Avatar of Dark Cloud


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10 days ago
Another year of writing for ye, and a happy birthday πŸ₯‚
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10 days ago
Awww when's the wedding?
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10 days ago
Sir, this is a Denny's.
11 days ago
Nah don't feel bad, you lost something important to you and that sucks.
5 mos ago
Shout out to tomatoes. The most real fruit.


// PST 9:00 AM - 9:00 PM // Male - Canadian - 25yo //


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Vestibulum iaculis urna vel risus rhoncus, et aliquam leo sagittis.
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Nam porttitor orci eget quam sollicitudin auctor.
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Most Recent Posts

that shrek pic is a quality shit post right there.

anyways I'll get to work on a post later tonight.

"Uh, well..." as appetizing as bugbear fried snake sounded the half-elf politely shook his head and tamped down his compulsion to say a few rather colorful comments on the topic although he was no stranger to eating whatever to survive he was not inclined to do so if he had a choice "I think I shall just eat my rations, for now at least." he added with a slight awkward guffaw.

"Ser," Gabriel nodded to the faerie dragon "Would you deign to share a tale to a swordsman in return for a bit of food?" he was curious about the caged dragon, a supposed noble knight and fascinated by him to say the least.

"I would love to hear of these tenets you live by and of a genteel knight such as yourself!"
I mean why does anyone necessarily need to feel that they must justify a reason to write in a different perspective than one's own? I'm fine with playing a female character, especially if I like the character if it is not original or if it is my own character. I don't see why you need to justify the reason, but eh to each their own.
hmmm, I will keep an eye on this
I'll be getting to work on that post :D
ah guess I missed my chance.
@Guardian Angel Haruki I'll roll the d8 if it's alright.
i smell fish upstairs, say why is the ceiling dripping water?
@EmmaZ I see so no traceable genome was passed along the family line, or rather human & elf were incompatible. I am satisfied with that, just food for thought.
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