Avatar of Darcs
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  • Old Guild Username: Darcs
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Stop and frisk me, daddy. Unf.
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Organize a strike in your school or workplace on the grounds that it does not satisfy your need for indolence & spiritual beauty.


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the pretty little bird_
Elenei Kiều_
The First Day, Early Evening_

I’m falling.

No… no… that’s not it, is it? This isn’t the breech that I descend upon, but rather, my own psyche.

I’m dreaming.

I’m dreaming that I’m flying. I always dream that I’m flying.

Perhaps this makes me an entirely uninspired individual.

Do you think it does? Hmmm.

I don’t care what you think. I like the feeling of flight. If I felt comfortable declaring it, I may even say I loved it. As it stands, I never got to do it much when I did have two good wings for flying-- perhaps I’m misremembering? I think I always found it relaxing, at any rate.

Maybe I hated how flying actually felt. This thought doesn’t bother me.

I know I hated the wings otherwise. I still do, though now it’s just the one-- I can’t even fly.

These dreams always seem to carry themselves to completion in, generally at least, much the same way, and I’m thankful for that-- it’s one of the few guaranteed things I have to look forward to, hypnos's sweet embrace, and this pleasant phantasos and pasithea granted by his kin...

I feel the world moving around me, like I’m in place and still, but some force is causing everything to reconfigure around me, to blur across my vision. The sky's becomes a dim azure, this visceral grey-blue that is the child of clouds and sky. I’m forever falling up and down, in this impossible state of existing purgatory.

Above me, impossibly, I see the stars and the milky way, despite it being noon, it’s as though I can look past the sun, while the sky is still the shade of this great sapphire. The moon is massive before me, a great silver eye, much larger than the sun.

Am I to interpret this? Are the sun’s energies not of great import to me? What is my psyche saying to me? I never see the sun in my dreams, but the blue of the aether is always due to it’s light-- it’s always daytime.

Truthfully, I don’t particularly care what a psychologist would say. I’m comforted by the dim moonlight illuminating the sky-- the sun is too bright. It’s nice.

Below me. The world.

I fly over the it all, I glide easily across French fields from my native Monaco to Loom. Traveling faster than one could comprehend, I think. Minutes, or perhaps just seconds, padded to feel like minutes. I see everything, and so much of nothing.

I’m going so fast, but I can see each individual detail of our earth, jade grasslands and cobblestone villages, I can see the beautiful Gothic Franco structures, older than I can comprehend. The gale is gentle against my flesh, I don’t have to squint.

I look to the faces of those that can see me-- I like to think they see me as astonishing. Children and adults alike, look up in awe at this wingless creature from the heavens.

‘I’m just a person,’ I’d like to tell them.

That’s not true though, is it?

They’d know it’s not true. Even in my dreams I am apart from them.

A gentle hand nudged the dark haired girl awake, “Melly?” came a soft voice.

Mel sighed, light returning to her vision as her eyes opened, sharply and quickly, but slight. The sigh was broken, not quite resigned-- her joy had gone errant, but apathy replaced it, not depression. It didn’t matter. “I fell asleep?”

The doctor nodded, “It’s becoming too common for me not to be concerned about, Mel,” Dr. Plath stepped back to her chair, “This is the 5th time in a row you’ve fallen asleep during our breathing exercises. Are you getting enough sleep at home?”

Mel was silent, her expression became a hard stare.

“Mel?” The doctor pleaded.

Mel shrugged, looking away from the woman.

Dr. Plath sighed, “A lack of sleep could be negatively impacting your mental health…” The doctor noted Mel’s downcast glare, “Mel!” She snapped, and was rewarded with the woman’s focus returning to her, “Your mental health is at risk, not to mentioned declines in physical performance, which, according to YOU…” She flipped through her notes, “Is ‘very important’ to your work.”

Mel’s eyes narrowed, her eyebrows glowered, before quickly relaxing, “I’m sorry for falling asleep, Doctor.” Mel didn’t smile, but she made an effort to at least appear kind-- the result was a kind of tragic half-smirk, “No-- I don’t get much sleep during the night, so I supplement by sleeping during the day-- these sessions mean I need to wake up a few hours earlier than usual.”

Dr Plath made a note of this, “So what are you doing all night?”

Mel shrugged, “Working mostly. I train, attend meetings with my father and complete whatever assignment he might task me with-- it’s mostly a lot of sitting around. I like going to restaurants, late night bistros have the most gourmet coffee, and some of the finest cuisine if you know what to look for--”

“Do you have any friends?”

