Avatar of Darcs
  • Last Seen: 2 mos ago
  • Old Guild Username: Darcs
  • Joined: 11 yrs ago
  • Posts: 1517 (0.39 / day)
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    1. Darcs 11 yrs ago
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Stop and frisk me, daddy. Unf.
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Organize a strike in your school or workplace on the grounds that it does not satisfy your need for indolence & spiritual beauty.


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That's rad, hopefully we can get a bunch of that going to really make the world feel alive.

Whenever Aeon can get back to us with all the information he'd like to pass on and formally pass on the torch, either I or Mono will open up a new interest check, and then I guess eventually we'll start a shiny new thread? With y'all being in from the get go of course.
Cool stuff is happening too though! One step closer towards marriage equality in the US! Climate change talks globally! Fallout 4 and the Welcome to NightVale book come out this year and next year is season 3 of Twin Peaks!

There are things that you see as bad, there are things that you see as good. You just take it as it comes, it's all strange and amazing. Except for whatever isn't.

Edit: Scientists and doctors in Cuba literally cured lung cancer and figured out a way to stop mother-child transference of HIV and syphilis
@PripovednikPeople in Nepal still suffering, Putin literally took a part of one country and claimed it for Mother Russia, Boko Haram is using the girls they kidnapped to fight for them, global discontent, the constant churning of content in the age of the internet numbs us to unique stimuli as the original becomes more and more mundane and we seek solace in the past and nostalgia.

Probably some dumb media event that people will pay hella attention to, I don't know.
Any tips or hints on how to navigate around are appreciated.

You can't. It's impossible.

This is hell, welcome friend.
I just sent Aeon a PM-- Mono and I would definitely be willing to keep this going as Co-GM's, for everyone still here.
Anyone wanna post the second half?
Should we like, reopen the interest check?
In STONES 9 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
Not today!

But really. I'll get up and write Nel into the *~*Super secret Ladies Room*~* tomorrow.

A lot was going on right now. Things were going fast-- but her thoughts struggled so slowly to catch up to the reality. Mary felt like she had been standing here for a month! She knew that wasn't the case; Danny and she had come to some kind of agreement--? Then August did something diplomatic and mature... Jackson said something creepy! She knew that for a fact... Orion was playing music, because his priorities were on point. Kanoa had stomped off with Yui in tow... and poor, precious, sweet, innocent, Ramon was still unconscious.
Et tu?
And where was she?

Why did she feel warmer than before?

It was nice...

For a minute, she thought she may have just died from the experience. It was a distinct possibility, after all. She wasn't very fit, she smoked, she overate, she didn't do shit, and when she went outside, it was only to sit around in a depressing place. Maybe the shock of the cool water was too much for her system to handle? Was death this pleasant?

Why are you such a stereotypical goth sometimes, Mary?

Mary opened her eyes.

As her thoughts snapped back to reality, Mary felt a sickening churn in her stomach, her lungs felt full but without air, and what felt like ice pounding against her skull. She gripped the bridge of her nose as the migraine hit, she could feel cool air bush against her skin, she felt the dying trees trying to sap her energy like the Kitsune. Something was keeping her warm though-- August, apparently! She'd seen her shivering and just... done it. Despite her relationship with physical contact, Mary wasn't used to this, she would have thanked her then... but...

... Buddha, she really needed a smoke.

Mary glanced at the body of poor, sweet, innocent Ramon laying amongst the dirt and leaves, then to the rest of dumbfounded schoolmates. Business first; "Okay, so like, I know I've kinda followed Kanoa on pretty much everything she's said, but can we all agree that calling the pigs--" She spoke to Danny, "-- No offense Daniel--" she continued, "-- is a terrible idea that absolutely no good will come from?"

August, for her part, was slack jawed at how fast Kanoa had decided to shoot down not only any chance of team work or team planning, but also how quick she was to simply leave Ramon to whatever fate had in store for him. Ignoring that the girl barely even seemed to register the attack on her shoulder, Kanoa's lackadaisical attitude towards anything the group said or did was starting to get frustrating. The redhead agreed quickly with Mary.

"Yeah, calling the cops to just take him in would be a poor choice, not only in general, but for Ramon as well. He'd be beyond confused, and probably paranoid. He deserves an explanation at least."

Somewhere in the distance, a sharp, oriental note rang over the water.

"Offense taken, but I'd rather avoid talking in circles," Daniel replied off-handedly. "We can't go to the cops directly, I agree with that, but I can. I'm not talking about getting my dad involved -this is the last thing either of us need today of all things- No, you guys go on ahead. If Kanoa says he'll live without further magical attention I'll take care of getting an ambulance here and... get rid of our tracks while I'm at it." Biting the inside of his cheek he seemed to deliberate with himself before confirming that this was indeed what he needed to do -whether he wanted to or not- with a nod. "Yeah, that sounds like the best thing to do. We can worry about his mental breakdown once he can stand on his own two feet. If push comes to shove and they find out I was here you guys won't have to worry about being implicated; they'll be able to believe that there was no one with me."

Picking up the surprisingly light boy, It was only then that Danny noticed that August had been clinging to Mary to...warm her? It seems that August's 'allergy' to people doesn't include those of the same sex. Or is it....?

August looked at Daniel, the red head still rubbing Mary's bare arms in a somewhat awkward hug from behind The girl was freezing! She'd need to get clothed soon...why was everyone looking at her like that? For a girl who could easily read people, it was confusing and mildly concerning that the entire group seemed to think she was bipolar or couldn't touch peo-ohhhh. Her green eyes blinked as she looked down, realizing that she was clinging to a half naked pot head after having freaked out multiple times about being touched. Seems she hadn't made the specifics of her powers clear. She looked back up to Daniel. She could explain later, if anyone asked, fuck it.

Another sharp note, closer now.

Mary very briefly considered shifting in August's, or even awkwardly muttering some form of thanks to the girl but... August was really warm. Like, warm enough that she didn't even need to wax poetic about the complexities of human warmth! She could just kinda, enjoy it, and not enter some cardiac hypothermic shock, or like, whatever. As August practically rubbed her body against Mary's, she figured, she'd just let this play out as long as possible, fuck it!

It was either the after effects of the Blue Lotus, or the fact that Danny was concentrating so hard on the interaction she was having with August that caused her to crack a smirk, "I still say it's a dumb idea, man."

Danny glanced between the boy in his arms and Yui, recalling how August had lied on the bed. His face turning beet red, the boy clamped down on the thought, shaking it away vigorously. It couldn't be what he absolutely in no way thought. After all, they had supposedly just met yesterday and hardly even interacted the entire morning and while they were teenagers they couldn't possibly already... Danny's could feel his face starting to turn red again but with his hands now full could only bury his face in his chest. "Right," came Danny's voice from behind the curtain of black hair that obscured his face. "From here on I'm going to try focusing my abilities on making sure our tracks disappear, but I'd rather prefer it if you guys didn't make my job any harder. Orion, that means you."

A third, slightly caustic note.

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