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Nora Mays

After they got out of Darcy's Trans Am, Nora pressed the butting on her keys to unlock her Trailcat. As she climbs in and starts the engine she looks at Jason. Seems like Baxter and Darcy have a thing going." She said jokingly with a smile as she pulls off."You know... You look good with your hair up, Not very often i see that, so where did you park the Ol' Mothership anyways?" The sum had sarted going down and yet it still rained moderately."I feel like this ia the one honestly, tonight were gonna catch something phenomenal."

Jason ran a hand over his hair, unable to properly take a compliment he just smiled his well practiced white toothed charming grin in reply. The soft smile failing to reach his eyes however as they found hers. Something somber sitting in his thoughts behind them. He rest his elbow on the windowsill and looked out into the rain.

”It’s a nice night.”

He said softly as he gave the directions to his van and then added with a sigh.

”I really hope we do, this is fun and all but if we don’t get something soon, you know. We can’t keep just playing forever. I know Josh was right into this...
I just, I’m not really convinced yet.”

Just then they drove past the restaurant Jason was heading too earlier, Betty’s. He let out a soft little chuckle. His hand found Nora’s knee just for enough time to give it a squeeze. He spoke again, forcing some positivity into his voice, trying to lighten the mood.

”Hey, it’s gonna be a great night. Can’t wait to check this place out, doesn’t quite feel the same knowing we are allowed to be there though. Might have to come up with something else illegal to do.”

He half jest before asking,

”If we’re all bunkering down in mothership for the weekend is it ok if I clear some of my stuff out at your place to make some room?”

What unbelievable luck, it almost startled him to hear his name, but as usual, things always seemed to work out for Vyrik.
Somehow despite everything he had been through he still wasn’t late. That caused a proud smile to tug upon his lips.
He looked up and pulled back his hood to greet the teacher and each of his other classmates. He kept it to simple introductions and light pleasantries. A few words of choppy Eskandish for the noble girl and some fluent if not common tongue Revidian for the boy.
He guessed himself to be the oldest of hos fellow students but doubted that would give him any advantage when it came to magic. He was however excited to see a fellow Revidian and a girl from Eskand but already felt like he would probably get along better with the one called Yimu. Still, two pretty girls in a group of four wasn’t something the the young adolescent would complain about. As much as he wanted to start talking to them all he was also super eager to get moving onto the next part of his adventure.

Vyrik hadn’t opened the note he was given earlier, yet still, coupled with Zeno Zander Mozaru’s greeting words, it left him with an sense of unease. How had that person known who he was, or even found him. Why couldn’t Vyrik hear his footsteps. Why was this Zeno even worried about him. These were thoughts he pushed aside to ponder on later. Tucking the parchment into his belt he followed along.

Curiously he opened his mouth and let his questions spill out.

”So, what do we call you? Master? Teacher? Zeno? What are you going to teach us? Where will we be sleeping and eating? What’s your specialty? How long have you been teaching here?

Jason had taken the joint from the ashtray and it hung loose between his lips unlit as Nora opened the door.
Get in ‘ere.
He said said playfully without opening his mouth too far as he hugged Nora and half dragged her into the car. Ensuring much body on wet body contact was made as possible.
and you’re always late.” he teased, a running jest about her missing the waves.
”I still can’t believe you two know each other. Small world.”

With that he shuffled a bit getting comfy in his seat as Darcy played with his hair. Finally settled he light up his joint. He took a few small puffs to get it going then held one large long inhale, letting the smoke slowly seep out in whisky tendrils between his lips.

Dyl arrived halfway through and Jason could do little but nod and smile at the guy until he had exhaled all the smoke. He passed the joint on and pat Dyl on the shoulder. ”Good to see ya again.”

While the others talked about and looked at equipment, Jason’s got hold of one of the joints and attended to a message he received. When it was concluded and he had sent a reply he turned his attention back to the group, twisting to see everyone, pausing to first admire his hair in the rear view mirror.