Mel winced, and then sulked at this, Dr. Plath noticed this immediately, but it was already too late to take back the question. The two sat for a time-- two women illuminated by dying sunlight cut by the blinders-- Elenei’s wing could almost be mistaken for the brown of a fowl’s in the radiating orange light, the doctor was a picture from a black and white crime drama. Her expression a mixture of stark professionalism and genuine empathetic concern.

“I guess Mya…?” Mel muttered. Tilting her head to the side, processing the question, fully aware of why it made her so sad, and why it was important. Mya was her aunt-- she didn’t count. She should have real friends. She was on good terms with some hookers, barkeeps and baristas-- but you weren’t supposed to be embarrassed to tell people about your friends....

A heavy quiet dominated the air between them with a thickness like water.

“I miss the sea.” Mel declared, breaking the silence.

Dr. Plath didn’t look up from her pad, “Did you consider it a friend?”

“I’m not 12, Doctor,” Mel shot back, crossing her arms, “I don’t think the ocean cares for my well being… but…” Her expression softened, “I didn’t feel bad feeling alone whenever I went sailing. Something about the waves soothes your stress. It doesn’t matter if you feel alone-- it doesn’t have to be such a big deal, you can just… be...”

She continued jotting down her notes, “Have you considered heading down to Loom’s marina?”

“Nah.” Mel yawned, “I came here on my family’s drifter, Loom’s waters are different. They’re grey, stale… like… mechanical. Something about them freaks me out.”

“Hm.” Was all the doctor could respond with, before looking from the pad over to her watch.

“It’s about time, isn’t it, Doctor?” Mel preemptively said, already starting to get up.

“Afraid so…” Dr. Plath gave a sad smile to Mel as she made her way to the door, she got up to open it for her, “Please be safe getting home, Elenei…”

“Same time next week?”

“O-of course!” The doctor was taken aback by how quickly she was willing to confirm this with the girl, “And Mel?”

“Yes?” Mel stood half in the room, half out of the room now, she’d already picked up her sword, and her wing was completely in the hallway. From this angle, all one could see was a sad looking little girl. Not the weapon toting one winged chimera she was.

“I want to apologize for my questions earlier, you should know that I have no intention in hurting you when I ask you something. This should be a safe space for you, and I violated that by being too forward today. I’m sorry.”

pale skin gave way to a slight pinkish blush at that, “It’s okay, Doctor.”

“It’s really not, Melly-- It was unprofessional and came across as mean, I appreciate you accepting my apology in any case.” The doctor smiled, “Besides, I shouldn’t have to ask such a question, I already know at least one of your friends!”

Mel tilted her head for a moment-- but only a moment, her confusion was soon replaced with feelings of happiness and personal embarrassment as the doctor leaned in to hug Mel, saying “Me, of course!” Mel’s blush became a much more obvious red at that.

By the time the doctor said “I’ll see you next week, Melly.” she was already pressing the elevator button.

Mel exited the train station.

She was well used to the odd looks-- she looked enough like an angel that demons and humans alike would look cockeyed. ‘Why isn’t she just flying?’ They might think. Then they notice that she was missing one-- if she’s lucky, they won’t recognize who she is. Humans will just look at her pityingly.... Demons, no matter how well meaning, always just seem to look hungry.

Which, if she was being honest, that was fair-- most one winged angels must look like an easy snack.

Either type of judgement was better than the times people did recognize her as her father’s killing machine. Then came either abject fear, or some type of weird misplaced jealousy.

Apparently, the angel’s essence her father had used to cure her had possessed some type of magic-- because she could make her wing disappear when she focused on it. But as it stood, it required a tremendous amount of energy for few benefits. Maybe she was just bad at it?

Walking down the now dark, almost empty street, Mel made a beeline for an alley. The already dark sky was consumed by towering skyscrapers above her. It wasn’t like one could see every star in Monaco-- but in Loom one couldn’t even really get a glimpse of the moon.

Mel knocked on a non-descript door. Of course it had to be non-descript. It took her weeks of digging around to find any strip joints. Apparently the angel’s strong influence on Loomese law had made people ‘sensitive’ about places that ‘sold flesh.’ Laws like that meant that places like this-- The Saints and The Sinner Ladies-- were practically in hiding. Owning a strip place wasn’t illegal in Loom, but, to her understanding, it wasn’t really legal either.

