to dealing with boredom and unable to handle long term relationships? Like, it seems that despite her power (or probably because of it), August prefers dealing with machines over people, but she recognizes that she needs people to live so she enters into relationships with them. It's maintaining those relationships with her analytical mind + powers that's the problem.
You have been cruel. You took everything I had ever thought about myself and turned it ón its head, is what she wanted to say, but she couldn’t. Lucania had very much turned her view on herself upside down, but she had also made her realise that she wasn’t comfortable with living a life given to her when she had already done so much to carve out an existence in a world where her kind were feared at best, attacked on sight at worst. She couldn’t very well say that Lucania had truly been cruel when she had really just helped her despite how painful it had been. But even as it hurt, she was also gladdened by the reassurances that her efforts hadn’t all been in vain, and that some people had been convinced that people such as she weren’t as bad as some thought. And she’s right. I’m not only doing what I do for myself, but for all Immortals. If my efforts can help others live a life without fear, then— The question caught her off guard. Had she ever thought of running for public office? She wiped the tears from her eyes, a thoroughly perplexed look coming onto her face as she looked up. “Public office? I haven’t, no. I’ve only ever wanted to be a healer. I don’t have a lot of interest in politics. Why… Why do you ask?” "Because I think you can help make everything better." Lucania considered how uncouth it was of her to ask such a thing. She was essentially asking a person she barely knew to consider completely altering their path in life. Could she really just do that? Lucania closed her eyes for a breath. Well, she could certainly present the idea, "Could you imagine what it would mean? If an Immortal woman was able to achieve even some low ranking position in the biased Motum Diversum government? You travel, you've seen the problems of the world, and as an Immortal you'd hold actual influence in making things better for everyone. Why search for some mythical Immortal society when we could make a better place for ourselves here?" Lucania sighed, shook her head and shrugged, "I apologize. I understand that it's a lot to process... and of me to ask. I only bring it up because I think, even with how little I know you, you could really bring about some change. And I would like to assist you... in whatever way I can." Evelina shook her head almost as soon as Lucania had finished speaking. It wasn’t just a flat no, but more of a way of saying that, while she could see the merits of it, it was not for her. “I can see where you’re coming from,” she said slowly, hesitantly. “But… I’m not a political person, and far from shrewd enough to be able to play the Game, as it were. I can see how having an Immortal in the ruling party would benefit us as a whole, but it presents another problem.” At this she looked Lucania dead in the eyes, not as a way of challenging her, but to ensure that she wasn’t just grasping at straws, and were serious. “Due to the superstitions surrounding our kind, and how people fear us, a lot of people would see something like that as a grab for power to, I don’t know, overthrow them? People who are afraid are easily manipulated, and just one voice expressing doubt could very well cause an uproar.” She leaned back in her chair, hands resting in her lap. “It might be an idea to remember in a few years, but as it is we are still too widely feared, and still remain an unknown. I agree that making a home for us here,” she motioned at everything around them, indicating Russell Town, and the entirety of Dust itself, “would be ideal, but we have to start small. Attempting to get a position in the government would stir up a lot of rumours, so until we can say that we have enough goodwill among the people, I would rather stick to just doing what I do; showing people that although I am an Immortal, I’m still a human and someone who wants to help.” Lucania couldn’t pretend like she wasn’t disappointed to hear what was more or less a ‘thank you, but no thank you’ to her proposition. Albeit... she had only just come up with the idea. If anything, she should still be thanking Evelina for planting the seeds. Not only that, but she did raise several good points, chief among them being that an immortal couldn’t possibly gain popular support as a politician today. However, a Standard under her own influence may be a different story. If she could pull that off, the Castalias could