”Nice. So, when do you plan for this mad-house stakeout to happen? And wanna use my van?” he asks eagerly, focusing on Darcy’s blue eyes as he talks.
Jason was looking pretty nice, dressed for an evening out. Wearing his nicer leather jacket over a clean white shirt and fitted dark jeans. His hair was pulled back and his beard had been recently trimmed.
He was walking through town, hugging close to the walls and shops along the way as he tried to hide from the pouring rain.
He was nearly at his destination when his phone buzzed, he was heading to a restaurant and cocktail bar named Betty where he was to meet his date for the evening.
After he read the message he paused for a moment thinking. With a sigh he tapped away and then sent a message.

So sorry but I can’t make it tonight.
Hate to let you down, maybe another time?

With that he slipped his phone back into his pocket and kept on walking. Going straight past the road that lead to Betty’s as he made his way to the library instead.

He had caught a taxi into town instead of trying to park his van, but he was just lucky the library was only a 15min walk from his current location. By the time he arrived he was half soaked.
Easily spotting Darcy’s red Trans Am Jason jogged over in the rain and knocked on her roof.

Gonna let me in?” he asked with a big smile, leaning down to see into the window.

So heres the deal we need at least one tech guy. I myself may make the charcter unless you guys want to. Regardless we are starting very soon with a smaller group than wanted but who knows someone may join.
@Dark Light If I make this tech character she might take a liking to yours, have you a little surfer friend. What are your thoughts??

Sounds good. :)

Yay, let’s get the game started
@Dark Light im sure the van will suffice thank you for submitting him :)

Thanks, looking forward to getting started :D
Added a camper van as my vehicle, made him a bit more of a traveller.
There’s lots of different designs. If anyone finds one they like better feel free to put it forward. :)

Jason Hather

Age: 28 | Birthplace: LA | Zodiac Sign: Aquarius | Sexuality: Hetro

Bio: Jason wasn’t one of them, one of the crew. Not originally anyway. He didn’t go to college with them or have the seemingly lifetime worth of stories they all shared. Having built strong bonds with each other throughout the best and worst of their late teenage years together. Not like his younger brother had. Josh was one of them. A larrikin, loud, friendly, troublesome and funny. Sadly Jason didn’t really know much of that for himself though because although related by blood, the two barely ever saw each other. When their parents had split, Jason moved halfway across the world with his dad while Josh stayed with their mother. While once close, time and distance separated them.

Now, a year after Josh’s funeral, Jason is getting to know the company his brother once kept and learning of his interests, even if he isn’t a full believer himself.

Likes: Tattoos, loud music, dogs, MMA, surfing.
Dislikes: Shopping, large crowds, ‘fake’ people, bullies.
Position: Mothership
Car: Traded in his motorcycle for a camper van.
It could be fun to temporarily bring new people in but I would worry that a new temp character not invested in the story might ruin the flow or vibe we build. They might try too hard or just not understand where we are at. ‘Shrugs’

Jason Hather

Age: 28 | Birthplace: LA | Zodiac Sign: Aquarius | Sexuality: Hetro

Bio: Jason wasn’t one of them, one of the crew. Not originally anyway. He didn’t go to college with them or have the seemingly lifetime worth of stories they all shared. Having built strong bonds with each other throughout the best and worst of their late teenage years together. Not like his younger brother had. Josh was one of them. A larrikin, loud, friendly, troublesome and funny. Sadly Jason didn’t really know much of that for himself though because although related by blood, the two barely ever saw each other. When their parents had split, Jason moved halfway across the world with his dad while Josh stayed with their mother. While once close, time and distance separated them.

Now, a year after Josh’s funeral, Jason is getting to know the company his brother once kept and learning of his interests, even if he isn’t a full believer himself.

Likes: Tattoos, loud music, dogs, MMA, surfing.
Dislikes: Shopping, large crowds, ‘fake’ people, bullies.
Position: Mothership
Car: Traded in his motorcycle for a camper van.
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