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That's the thing though-- I can't speak for a lot of southerners-- but I know for me, and the few people who agree with me, it's more that it's representative of an era of oppression and suffering than it is the as a whole South. But I guess at this point we're just getting into personal preferences.

Some Southerns like it, some don't, most are probably on the fence or more likely just don't care.

Kek, I mean it's not like there's much to be proud of if you're from here-- I MEAN UNLESS YOU'RE FROM ATLANTA BANKHEAD REPRESENT

(Also Huey Newton-era Black Panthers were based.)
Y'all totes shouldn't check out the collab when you get a chance

@Arcanaut Aha.. How did the date go?
In STONES 9 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
Hmmmm idea! The ladies will probably bunk in one room and the guys in another -- anyone interested in having one joint post for each to cover overnight? Figure out who's got top bunk, who snores, etc? XD


Edit: oh, and of course! @Darcs good luck with the job search! :D

Man I just got a minimum wage job and couldn't be happier. Have faith!

Th-thank you both...!
@mdk But you're essentially comparing something people are born with, being gay-- to a cause people created, in part because they wanted to keep people in chains.

It's like, there's a difference between not passing judgement on a symbol representing a group of people who were historically oppressed, and a symbol representing many things, including a group of people who were historically oppressors.

I'll never agree with it, I'm perfectly fine admitting that. I know that the Confederate Flag means more than slavery, but it also means slavery. Why you'd want to fly that around, like it only means pride for all us down here in the south, I will never understand, but I mean, fine whatever. I see it as a symbol of hate, but you do you, boo boo.

What I don't see as fine, is comparing that symbol of pride packaged with slavery to the Gay rights flag, is all I'm saying.

I know it probably ain't much a big deal in other places, especially outside of America. But I live in South Carolina, so naturally it seems like a pretty big deal to everyone here. I just wanted to see what the intelligent folks here thought about the thing. I'm sure you've seen this spread across the rest of the south, cause other states associate this flag as well.

Now when I say Confederate flag, I mean the flag used by the Army of Northern Virginia (and other groups) during the American Civil War (this one, specifically, even though it ain't square). It was a battle flag used by commanders, but everyone in the south generally associates it with the Confederacy overall, instead of the real one - which was similar to this.

I know you don't mean harm by this, but that all really just semantics. Which flag is 'real' or not.

Would you believe me if I said both of those flags are the Confederate Flag? Both real, both wholly associated with the Confederacy and the men who fought to keep the right to own human beings?

The Battleflag of North Virginia was the flag that was flown during the majority of the battles for the Civil War, because people were confused who was who when the Flag of the CSA was used during battles, since from a distance it was very similar to the Union flag. The Battleflag of North Virginia was the one the northerners, the buffalo soldiers, the slaves, the indians saw, and associated with the south. To me, that makes it just as real as any flag some guys in an office say is the 'real' Confederate flag.

Again, that's just linguistics, but I see the flag men carried and associated with the Confederacy as real as the Stars and Bars.

can't speak for its prevalence in other parts of the south.

Atlanta here, so not """*~*"REAL"*~*""" south. We don't really see it here, you kind of get scoffed at if you make Confederate pride super obvious. Like, I'm all for states rights, but maybe don't wear the flag of the people who LITERALLY fought to keep my ancestors in chains.

But what do you think?

I don't think it's possible to remove the negative associations from a flag. No matter how many people see it as the 'Southern Pride' Rebel there will still be people who positively associate it with the Rhodesian flag, or Apartheid South Africa, like the shooter.

People everywhere are flipping out that anyone who doesn't hate the confederate flag must be a racist. I don't get it. A cloth rectangle is a really stupid way to judge someone's character. To me, 'Confederate Flag = Racist' sounds exactly the same as 'Rainbow Flag = Sinner,' and I have no patience for either sentiment. Liberal America is about as well-equipped to talk about Southern pride as Christian America is to talk about gay pride..... I think the analogy holds up.


If we're gonna hate people over history, we should start by tracking down everyone who's worn a Che Guevara shirt. Symbols only carry meaning when people attach it. If we could just, you know.... stop attaching the worst possible connotation to every possible symbol we don't like? That might clear a lot of things up.

False equivalency brah.

Gay people never succeed from the Union so they could sodomize people without their permission.

I agree with the El Che sentiment tho

It's about like saying we should remove all Christian crosses from the churches because they offend Atheists.

It's really not.

To many people associating the Rebel flag with racism because they're ignorant.

No we associate it with racism because my great great grandmother literally remembers her father being dragged out of their home by Klansmen and the sons of Confederates and hung from a tree

Because they were then denied the vote by southerners who only freed them so they could throw down their lives for their masters

Robert E Lee, one of the greatest generals of his time, fought for the south and he freed his slaves.

What a paragon of humanity?

The Union generals (even Ulysses Grant) owned slaves before, during, and even after the Civil War. Lincoln's Emancipation Proclamation freed slaves in the south, not the north. By that logic, the American flag is racist.

It is, homie.

I think we should take it down and fly, you know, the actual confederate flag.

Flying a battle flag from Virginia over a memorial for Confederate soldiers in general is like flying only a British flag over a memorial for all the Allied soldiers that died in WWII.

Wait are you saying that flying the CSA battleflag over a peaceful memorial gives the wrong impression?

Nah that's silly, fam.
In STONES 9 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
Ye that sounds rad.

Sorry I haven't given another Nel post, there just isn't much she can say to anyone at this point that'd be particularly interesting or would help the overall plot. I need to have her speak to Kettle!

(Also I've been out looking for jobs a lot)
@Tenish the Mighty
We got two!

When are you guys available?
@Arcanaut Mmm.

I've actually seen a bunch of Fables comics at one of the big comic stores Athens, like compilation of the entire series big, and briefly considered getting into them, but I dunno, something turned me off. I'm a huge Tell Tale fan, and love TWD comics and games, so I'm sure it's a good adaption, since I like the Fables games, but I feel like I may not appreciate the genre as much without the level of autonomy the game gives me, esp since with TWD it's a new cast that links to the pre-established canon...

But nah, I don't think it's obscure. But I could totes see people being fans of the Fables games and not the comics.

Like, I'll stick to building up my She-Hulk collection for now.

@Monochromatic Rainbow Never heard of it. Sounds like garbage. I'd rather just watch Mad Max.
I don't know, it's a pretty obscure game, I'm actually surprised you've heard of it.
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