operate with impunity, she could avoid war with the Wings, and contribute significantly to the Immortal cause. Lucania’s eyes wandered about the room, taking in the faint glow of the golden design, the excessive breakfast laid before them. Ideas hadn’t gotten her to this point. Action had. She took another sip of the juice, lamenting the lack of coffee, and sighed. She’d need to think more on this. “Rumors….” Lucania reached into her purse to pull out a cigarette and lighter, she held them up to Evelina as if to say ‘Do you mind?’ to her doctor-friend, “I believe the saying is that, ‘they always have some element of truth to them?’ is it not? Or perhaps that too is just rumor designed to make other rumors more believable?” Cigarette between parted lips, the woman chuckled, “My, my… perhaps I’ve stumbled upon a real conspiracy?” She blew out a thin stream of smoke, “Regardless, you’re right. More thought and planning would need to be put into something like this… Still, forgetting that for now, I want to help you however I can.” “Hmmm…” Lucania stood, “Something you said bothered me,” almost as if she were calculating each step, she made her way around the table, “You were mocked for your breast size?” She wore an empathetic, if controlled smile as she asked the question, trying to hide her amusement in the change of subject to something so… blush inducing, “They must have all been idiots or jealous. As a woman coming from a family of gamblers, I’d wager both.” Evelina smiled ruefully, a slight twitch of the corner of her lips. The way she shook her head seemed almost melancholic, if not for the fact that she chuckled all the while, even with how dry it was. “You… could say that, and yes, I was bullied because of my breast size.” She pointed at Lucania, or more specifically, her chest. “Things started to get real bad when I reached your size at around… I think it was thirteen years old. The girls were, obviously, jealous since we had just reached the age where such a thing became important: Who had them, and who did not? And since I was literally sizes larger the others I became some sort of a… target. The boys were as perverted as you can expect boys that age to be.” She sighed, a grimace on her face. “‘Cow’ was a name I heard all too often, and cat calls and requests to lift my shirt weren’t uncommon either.” Another sigh, and her expression loosened somewhat, becoming less pained. “Jealousy and degenerating comments was what made me start hiding them with bandages. It was also around that time that I started reading medical books.” “What a group of mountebanks…” Lucania muttered, “I…” She grunted, struggling to pull open a window, “I’m honestly surprised those children even knew what the word ‘Cow’ meant…” She gasped, falling a bit backward as her grip on the window failed. She crossed her arms, feeling a mixture of defeat and anger at the thousand pound pane of glass. She turned back to Evelina, “You’ve probably heard this before… but letting what they say get to you only means those ignorant children win, then and now.” “I never said that it still gets to me,” she replied with a faint smile. “Although… Yes. I shattered a guy’s nose and broke his jaw yesterday because he called me cow.” Her smile turned into a grimace, lips pressed together into a thin line. Upon realising what she had said she quickly rectified. “But that’s not the only reason! He… and two others sorta tried to kill me and rob me of my things. It’s their guns and bullets I have in my bag, the one on the bed. I treated their injuries and left, taking only their guns with me.” She smiled almost apologetically, waving a hand which caused the window to open. “I do think it’s fair to take a little reparations for feeling me up and trying to blow my brains out, and take my things.” She grabbed a now luke-warm waffle and took a bite of it. “Smoking isn’t good for you, by the way.” She said, trying to change the topic. “Not healthy.” “With all due respect intended, Doctor Quinn, I’ve never been inclined to smoke because of any perceived health benefits…” Lucania sat on the edge of the newly opened window, both amused at Evelina’s subtle display of power and finding herself impressed. This was a woman, a virgin who was educated, kind, apparently formidable in combat, and gifted with the ability to manipulate light with her will. She blew a thin stream of silver to mix with the rotten air of the groggily waking neighborhood, letting the ash find it’s way into the warm, lazy breeze that wafted through the alleys. Lucania pivoted delicately, tilting her head as she faced Evelina from where she sat, “Although…” Lucania’s eyes shot back to the cigarette, slowly shortening in her