How were aspiring gumshoes supposed to gather information to solve crimes if you make all the hangouts illegal? How does one investigate anything? And ignoring that, how do you hate a strip club? They had everything! Scantily clad men, women… things if you wanted, alcohol, fights, information, conversation…

If they served coffee, she might never leave.

Mel narrowed her eyes in frustration, and knocked again, slamming her fist against the old steel door hard enough to leave a dent. A metal panel slid, revealing a pair of worn-out, red eyes.

“What’s the password?” bellowed a dusty voice in a cockney accent.

Mel’s own French came through as she yelled right back, “It’s Morena Joy! Just let me in you asshole.”

The slide immediately closed, and the door opened. Before her, stood an imposing blue man, with a beer belly round and large, protruding in any direction several feet. Her arms and legs were muscular and stocky, yellow horns jutted wildly from his head like hair, his tired eyes glowed a dim red, and his nose wasn’t upturned like a pig’s snout, so much as it was a pig’s snout. He wore expensive brown jeans, ripped to hell and probably designer, and luxury sneakers he was no doubt about to brag to her about. He didn’t wear a shirt, and instead all that could be seen was a mass of green-inked tattoos, chest hair, scars, and golden jewelry.

“My pretty little bird!” He said in his exaggerated British, he immediately swept the tiny girl up into a hug that threatened to break her spine. Transporting her immediately from a dull, featureless street, into the purple haze of the neon club.

“Hi Belwas.” Mel managed to breath out under the strength of a hug that felt like the full pressure of Marianas trench. As he let her down, she made her way over to an empty table-- she always came early on days like these-- with Belwas following, “What’s new?”

@Carantathraiel Rightfully so. That sounds like it'd be worry inducing.
If that discomfort persists he def needs to go back, tell him strangers on the internet said so.

@Ally610 Here's a tl;dr Cara and co. talk about anime and sex and the best (i.e. me) pops in every now and then. It's like a millennial version of Seinfeld + Friends and I'm Joey + Kramer lmao

"some Greek boy band or something…"
Esther Carrington_____
Divani Apollon Suites, Athens, Greece
7:59 PM (EEST)/10:59AM (MST), the day before

Esther Carrington awoke with eyes as red as the setting sun.

She always awoke a few minutes earlier than whatever companion she had taken for the evening prior. Call it a special skill, maybe. She always knew when to wake just when she’d be alone-- perhaps it was a trick of her mind, attempting to get her to reflect on her actions.

Whatever it was, she awoke to a very disheveled hotel room. Two walls of windows and balcony railings-- high up enough that no one had bothered with drapes or blinds-- the great blue aegean sea was the only witness to what she’d been getting up to last night, or, as the setting sun seemed to imply, this morning.

The other two walls were covered with a generic hotel pattern of beige and pearl diamonds. Something about the pattern bothered her, the room was cultured by untouched paintings of ships and sea monsters, and a TV that had apparently gotten into a fight.

Judging by the knife sticking through it’s thin, black membrane, it lost.

Esi sat up in the bed-- large enough to have ample space for 5… no, 6 people, including her, as it were. Her hair fell disheveled across her face. Her body, nude, glistened like honey in the orange light of the early evening with sweat and alcohol. Around her, four men lay about in various states of undress, most of them complete strangers to her, nuzzled against her thigh was a woman from one of her record labels-- one of her agents? Or her manager? Or her a managing agent? Or some assistant to them? Actually… Despite working with the woman for years, she didn’t know who she was at all.

The fluids that housed her brain felt toxic, she had to turn her head slowly in her observance of wherever the hell she’d decided to fall asleep, lest she disturb her hangover. She saw herself in the massive mirror before her-- so that was why she was glistening… Her eyes widened behind a curtain of hair, she tilted her head at the sight.

She crawled forward, eliciting a few annoyed snores from her bedmates, the blonde woman fondling her snorted, and turned into a cocoon of white silk. Two of the Greek men altogether fell out of the bed, coming to snuggle pillows against the blue sea pattern carpeted floors. Whatever they’d taken, they were coming down they didn’t even flinch as they *thudded* against the floor.

Esi, meanwhile, closed her eyes in faux pain as she made the effort to transition from infant, crawling across the golden comforted sheets of the bed, into a walking adult. Blackness was all she could deal with-- the world was coming in too fast, the light breath of the people around her was like a cacophony of horrid noise in her sensitive ears.

