Name: Ohl’en
Aliases: VasSeer, Digger
Species: Vaskian (psychic human variant)
Homeworld: Vask
Age: Young Adult
Gender: Male

Personality: Ohl’en is a proud, generous and hard working man but he is not without his flaws. It was because of his immense drive focus, curiosity and fierce passion that he has risen to the social ranks that he has. A quiet and calm thinker, he is a little too serious and detached at times.
He has known of hardships and is kinder for it.
Ohl’en was born on a distant planet and sent to a working boarding school. While away he had a younger brother be born and die before he met him. His death was a lie.
Ohl’en struggled with most duties and socialites but excelled in the schools archaeological dig sites and soon was a valuable asset that brought them profit and renown.
Upon his parents deathbed he learnt the truth of his younger brother named Coh and hired a mysterious Ki bounty hunter and pilot named Orion to help find him. Their journey starts with a possible lead that sent them to Istio.
Vask Talents
Aliases: VasSeer, Digger
Species: Vaskian (psychic human variant)
Homeworld: Vask
Age: Young Adult
Gender: Male

Personality: Ohl’en is a proud, generous and hard working man but he is not without his flaws. It was because of his immense drive focus, curiosity and fierce passion that he has risen to the social ranks that he has. A quiet and calm thinker, he is a little too serious and detached at times.
He has known of hardships and is kinder for it.
Born on the small, distant and near forgotten planet of Vask, a century after the planets reclamation war, Ohl’en was born into poverty although be it by a loving family. With a second child on the way, like all who struggled to raise a family they sent their firstborn, Ohl’en, off to the earth equivalent of a boarding school. It was situated on El’hem-Rah, one of the three moons, and he left before he could ever even meet his younger sibling. A few years later news of his younger brothers death reached him and tore a hole in his young heart. Somehow he cared deeply for the brother who he had never and now would never have the chance to meet. Or so he thought.
Once a mandatory passage under pre war political agendas, the boarding school was now optional. While there a student would not only be tutored in the basic schooling functions but also monitored and tested for the higher abilities know to present within the Vaskians. Many believe these gifts are caused by the very moons themselves, or at least what ever ancient remnants lay within.
Partially disguised as education, the children tutored on these moons are all put to work in one way or another. From house hold jobs like cleaning, cooking and washing to more serious things like spaceship maintenance, hydro converter repairs and power level monitoring. Lastly, they may even be put to use in the ancient tunnels and mines.
This is where Ohl’en flourished. Struggling most other places, he excelled in archeology. His achievements here only further increased his curiosity and drive, and as he learnt more he achieved more and so went the cycle. At a young age he made breakthroughs in understandings, uncovered a new section of ruins lost and within it even found a cypher. Of course it was abruptly taken from him but the achievement of it remained.
As years passed his contribution to the school began yield reward and his parents were paid for his efforts. He visited them often, more so after his mother’s death. It was on his fathers death bed that the old man admitted his greatest shame, the lie of his younger brothers death and his inability to stop what really happened.
Ohl’en without realising had become an expert in his field. The forgotten planet of Vask received queries and puzzles which were relayed to him through the school for his council and he began sharing his knowledge and techniques. Solving problems and offering aid over great distances remotely while occasionally going on field trips to do it personally. All the whilst he secretly sought the truth and location of his only family left, his lost brother.
It was after he acquired some costly intel that he arranged to meet a Ki bounty hunter named Orion while on and under the pretence of an expedition. He escaped, stealing with him the cypher he found so many years ago.
His search for Coh would start on Istio with the aid of Orion, a mysterious bounty hunter he had hired for the task.
Once a mandatory passage under pre war political agendas, the boarding school was now optional. While there a student would not only be tutored in the basic schooling functions but also monitored and tested for the higher abilities know to present within the Vaskians. Many believe these gifts are caused by the very moons themselves, or at least what ever ancient remnants lay within.
Partially disguised as education, the children tutored on these moons are all put to work in one way or another. From house hold jobs like cleaning, cooking and washing to more serious things like spaceship maintenance, hydro converter repairs and power level monitoring. Lastly, they may even be put to use in the ancient tunnels and mines.
This is where Ohl’en flourished. Struggling most other places, he excelled in archeology. His achievements here only further increased his curiosity and drive, and as he learnt more he achieved more and so went the cycle. At a young age he made breakthroughs in understandings, uncovered a new section of ruins lost and within it even found a cypher. Of course it was abruptly taken from him but the achievement of it remained.
As years passed his contribution to the school began yield reward and his parents were paid for his efforts. He visited them often, more so after his mother’s death. It was on his fathers death bed that the old man admitted his greatest shame, the lie of his younger brothers death and his inability to stop what really happened.
Ohl’en without realising had become an expert in his field. The forgotten planet of Vask received queries and puzzles which were relayed to him through the school for his council and he began sharing his knowledge and techniques. Solving problems and offering aid over great distances remotely while occasionally going on field trips to do it personally. All the whilst he secretly sought the truth and location of his only family left, his lost brother.
It was after he acquired some costly intel that he arranged to meet a Ki bounty hunter named Orion while on and under the pretence of an expedition. He escaped, stealing with him the cypher he found so many years ago.
His search for Coh would start on Istio with the aid of Orion, a mysterious bounty hunter he had hired for the task.
Ohl’en was born on a distant planet and sent to a working boarding school. While away he had a younger brother be born and die before he met him. His death was a lie.
Ohl’en struggled with most duties and socialites but excelled in the schools archaeological dig sites and soon was a valuable asset that brought them profit and renown.
Upon his parents deathbed he learnt the truth of his younger brother named Coh and hired a mysterious Ki bounty hunter and pilot named Orion to help find him. Their journey starts with a possible lead that sent them to Istio.
Vask Talents
- Telekinesis - Can move things with his mind within a limited range and strength. Strain causes headaches. Can tag an object with telekinetic force that is within his range and set it to move at a near later time even if no longer in range. This method is weaker and has a limited time frame.)
- Varr’Isk - (prophet’s vision)(Passive)He gets wild vivid nonsensical dreams, mostly while asleep, occasionally while awake. This basically just means he seldom sleeps well but sometimes, just sometimes, they can make some sense and give him insight. Most of the time he gets a preminitious hunch of how things are going to go which on occasion is helpful, if not confusing. It often makes sense after the fact. He also sees the world slightly differently, there are faint hues of colours no human has ever seen and that he cannot explain. All things have and leave aura’s, where they have been and sometimes where they are going. None as strong as the ancients though.
(Active)With intense focus that debilitates him from doing anything else he can see these auras more clearly, their past and future intentions, even through most materials. This allows him to ascertain within a rough degree as to what has recently or is soon about to transpire within his field of influence. This gives him some advanced reflexes and insight, but most often than not being aware of what is about to happen doesn’t mean he can stop it. - Leading specialist - He is a leading and respected figurehead in regards to ancient artefacts and lore. From his years spent as an archeologist and researcher, he is both knowledgeable and influential within those realms. Being an advisory to governments and empires has also paid him well.