hand, a steady ribbon of platinum wafting erratically from the shortening end. She let the burning tobacco fall to the ground below, making some poor schmucks morning, one way or another. She flicked her focus back to the fabulously red woman, winking a single golden eye. “You’ve piqued my interest over and over. I... find myself inclined to take your advice, it appears as though you’ve certainly figured out something that a wretch like me hasn’t.” Evelina returned Lucania’s gaze with a gentle one of her own, head tilted slightly to the side. She couldn’t help but think that the woman in the window was looking at her as more than just another person at the moment. Perhaps even… Dare she entertain the possibility that Lucania was appreciating her sitting there? Then she winked, and Evelina was sure. Almost. The golden eyes which, if she recalled correctly, did seem to look at her with some sort of admiration, perhaps… affection? She didn’t know, but she felt that the look was somehow different. The wink certainly confirmed it. “Yes,” she said, giving an uneven grin. “Although I won’t call you a wretch, smoking really isn’t healthy. So if you’d stop… Well, I’d be happy. If anything it’s one more person who doesn’t ruin their health.” “Old habits are seldom the easiest to break,” Lucania sighed, “But it’s not as if smoking ever really--” Lucania was interrupted mid sentence by a knock. Well, something of a knock, sonically, it was more the sound of someone throwing their full weight against a door.Lucania only had the chance to turn her head from Evelina before the noise came again, this time in it’s wake the door slammed open and the hangover ball of excess that was Lucy castalia trailed in after it. Oh, cazzo.HAAAYYY GURRRLLL!!!” Lucy made a point of screaming as she sauntered about the room. The volume often made Lucania wonder why it was her who was gifted with the vocal powers, and that somehow Lucy might’ve gotten some of them. She tripped over her mismatched heels on her way to Lucania. Honestly, that may have been her substance use the night prior, or the simple fact that it appeared she couldn’t see. Her hair was wild and frazzled in some places and slicked with some mystery substance and matted down in others. Most of it was hidden by an oversized sunhat, but what Lucania could see almost made her wish she hadn’t had as little breakfast as she did. Somehow, she had managed to get through her first night in Russel without having her purse or pearl stolen from her. Although, she didn’t appear to have any clothes, aside from a grimy gray button down clearly intended for a man twice her size. Lucania couldn’t even tell if the teen had anything on under the stolen shirt. She supposed she didn’t particularly care, at any rate, she was just glad Diane had done her job and kept her sister alive, no matter how disgusting post-party Lucy may have been. “WHAAARR WERE YEW BITCH?? AH MISSED YEW ALL NIGHT!!” Lucy wrapped Lucania in a bear hug strong enough to break the spine of someone not accustomed to its intensity. “I just…” Lucania couldn’t breath. Both from her diaphragm being crushed and from the fact that Lucy smelled like the love child of Dead End Dysentery and Whore’s foot, “I can not even…” Of course, Lucy wouldn’t. Instead, summoning the strength of a sailor, she shifted the decade older woman under her arm and proceeded to lift and carry Lucania about the room like a rolled up rug. The only struggle that remained in Lucania were her teal eyes and the preemptive moan that came as Lucy turned to face Evelina. “OHHH MYYY GAAAWD! YEW FUCKIN’ BISSSH!!!” Lucy dropped her sister face first on the ground, like a discount bag of flour. She rushed over to Evelina, “YEW FINALLY GOT LAID!!!!!” The banging on the door, and the subsequent crash as it was forced upon with the force of a second class Hollow, had Evelina jumping out of her chair in surprise. She turned to face the door and reached for her sword almost instinctively, only to find empty air. Of course. Dress, not wearing any weapons. The… whoever it was, crashed into the room, rushing over to Lucania and promptly started shouting. Evelina eyed her warily, not moving aside from turning to keep her in her line of sight. She wasn’t quite sure what to make of her, but judging by the fact that Lucania didn’t immediately ask for help—and how she seemed to be higher than a kite on a windy day—she could safely assume that she wasn’t any danger. Hardly more than two seconds had passed before the illusion of this woman being ‘safe’ was thrown out the window, as proven by gravity taking effect as soon as she had let go of Lucania—having lifted her like how one would a bride. She tried, and failed, to