Taking in a deep breath, she griped onto the edge of the bed, swinging her bare legs around to dangle over the edge. She opened her eyes, slowly.


So, she hadn’t been hallucinating? Her body was covered in glitter and paint, each color of the rainbow, swirling to meet the other in some abstract piece across her body. Beneath her eyes were black tears and above her breast, apparently, she had gotten an intricate tattoo of a ram’s head. Laying in front of the mirror, out of sight before, lay a beautiful brown Italian pony, sleeping on it’s side, with an ice cream cone glue to it’s head-- and a pink pig with the the word ‘MOM’ painted in a blood red on the side, around them, a nest of empty champagne bottles. Esi half sighed, half laughed in realization.


“Mmm…” The blonde behind her stirred, “Esi…?”

"Yeah?" Esi, for her part, was already up, or rather, attempting to stand as straight as she could-- she made her way over to the closet. She had to place a hand on her head at the stress induced by hearing the sound of her own voice, she moved from drawer to drawer on desks and counters, opening them-- clearly searching, "What’s up?"

The woman moved slowly, adjusting herself so that she rested her head on her hand, posing herself like some Victorian woman leaning against a fainting chair. “What are you looking for?”

Esi’s chuckle couldn’t have been drier than the practical cough she gave at this question, "My passport, actually. Clothes would be nice… my purse… oh, and some water! Water is lovely!" At this, she stumbled over to the kitchen area, and began drinking from the tap.

The woman laughed without mirth, “They’re probably in your room.”

"Myyy r-r-rooom…" She said, gurgling water, then paused, "This isn’t my room?"


Esi narrowed her eyes, "Then who’s…"

The woman had already pulled out her phone, dialing some chaperone from the label, “It’ll come back to you-- last night you said you didn’t want me to let you crash in your own room-- you didn’t even want to be in the same building. Apparently you’d already packed up all the things you needed and didn’t want to risk burning anything,”

"Good thinking, past me…" Esi half whispered to herself, as an aside.

“So we hung out with these guys,” The blonde stretched her arms, “Apparently they’re some Greek boy band or something… you’ve given them a few beats in the past, apparently they’ve been selling well, so the label wanted me to show them a good time, so it was a win/win.”

Esi’s eyes flicked from each of their bodies-- interesting, how she remembered nothing about them now, "Huh." In a few hours she’d remember them in lewd detail.

“Anyway.” The woman fell back in the bed, “You should shower and get dressed. A limo will be here to pick you up in a few minutes.”

Years of drinking had enabled Esther to work through her hangovers with surprising aplomb, she suddenly recalled the woman’s name, as she tip-toed over to the shower, around the sleeping boys, "Thanks, Louise."

“What time is your flight?” She replied mechanically, no doubt inputting something in some calendar on her phone.

"Pfftt." Esi giggled with a shrug, "I lost the ones my Father sent me months ago… I figured I’d just get some at the airport."

The road, Colorado
2:22PM (MST)

Esi felt her lungs expand as the warmth spread through her body. Smoke filled the interior of the car, as it poured out of her barely parted lips. Her irises here wide-- but her eyes were clear and white, she had eye-drops and perfume prepared. But she needed this last release before she descended unto the depths of Carrington hell.

The past 30 hours, half spent in the air, had been a wonderful opportunity to reflect on what it was she was doing, what this all meant to her. She’d been laid over for 6 hours, and spent most of that time hiding away in a restroom stall, crying. Her nonchalant facade was cracking rapidly as she realized how horrified she was of seeing her family.

Ignoring the complicated emotions she harbored towards her mother and father, she was in a state of mild panic about how her family might react to her. Emile, in particular-- but fuck, who knew? Maybe they all hated her at this point? She couldn’t blame them, she certainly got lucky enough to hate. A lucky disappointment, if she’d believe her mother.

Why hadn’t she drank more? It would have made all this so much easier. Even she wasn’t far gone enough to seriously ask herself that question. She knew why she was doing this. Why come here at all? She wanted to tell herself that she knew that too.

“Sooo…..” Said the Uber driver, after a coughing fit. He was some pale skinned White guy with a thick moustache and and long brown hair that reminded her of some unclassified wild animal-- a bit like her own.

He glanced over at her-- she was clearly a foreigner to Colorado’s winters. She wore brown leather boots, bright baby blue skinny jeans, and an expensive looking, over-sized varsity jacket, the only reasonable thing she wore for this weather was a scarf, but it was some thin white thing, clearly more for fashion than practicality.

