Avatar of Dark Cloud


Recent Statuses

10 days ago
Another year of writing for ye, and a happy birthday 🥂
1 like
11 days ago
Awww when's the wedding?
1 like
11 days ago
Sir, this is a Denny's.
12 days ago
Nah don't feel bad, you lost something important to you and that sucks.
5 mos ago
Shout out to tomatoes. The most real fruit.


// PST 9:00 AM - 9:00 PM // Male - Canadian - 25yo //


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Vestibulum iaculis urna vel risus rhoncus, et aliquam leo sagittis.
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Nam porttitor orci eget quam sollicitudin auctor.
Quisque et quam sed justo interdum efficitur nec non magna.
Donec tristique mi nisi, commodo pulvinar elit sollicitudin et.

Most Recent Posts

@Dao Ma So I was thinking my character is an envoy of a vassal state within the Cerulean Order. Nothing special just a small house within their borders but a house of proud warriors with a history of being a valuable asset to the Order. My character is a young man, just inheriting the title of man-at-arms from his late father. He is sent to the kingdom on behalf of the house and the Order with goods as a sign of goodwill and their continued service to the Order.
@TheNoCoKid I bet Aegislash would be a staple utility pokemon amongst guards and royalty.
So I am dealing with a stressful situation as of today and I might be needing to find housing, I will keep you guys posted but I am having a bad start to my day.
I'm dealing with a lot of stress at home rn, I'm here but I may be in search of housing soon. Just letting you all know.
Recently I bought Triangle Strategy and for once I am genuinely hooked by a Square Enix game, last one was Bravely Default II and that was because of the characters being well fleshed as a whole. This time I am impressed that for once Square has produced a game with branching narratives and player (or party) choice. The voice acting feels a little lackluster at times but otherwise is great, and the music *chef's kiss* is perfect. It changes to fit what is happening on-screen.

The RPG mechanics are a bit unorthodox but I find myself enjoying the system and the way Serenoa's convictions affect things in the game.
Oh no I don't blame you there, but really 30 isn't that old. Sure you might feel old but you're not, 40 or 50 is getting up there but you still got your whole life ahead of you.
Soooo, as I'm returning to this site after having been on a hiatus for some time, about 5-6 years, I'm realizing that I may be too old for this site lol

I'm just curious as to the demographics of the users.

I'm 32, and I see a lot of younger crowd on here.

Is anyone even near my age range?? lol

I joined when I was 16, after being off and on til a year or so ago. Now I'm 23, most of the people I once knew are gone and the demographics seem to point towards a 1x1 users mostly or people who only use Discord. Plenty of people in your age group are still around, I assume.
@Dao Ma On another note I was thinking of a character who comes from a minor houses demesne along a river (totally not ripping off Glenbrook from Triangle Strategy), like a wild man of sorts. Possibly afflicted by a form of curse.
<Snipped quote by Dark Cloud>

Yes! Tbh I’ve been playing around with what races to include, and for sure it will be humanoid races like humans, dwarves, elves. I’m thinking of allowing D&D races within reason. I may put my own spin on some to cater to the world and setting.

If you have an idea on a specific race you can pitch me the idea and we can work out the details.

k o b o l d ? (not actually but I'm thinking of like a monster-ish character.)
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