soften the blow, but wasn’t quite quick enough to do much of anything before the floor shook with the impact. And that was when it got dangerous, to Evelina at least. The newcomer rushed over to her, arms extended as if to hug—or strangle—her, a grin so close to manic that it all but scared her. Eyes wide, and with a drunken doom incoming, a single word was uttered that contained every nuance of every emotion coursing through her at this moment. “Nope!” She threw out her hands, a bright flash of light erupting from them, and from that flash materialized several white ropes of a indiscernible material, all of them attached to some part of Lucy’s body, as well as the floor, halting her in her tracks only centimetres from Evelina. Now that she had the chance to not be crushed to death she took her time to study the newcomer. Her pupils dilated to at least twice their previous size, allowing her to take in far more detail than usual. Blood veins visible in the sclera, putrid breath like some compost snack three months past expiration date, extremely dilated pupils, and nosebleed. He pupils reduced to their normal size and shape, eyes narrowing. Drugs at least, and I bet there’s alcohol too. She stepped away and over to Lucania, reaching out a hand to help her up. “Who is she?” She asked, throwing cautious glances at the newcomer. Brushing hair out of her face, Lucania graciously accepted Evelina’s hand. She stood with a grunt, the simple interaction had left her sorer than she liked. Regaining some poise, Lucania busied her hands with flattening any creases in her manhandled dress. Her mind, to contrast, felt a cocktail of happiness at seeing her sister, disgust at her current state, shame for considering herself to blame, and embarrassment that Evelina was witness to it all. Lucania allowed herself a tranquil, if tired smile, “Evelina, this is my sister, Lucina Castalia. Lucy.” Lucania faced her sister, “Lucy, this is Evelina Quinn. We didn--” “DUUUUUDE!” Lucy tried turning from where she was, to no avail, “Your mutie has WAAAAAAAYYYYY better powers than mine!” “Lucy, that’s--” “WHAAAAATT? WHAAA, Ah can’t say YOUR WORD?? Is THAT IT???” Lucy’s head hung loosely in the restraints as she slurred, “AH’LLL HAVE YEW KNOW SOME OF MAI BEEEEESSSTTT FRIENDS ARE MUTIES!” Lucania gripped the bridge of her nose, “Lucy. As far as I know, I might be your only actual friend. What concerns me isn’t your vernacular. It’s you claiming possession of someone Immortal... Where’s Diane?” Lucy blew a raspberry, “Awwwww, she’s out!” Smacking her lips, she continued, “Ah forgot what Ah laced it with... but it was SOMETHIN’ ALRIGHT! Then Ah fucked this guy who could move trash around or somethin’, Ah think, at least! Ah invited him here! But I sure wish he had her powers!” Lucy swilled her head to face Evelina, whispering loud enough for everyone to hear, “YEW KNOW LUCIA IS REALLY INTO BONDAGE SHIT LIKE THIS? SHE LIKES WHIPS TOO--” Evelina had heard enough. She scowled and, with a snap of her fingers, produced a rectangle plate of light which promptly surged towards Lucy and attached itself across her mouth, keeping her from talking. She looked apologetically at Lucania. “Sorry, but that was getting a bit out of hand,” she said, cheeks flushed a deep red. “Mmpf!” Was Lucy’s immediate response. Lucania, to contrast, was left speechless. Her blush and widened eyes told of embarrassment, but the shifting colors in her irises told of a full gamut of emotions this encounter had left her to process. Lucy could have gotten killed last night. She felt anger at Diane, but even more at herself. It would have been her fault for trusting someone so incompetent if anything had happened. Then there was the fact that apparently Lucy had invited another Immortal here… something that inspired more confusion than anything. It fit right in with the personal shame and guilt and residual pain from her fall. There was concern that filled her, sisterly love, all the complicated emotions that came with basically being the only mother figure to your 17 year old sibling, and very clearly being a failure at it… Then there was what came with Evelina seeing and… hearing… all of that… “I… apologize for that display.” Lucania forced a smile as she lifted her downcast eyes, “Thank you… for restraining her in such a… creative way.” Evelina raised an eyebrow, a teasing smile coming unbidden to her lips despite her blush. “So by creative you mean… you sound like you might actually find what I did to her,” she pointed at Lucy, “interesting?” Her smile widened. “Could it be that you might actually be interested in that?” Teasing though as she might be, it was an honest question, born of