Busty, but not overly so, with long legs-- crossed right now. Her eyes were hidden to him behind blocky, black sunglasses the woman’s, her name was Esther, Esther’s face was pretty enough-- she looked like an off-brand Mila Kunis otherwise, although despite the upward curve of her lips, she seemed sadder. Something about her seemed familiar, but he couldn’t place where he’d seen her before.

“Not from around here?” He finally said, breaking the silence.

"Not so much, no," She took another toke, "Fuuuuck… I’m that obvious?"

The man laughed, “Lady-- it looks like you’ve never experienced a winter in your life!”

She welcomed the distraction, and a shift in her face occurred, something about her smile became more genuine, "Would you believe me if I said I’d been avoiding this shit weather for the past ten years?"

The man waved his hand to clear his vision of the smoke, his coughs and laughs became one, “No shit? Not a fan huh? How’d you pull that anyway?”

She laughed, "Money, mostly." She shook her head, "Nah… sorry, I mean, I usually just move somewhere warmer whenever shit starts getting too cool for me, always a demand for DJs on a crowded beach..."

The driver slammed his hands against the wheel, “Fuck!” He looked over to a mildly surprised Esi, “I knew I recognized your name!” He rolled his eyes, “Esther Carrington,” he said to himself in a mocking tone, “You’re that Esi guy, aren't you?”

Esi shrugged, taking another drag, as if to say ’If you say so, man.’

“Don’t give me that!” The Driver said, “I knew I recognized you from somewhere-- my kid loves you! I even listened to some of your stuff with her, you’re like Daft Punk from back in the day.”

Esi blushed, "That’s really sweet," as the car came to a stop at a light, she passed the blunt to the man.

“Hey,” he said, in between tokes, “Do you think I could get an autograph?”

"For a fan?" He handed her the blunt, "With a dad as cool as you? Driving in this weather? Sure man, whatever you need."

“Amazing, thanks.”

"No prob, Bob." Esi’s eyes narrowed at the familiarity of her surroundings, even through the smoke and snow, she knew where she was, she felt the nerves try to creep back in.


“So, Esi,” The driver said, looking around, “You never gave me more than a general address, where am I dropping you off?”

"We’re close," She sighed, tossing the roach out the window, "I’m going to the Carrington WInter Lodge."

Carrington WInter Lodge, Colorado
3:53PM (MST)

A maid opened the door.

“Hello Esther, it’s been awhile!” If Esther was to be completely honest-- she didn’t recognize this woman at all. She was an employee in service of Cassiopeia Carrington, though, and that meant she had one of the highest human tolerances for BS possible. As far Esther was concerned, that earned the woman all the respect in the world.

"Yeah..." She entered slowly, allowing the familiar grand interior return to her memory, "This place hasn’t changed at all…"

“Neither have you!” The woman and a few of her helpers took her two suitcases from her, “You mother requested you show almost 2 hours ago!”

Esi shrugged, "Fashionably late!" taking off her coat, she declined the offer to have taken to a rack, and instead tied the arms around her waist. "I thought I knew the directions, and I ended up making this poor guy drive in circles for hours..." She stopped herself, realizing she was already espousing embarrassing detail, "So, where‘s everyone anyway?"

“Your mother is in her room, preparing to address everyone…” The maid though for a moment, “your father may still be in his study.”

"That sounds like a place he’d be." Esther continued walking.

“Your siblings have all had an opportunity to get settled into their quarters…”

Esi suddenly turned on the woman, "No one’s taken my old room, right?" She asked with the enthusiasm of a school girl.


"Gucci." Her pace increased, "I mostly just wanna drop my shit off though, I figure you guys worked really hard getting everything all clean, me settling’ll just ruin that."

“If you say so ma’am…”

Esi rolled her eyes, "Mother is ma’am,” she said, “I’m the no good delinquent who never grew up-- Esther works fine if you don’t like Esi."

The maid laughed as the pair came to her old room, a mess of Wu-Tang and Nirvana posters. It even smelled like stale weed. She briefly wondered if her old stash was still any good, before deciding against it-- opting instead to simply change into more relaxed wear.

Entering the hallways again, she found herself alone, in the place she had been trying to escape from for such a long time…

That sounds dukkha... Is he okay?
In THIS OR THAT 8 yrs ago Forum: Spam Forum
Robot ofc, then I could just make myself into robot versions of animals and a robot version of myself.

