Could you be more specific about what ability means in this case? Maybe an example of an ability at the upper limit of what you would accept?
@CDT0925 Sorry about the vagueness! An ability is just something your character is uniquely good at, or a special power they can control. The character can be a brainiac, able to solve complex equations with only their mind or super strength, able to lift cars and trucks with little to no effort at all.
I'm looking at the Kids on Bikes system RPG for reference and i think i'd say the upper limit is, for example, altering the speed of time. This ability is powerful, so it also has drawbacks. Maybe the character can't control how long they speed up/slow down for or they age rapidly if they try to use it.
Abilities can be mostly anything under the sun, as long as they have about equal consequence to the player. Another example could be telekinesis, but can only be used if the character is inebriated enough.
Consequences don't all have to be psychological/physical. For example, the brainiac can have a hard time socializing with others, as they've spent most of their time studying. Or the character with super strength is feared among the students/peers, even if they try to be friendly.
tl;dr Abilities are just special things your character can do, compared to other people. You can have almost any ability, as long as they have a suitable weakness/drawback.
thanks! :D