curiosity. “Mphh-Hmpf!” “Shut up, Lucy!” Lucania’s cheeks burned like a fire, all composure had gone to the wind with ashes with Evelina’s question. “Ummm no? Well…” She caught herself. She was put on the spot with the question, but she didn’t want to lie about her interest necessarily, she was still able to recognize her curiosity, despite the shakiness in her voice, “Well, no, that’s wrong. No… you’re right I am perhaps intrigued, I just… I don’t know…” Lucania’s eyes shot to the ground, “I-I’m not some freak, okay?” Evelina chuckled, loud and heartily, placing a hand on Lucania’s back in reassurance. “You’re not,” she said, giving her a gentle rub. “I once met a guy who got aroused by the pain he felt when I set his bone after it had been broken. That was weird. You being interested in something similar to your sister over there is experiencing isn’t bad, and doesn’t make you a freak.” The teasing smile from before became more reassuring as she looked down at the smaller woman. “Now… What to do with her? She’s obviously been on drugs, and I bet there’s alcohol too, and,” she quickly glanced at Lucy again, taking special note of the shirt. “And she probably had some funtime with a guy, if what she said earlier, and the shirt, is of any indication.” The touch was simple, a comforting hand, but it was Lucania needed to regain her sangfroid. She tried not to let Evelina feel her shaking form beneath her touch, beneath the blue fabric, she needed to be calm. Her voice, variegated with nerves, fought to return to the tone it held before the interloping of Lucy. With Evelina’s question, the attention in room turned to the drugged and restrained girl. Right. You must remain tempered. Focus. The dream said change. But it has to come from you. “Probably,” Lucania sighed, “She definitely drank like a… one of those Aqueon water animals. I wouldn’t put it past her to have taken a ‘sample’ of every narcotic we’ve got…” She grimaced at Lucy. Noticing the needle marks, the nose running with blood, the various bruises… Replacing the expression of discontent, a mischievous grin grew on Lucania’s face in conjunction with an idea, “Would it be cruel to suggest we just leave her here? To allow her time to ahh… sleep it off?” “Mmpf mpmpf hmrf!! mphhf!!” was the immediate onomatopoeia to come from a nervous looking Lucy. The idea seemed almost preposterous to Evelina, knowing what certain substances did to the body. She gave Lucania a wary look as if gauging just how serious she was. At the far too obvious mischievous look on her face, she pursed her lips, turning to look at a very nervous looking Lucy. The thoughtful expression stayed on her face for several long moments as she thought it over, her hand drifting from Lucania’s back to rest on her hip, in a loose grip around her waist. “It wouldn’t be that good of an idea, I don’t think,” she admitted after a while. “She needs plenty of water to help wash out the alcohol, but the whole drug thing… certainly should keep her where we can have an eye on her at all times. Or we could just tie her up, but I’m not sure how much I like that idea.” The thought expression morphed into a grimace. “I’m afraid we can’t just tie her up. But even then I’m not letting her go before she has at least gotten some water and brushed her teeth.” “MMMMMMmmmmpfhhh…” groaned Lucy in a clearly frustrated reply. “She’s never been keen on remaining supervised…” Lucania commented in a thoughtful tone. She could recognize that something needed to change, her attention was all on the tied up Lucy… At least, she was making conscious attempts to keep her attention on Lucy, she was losing that battle. A hand slipped its way further down the small of her back than it’d been mere seconds before. It wasn’t a horribly intimate touch, nor was it anything remotely sexual, it was a something as simple as an arm around the waist. Funny, how distracting such simple displays can be… Especially considering Evelina’s apparent inexperience with it all. Lucania leaned in closer to Evelina, hair brushing against shoulder, before continuing, “The only liquid I’ve known her to brush her teeth with is Jack Daniels, and I’m not sure she’s ever finished a cup of water in her life. But I’m willing to try anything if it will help her feel better… and perhaps get her to cease commenting on my sex life…” Unbidden though it was, she did not fight the blush that came to her cheeks, despite having only just fought down the one from earlier. She tightened her grip around Lucania unconsciously, her heart beating a little faster, which she blamed on having used her powers more in the past few hours than she normally did in three days. Lucy’s muffled complaints, however, reminded