Moscato wine or Malt liquor?
@spiderfucker Awwwwww, thanks bruh <3-- here's a hot shutdown, fresh off the presses

You have wished for yourself to wish for more wishes. In doing this, you use your wish to wish for two wishes-- you use those two wishes wishing for four wishes each-- you have 8 wishes, but you wished for more, you asked for a reality where you had more wishes, you use each of those wishes wishing for more wishes-- this is amazing!

8 wishes per wish-- 64 wishes of unlimited power could change the world! But you can't stop-- you physically can't stop. You asked for more. You wanted this-- but you can still think, you want to not be saying these words. Has it been days? Weeks? It doesn't matter, you have so many wishes now-- you wish you stopped wishing for more. You feel like this is enough-- this fits what "more" is but you can't. You asked for more-- this is what you wanted... no... this is what you thought you wanted.

Months? Probably much less than that if you're being honest with yourself. Your thirst is driving you crazy-- the pangs of hunger have long become a biting sensation, your body is eating itself and there's no nutrients to sustain it. You have wished yourself into this twisted pile of bones and flesh. You haven't moved from the place you were when you started wishing for more wishes. You haven't blinked-- it's a miracle your heart even continued to beat as you first reached 100-- that's long ago now. You've reached numbers mathematicians haven't even considered the existence of yet. If trillions of wishes are pennies to you, then you are a trillionaire still. You haven't been able to wish for more wishes for a while-- the liquid has left your body, a dusty croak asks for your wishes to be double in your throat, but it is guttural and inhuman, your tongue is gone, your teeth are gone.

As you die, you think-- "Wishing for more-- infinity is more... a life wasted of wishing for wishes."

I'm assuming my genie is a weeb, and I will wish that I possessed Lelouch's Geass. kek
What's a girl gotta do to get successful coup in this joint?

Croup Manor_

"Hi there!" Dali waved, approaching the ramshackle manor. The building was different up close-- from afar it had the illusion of appearing to be this grand old establishment, something that had stood the test of time and entropy and existed erect, in spite of the harshities of the world-- the rad storms had made it's grey paint all the more regal, the oceans's waves had made it's pillars all the more dignified. A bastion of hope-- or something greater than hope, something that didn't have as many feathers. Perhaps it could just be something that looked nice, something in stark contrast the horrid grey world around them.

Of course she was wrong.

She found she usually was about these things. The building, instead, was a gutted only house-- hardly worthy of the name 'manor' as her pipboy labeled it. It was a skeleton of something hat had once, 'maybe' been a decent sight to behold-- no more impressive than the other tinsel boxes that people lived in during the before time, no doubt, but still nice. Now it was not. Maybe once there had been windows? Maybe the wood wasn't rotted away by the harsh sea breezes? The fog hiding that it was sinking into the sands of the coast. Maybe there was a nice yard at once point? Where now there was stone... and bone?

Was that blood?

Oh god. It was blood. Dali could smell the death in the air as she and Curie stepped from the crunching gravel onto the creaking porch. There were already two individuals before her, and several more just inside. Attractive men and women, most of them at least-- all probably younger than her. The two outside, a dour looking man with black eyes, a courser jacket, and a scar across his eye-- he didn't seem to be human, Dali wondered if he was a Synth. She'd heard of their kind, before, but had never actually met one before. She looked away from him, the last thing she needed was a robot that was angry at her.

The others all looked human, at least. The other man standing on the porch looked similar to the Synth, actually, both brunette with soft skin tones-- but he was human. He didn't look like the nicest man in the world, but she couldn't deny that he had a sort of rugged charm about him. The three inside, an Irish looking scientist with stubble and two pale woman with dark hair, one who was focused on... whatever. The other was Asian.

Coming across another Asian was always surprising in the wasteland-- especially other Chinese people. There were complicated feelings there, some still harbored resentment, some didn't know a lick about the history of the world and why it is the way it is now-- that was hard enough to process as Dali processed the individuals. Then she heard Synth speak.

"Wait-- this expedition." Dali addressed the scientist looking fellow, assuming he was the leader, "It's going to China? Wh-" Her eyes went wide in disbelief, "What could eliminating the Brotherhood and recovering fusion cores possibly have to do with China?"

