Avatar of Dark Light


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It's a Chuck Palahniuk quotes kinda night.
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I'm so Fuckin' broken...


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@IceHeart I’ll put down Jeice then
If @BlackBishop is hosting this I am soo in!

(If there’s spots.)
Oh sorry, the ??? Power wasn’t supposed to be a mystery it’s just I’m not sure on what it should be.
I want it to be noticeably high but balanced out by his lack of skill and training. He has little experience or knowledge (hence no type of ki blasts) and his skills have been things he just discovered his body could do.

Despite being strong and fast he might hesitate in combat without being given direction. He struggls when presented options and might opt for strength when he should go speed.

His journey is one of learning who he wants to be and what code he wants to live by.
@IceHeart If this is still a thing you’re doing i’d like to re-submit :)

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