Avatar of Dark Cloud


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2 days ago
Current New Wallace and Gromit movie baybee yeaaa
3 days ago
So it's just Seinfeld?
1 like
8 days ago
They put me in a room...A rubber room with rats! RATS?
8 days ago
Nuh uh
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9 days ago


// PST 9:00 AM - 9:00 PM // Male - Canadian - 25yo //


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Most Recent Posts

@Cao the Exiled You just ninja'd yourself brother
((Now that's a name I haven't seen here for a hot minute.))

<Snipped quote by Dark Cloud>

Then you’ve blown your chance.
*An outward force erupts from my body, ejecting the metal shrapnel from Gajeel’s attack and shredding the tendrils, dropping me from their grasp*

*Shrapnel flying outward, with such force from the burst several piercing my armor only jerking me backwards slightly. Yet as black ichor flows from my wounds it hardens around the shrapnel, the glow around me intensifying and I chuckle.*

No, I merely waited for retaliation you see...

*A shrill hum pierces the air as the light now engulfs the armor around me and the scythe I wield.*

The more you struggle, the more you try...

*My movements blurred I step in and out of perceived reality, in no rush to reach you.*

The more swift your end will come.

*Several shards of black metal fly at you as I suddenly lunge at you swinging my scythe.*
@Mae Looks rough but cool.
<Snipped quote by Ignacious>

*Visibly tightens my jaw when the attack strikes, sparks of every color flying from the wound, while I use the opportunity to pull a familiar mechanical device from the abyss that binds to the back of my hands, attached via a box on my back*

*The amaranthine constricts your arms and legs tightly, squeezing your wrists painfully and a single tendril twists around the box and forcibly crushing it*

You act as though you wish me to strike the blow, I am not one to so foolishly fall for tricks.

*The amaranthine now entwines you and wraps around your neck, choking you.*
@Memory hmm, ngl that is pretty sus bruh :p
@Mae Battle Brothers, what is that like an FPS?
<Snipped quote by Dark Cloud>

Then by all means.
*Holds my hands to either side*
End me.


<Snipped quote by Ignacious>

*Kicks at the beam and sticks my hands into two of the black orbs around me, leaving me open to your energy ball*
An opponent immune to blades is hardly a fair fight.

*Tendrils of amaranth wrap around your arms and legs, as I move towards you.*
Neither is one who won't sit still.
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