her that there were more important matters to attend—Namely, a hangover and probably still high girl. She groaned inwardly, knowing that this kind of person—or patient—were the worst. She let go of Lucania and headed for the bathroom, stopping only to take an empty glass from the breakfast tray. She returned with a glass full of water which she held up to Lucy’s mouth. A thought removed the binding over her mouth, allowing her to finally speak. “Drink,” Evelina commanded. “GAWD LUCIA, WHERE DID YOU PICK UP A SQUARE LIKE THIS?!?!? LEMME THE FUCK GO!” “Lucy, calm down.” “NO!!! IF GOD WANTED US TO DRINK WATER WHY’D HE MAKE IT TASTE LIKE SHIT?” “It is either drink the water, or you will experience a heavy hangover. Headache, sick, etc. You need to get hydrated again.” She held the glass up, close to her lips, and said again. “Drink. I’m not letting you go until you do.” “Ugh… Fine, MOM,” was Lucy’s spiteful reply. Consequently they were the only words she could get out before the water found its way into her mouth. She gulped the liquid down with a zeal, she wouldn't admit it to herself, but she was thirstier than she realized. The alcohol had dehydrated her… as well as whatever it was she’d been doing a few hours ago, and, she guess, all night. She’d expended quite a bit of energy and the coke had just kept her going. Her heart was still beating faster than she’d have liked, and as the liquid cooled her dried throat, she couldn’t help but feel thankful to Eve… whatever her name was. Lucy gasped as she finished the cup, “There, done, see! Now let me the hell go!” Of course, she didn’t need to let her know she was thankful. “A smidgen of gratitude would be nice, Lucy,” Lucania chastised, voice equal parts ‘strict guardian’ and ‘concerned mother.’ “Evelina is a trained doctor, and she’s taking care of you on her…” and my own… “time. Really, a simple thanks would suffice.” Evelina waited patiently while Lucania spoke, eyes still trained on Lucy but with a gentle smile on her face now. Once Lucania was done and Lucy had finished grumbling, she headed into the bathroom again, returning with a refilled glass. The bindings holding Lucy tethered to the floor disappeared, and just as the last faded away Evelina held the glass out to her. “Drink this as well. I don’t imagine you’ve had a lot of water during the night, so you need as much as you can get, otherwise you’ll only get a headache worse than what I bet you are already starting to have.” She took a step back, watching the other silently. “Man, this is fucking lame,” Lucy mumbled, snatching the cup from Evelina. She turned to her sister, “You guys probably had the lamest sex on the planet.” Lucania barely suppressed a blush of emotion at the mention of the act, “That’s what I’ve been trying to tell you, Lucina. Nothing like that happened between us, and it won’t do to go about claiming otherwise.” Her serious tone gave way to something kinder, if filled with a palpable hesitation, “She and I are…” Lucania cast a glance to Evelina, “... friends.” Lucy almost spat out the water as she drank, “Wow, Lucia.” Her tone was completely level, her expression was flat, “You are literally the only person I know that is so lame that you somehow manage to have a one night stand where all that happens is you make a friend.” Lucy finished the cup and slinked into a chair at the table, “Christ almighty, you found the perf fucking geek waifu, you nerd.” She cast something of a smile to the two, placing a hand against her forehead to alleviate the migraine Evelina had already predicted, “Anyway, whatchu losers eating for brekky? I’m like, starved.” “You are treading on very thin ice here, Lucy,” Evelina said. It seemed as if everything had gone quiet; the sound from down the club retreating to the background. The gentle smile and expression had disappeared, replaced by a carefully neutral mask. “You barge in here, shouting and screaming. You all but throw your sisters on the ground and then charge at me for whatever unknown reason, and now you’re even throwing around insults and mocking comments; making assumptions based on just about nothing.” She took a step forward, her entire body forced to relax. “I’ve only known Lucania for a short while, but I can already tell that she’s not someone who just takes a random person to bed. You are her sister, you should know that. Making demeaning comments such as those is not something I condone, Miss Lucy Castalia. Everyone is free to make choices of their own, and shouldn’t be pressured into things which they are not comfortable with.” The two sisters displayed opposing emotions as Evelina spoke. Lucania permitted herself to display a controlled joy. To contrast, Lucy, only