Bunker Hill_


"Curie?" Dali found herself jolting awake, the dirty mattress beneath her barely making a groan as she sat up. The Miss Nanny unit stirred-- shaking itself out of the odd personal hibernation state it went in whenever Dali took a nap-- as Dali herself blinked her eyes open. The pair had opted to spend the night at what was aptly called the 'Only place in town' - Inn.

If one couldn't guess, it was the only place in town.

The place was a rotted-out wooden shack, resting precariously above a rusted-out shack where the Inn-keeper Tony's father, hawked his watered down rotgut. Dali was new to the wastes-- it had taken her weeks to get to this point, and the ability of common people born out here, to sacrifice their own personal comfort for long term gain fascinated her to no end. That, and of course the capacity for absolute savagery in even the most pious she'd met. Aaand the smell. The smell was something she hoped she'd never have to get used to.

She'd actually known a few of the traders here, it wasn't something she'd ever considered in being nice to all the Vault's visitors and simply doing her job as radio host. But since she'd 'left' she'd actually run into a fair few traders and caravan guards she'd made friendly with in her other life. The last few weeks had been challenging, had it not been for the kindness of people she was once kind to, she'd certainly be dead-- it was actually those contacts actually helped her get a deal on her 'room' for the night. Coupled with Tony's own interest in helping to bring about the absolute destruction of the Brotherhood... she may have also lied a small bit, about her theoretical involvement with the Railroad.

Hey! She paid 2 caps for this room! Apparently that was a deal, though she'd have priced it at much less...

"What the hell was that?" Dali asked, contemplating whether or not she should bite the bullet and wake up, or go back to sleep. The mattress looked much worse in the daylight.

"Old man Stockton snores, he said." Responded Curie, "I assume zat was a human snore."

"Uggh..." Dali fell back on the bed. Curie was up, her little jet was already whirring its warm hum-- all three of her eyes looked down at her exiled companion. There was too much noise, and she could sleep while watched. Fuck-- she was up, "What time is it?"

"According to my internal clocks: 2:00 pm."

Wait fuck. Dali immediately stood up-- changing from her t-shirt and jeans into her green cocktail dress-- becoming a tad ripped over repeated use in the wasteland over the last few weeks. She didn't wear much else with it, save for black thigh high stockings and her always present wrist-mounted pipboy 2000-- a tool that had come in handy so greatly the last few weeks she wasn't sure if it was even initially designed for sedentary life in the vaults. Fuck-- she didn't have the time to think about this-- she needed to get the hell out of here. "Curie--!" Dail threw a messenger bag over her shoulder, "Why the hell did you wait to wake me up so late?"

"I assumed we 'ad plenty of time to reach Croup Manor. I calculated the distance and your vitals, and you should be able to sustain jogging/walking speed to reach the manor in 5 & 1/5th hours!" She said gleefully.

"Curiiieeee..." Dali whined, "I don't wannnaaa joooog! No one wants to jog! What kind of loser jogs to a place miles away following a map on their pipboy because of something they heard on the radio?"

Curie initially didn't respond. Dali bet that somewhere in her circuitry, she was laughing at Dali's expense.

As the pair set out, she chimed-- "Maybe if you 'adn't spent so much time in Goodneighbor..."

Croup Manor_

Dali and Curie made their way up the hill leading to the croup manor. By the time the two had arrived to Nahant-- Dali's back was sore from sneaking past so many dangers, and it was dark. The latter did not help the former one bit. So, when Dali's pipboy informed her that the location was a mere 50 meters away, she found herself elated at the idea that she could stand up straight again. The pair walked slowly up the hill, Curie remaining firmly behind her companion.

She couldn't be feeling nerves, could she?

"So..." Curie asked... "You never got a lantern, what was your plan?"

"Oh! Right." Dali rolled her eyes, "Thanks Curie, I almost forgot." Dali switched around her messenger bag, an brown, old, worn thing she had found a few seasons ago on a hunt for records. It was one of the few pieces of personal property she'd had to herself in the 'communal' Vault 81. Bringing around the wide portion of the bag to the front, she illuminated it with her pipboy light, revealing a boldly sewn logo-- the Railroad lantern. She'd figured it would count.

As the pair walked further up the hill without being shot, a red headed sentry came into view, with a nasty looking gun pointed right at the two-- Dali stopped, and Curie followed suit, "Hi there," Dali brought the front of her bag to plainer view, "Didn't quite have the caps for a real one-- and you go scaving for something specific you never find it-- I figured this lantern works... for... whatever this is?"
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