barely registering what was said to her, had the scowl of a bored child ready to throw a tantrum. She didn’t, though, instead, she simply shifted her attention from the doctor to the elder Castalia, a sarcastic smirk on her tilted face. “Wow. She talks way more’n Salem, don’t she?” The smirk became a full blown grin. If one thing could be said about Lucy with a hangover, it’s that she knew exactly where it hurt the most. And again, their emotions contrasted, as Lucania immediately became downcast and reserved as the remark made it to her ears. She allowed the silence to speak for her as it stretched to fill the moment, fittingly, before replying, “Doesn’t she.” “Ehh?” Lucy grimaced as the confusion gave strength to the hangover’s intensity. “Grammar is important, Lucy.” Lucania said, with eyes of gold, she spoke with the same condescension a mother has to a child, “It’d be ‘doesn’t she,’ not ‘don’t she.’” Lucania walked over to where Lucy sat, bent down, and poked her nose with a gentle finger, “Be nice.” She ordered with a hum, she turned to look at Evelina, “She’s got your best interests at heart.” Leaning in to Lucy’s ear, she whispered something else, “Besides, I believe I’ve taken quite a liking to her… Let’s keep that our secret for now, though...” Lucania stood back up, leaving Lucy sitting in a daze. “For reals?” Lucy’s eyes shot to Evelina, bemused and surprised, “Huh, well, la-di-da for y’all bitches!” Evelina wasn’t quite sure how to react. For one, she had expected the words to wound Lucania, which they, at some point, did. However it wasn’t for much longer than a scant few moments, the gold in her eyes showing a clear happiness. From what she had gathered the change in eye colour wasn’t voluntary, or so Lucania had insinuated at least. So having this Salem—her previous lover?—rubbed in her face seemed to not affect her as much as she had expected it would. I wonder why. She kept silent, however, not voicing her question out loud. She instead met the surprised look of Lucy’s, wondering just what it was Lucania said that had so surprised her. Lucania, as if gliding on air, moved from Lucy to Evelina. Both women were blessed with a picturesque height. But in talking to Lucy, that height never felt so... distinguished. Perhaps it was something as simple as a difference in posture. Evelina carried herself with an almost casual confidence, when Lucania had to tilt her head upward slightly to see Evelina’s feline eyes, she felt a certain grace in doing so. The cynic in her, proposed that it could simply be the novelty associated with addressing a tall woman with silted jade eyes. Perhaps... “Please try to be patient with her,” Lucania had to stand on her toes to whisper into Evelina’s ear, “That’s just her nature, she doesn’t mean… most of it… she is still a child after all.” Lucania allowed herself to linger there, her lips less than a breath away from Evelina’s, she could very easily have nibbled on her earlobe, or moved down slightly to kiss on her neck. She could have done a lot of things, Evelina was probably aware of this as well. Meaning they were both aware of how that course of action wouldn’t have been the most… apropos. Lucania stood back, “You mentioned watching her all day, so I must ask, did you have plans for the day? I would hate if either of us were to intrude on your plans...“ I’ll try to keep that in mind, she noted to herself, avoiding to speak aloud for fear of Lucy hearing her. Although, she had to make a conscious effort not to ask if Lucy truly was a child. She looked far older than that, and not only because of the slightly smeared make-up she wore. She had to wonder if perhaps the drugs were to blame. She’d never been among drug addicts, or even users before, so she couldn’t quite tell what effects it had on them. She only knew the physical identifiers of drugs being used, but little more than that. She smiled down at Lucania, playfully patting her on the head before she glanced at Lucy. “I only really need to go pick up my bike and supplies from where I left them. I had only really planned for a quick stop here in the city, but I have a feeling I’ll stay for longer, so I should get my stuff. That, and I’ll have to deliver a letter. Aside from that I don’t really have any plans. As for your sister, I didn’t mean literally being with her the entire day, just make sure she’s in a nearby room or something so that she can be checked on every now and then.” She chewed her tongue a bit, thinking it over. “So long as she’s in this building it should be okay. A place to sleep, get some food, and,” she looked at Lucy now, her gaze serious,” plenty of water to drink. You want that alcohol washed out of your body.”
So I'll just like, wait for the right opening point.
Abstract writing is best writing. Also boy I sure hope Daniel isn't a fucking narc ALSO also: Literally this is how Raven looks. How is it that Mary is the only person that finds this hard to look away from? It doesn't even, I just don't, why would, how...? If I saw Margaret Moonlight in real life I wouldn't be able to look away either.
Is your character referencing that book about sentient rabbits that go on a big adventure yet can't count past four?
Watership Down and YES. I read it once in 4th grade and didn't get it, then I read it again in college and now I think it's one of the greatest works of literature ever produced.
Duuuuuude This was like, hypnotic, or something. Mary watched, mesmerized, as Kanoa pushed Raven on the swing... higher and higher. It was like watching this anime character and like... this perfect porcelain doll swinging on a pendulum. Aside from the occasional sip of coffee, or the bite of a cupcake, Mary ignored the world in favor of the simplicity of the swinging woman. Her eyes went from left to right with each crest and drop and her head followed, like she was watching the ball at a tennis match. It wasn't just that the women were pleasant to watch either, although that was certainly part of the appeal, there was something deeply appealing about the mere motion being displayed. On like, a spiritual level. If Mary was less tired, or perhaps more high, she'd certainly have something more profound and poetic to say about it than 'The pretty girl goes up and down!'-- As it stood though, she was kind of hypnotized by it. So much so she hadn't even heard what the others were saying. So, then, when the swinging stopped and Kanoa began walking towards the forest, Mary was completely lost. She merely followed behind the group as it took on something of a natural formation in a daze. August and Jackson seemed ready to camp a week in the hunt for the Sasquatch. Mary, meanwhile, trailed behind and took another sip of her coffee. 'Where are you going to put the cup when you're done with it?' Mary stepped over a ridge that appeared to be a snake's burrow, she looked down at her cup with wide eyes. FUCK That was a really good question. Mary took another sip of the brown liquid ambrosia as they made their way further into the shade. Corey was being irrelevant, August was probably suffering withdrawal symptoms from a lack of technology, Raven was too good for the eyes of this forest, and so was Maxwell, apparently. Kanoa and Jackson opened up a dialogue about Japanese foxes. "It's probably just some weeabo furry spirit. Like, I bet it can't even speak Japanese, it's just some ghost that watched too much anime and wants to prove itself to the real OG Kitsunes in glorious Nippon." Another sip. Mary stepped carefully over the mossy log. Looking up she noted how truly dark the forest was, despite the time of day, it seemed so familiar... "Wait." Mary stopped in her tracks, tilting her head to looked to Kanoa, "Where are we going even? Like there can't only be one tree with that kind of special leaf or whatever..." Placing a hand on her waist, Mary lowered her voice to that of a mother accusing a child of stealing from the cookie jar, "Kanoa! Are going to slaughter us all and feast on our nubile and ripe teen bodies?" Another sip of coffee, "If so can you kill me last? I want to see how Raven tastes." Christ I'm creepy. Yep.
We're allowed to talk to the other voices IC, right?
"That man is clearly an agent of the Greys, w-we should probably not let John get captured by the mothership he just called."
Haha! How can he be here and on Jupiter at the same time!?
It's a bunny that likes hip-hop. Get it?
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