Avatar of Dark Light


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I'm so Fuckin' broken...


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Dorian was as calm and hostly as ever. Attentive to everyone’s needs before they were even aware of them. He shifted through the people, wiping tables and moving chairs with an unnatural ease and efficiency. He slid amongst the patrons barely noticeable. More than once he was in the right spot at the right time to catch a falling glass or stop a chair from toppling over.
But as seamlessly busy as he was, when Vendril spoke he was there, fully attentive and his elegant clothing as pristine and immaculate as always.

“How may I help?”
After slipping through the gathering people the young dark haired waiter boy returns from the kitchen very VERY carefully carrying a thick heavy mug.
His eye are trained intently on it, only flicking up for the briefest moments to spot those around him. Steam billows and curls up from the open rim and a soft glow illuminates his face.

Each step is slow and steady as he works extremely hard to keep the liquid container level. Slowly weaving amongst the people coming and going as he makes his way towards the little girl.@PhansiteMona
The boy nearly walking right into the tall four-armed figure that just entered the tavern. The liquid and glowing light from the mug sloshing precariously close to escaping for one breath stopping moment. @Zyx
Interesting character, is he from some sort of rp game?
Hiya am doing well. My character was kinda locked in by naothers response and then life happened. As it oft does. Doing adulting things as you do and dealing with Uni being Uni.

I may have. A post for Ethodi up tomorrow. Today @Dark Light hope you are doing well!

So good to see you :)
Ahh yes adulting life, yea I’m good thanks.
Ooh, what are you studying?
@Katakuri Welcome.
Awesome image
Lavender grimaced. Out of all the people to approach, it really had to be this guy, didn’t it? She lifted her fox mask just a little and pointedly picked up the glass of wine to take a nonchalant sip.

She watched and she waited. Though her head was not turned towards the man’s direction she was still looking at him, waiting for his next course of action.

It seemed an age for the man to make his way across the floor, an age of suspense. Slow, taunting, teasing even where his movements but then he was there. Tattooed and scarred knuckles fell upon the table as he learnt heavily over it casting a large shadow over Lavender. A deliberate silence held the space as he waited for the mask to twist his way, waited for the attention to fall on him. His piercing gaze ever present.

How’s the drink?” he asked, voice low, a bit gravelly but warm, just like the smile on his face that reached those blue eyes. “Any of these yours?” he added as he looked around at the many younger looking tavern occupants. “Not sure I should even serve them, but around here it’s hard to guess at someones age. Like you, and the mask only makes it harder.

His grin was a well practiced grin. Friendly, welcoming, confident, charming even. Perfect white teeth, a strong jaw line and those blue eyes. It undoubtedly got him out of much trouble in the past, but judging by the way he used it, likely into just as much.

He turned to the boy sitting beside her and playfully slapped him on the chest with a flick of his wrist.
Boy, you herd the girl, get her a hot drink.
He said motioning towards @PhansiteMona

@Song Book The imp without hesitation rushed to the task, keen to complete its duty and appease the Naga.

Clay was still behind the bar taunting the @Griffintaur with a smug grin and oversized container of water when the new young lad chucked down some coins. With a steady hand Clay swept them up and studied them for a moment, then looked over the kid, then back at the coins.
They jingled as they fell into his pocket and a moment later he produced a squared shape bottle and planted it directly in front of the parched newcomer.

As he expertly popped the cork vapours of the murky liquid escaped the bottle and the smell of a strong sailors alcohol tinted with hints of spice and ginger hovered over it. Clay looked at the bottle with his pale blue eyes and gave it an agreeable nod.

As if finally, those piercing pale blue eyes fell upon the Fox masked woman.@aia2022 His stare was somewhat intense. Deep, firm and unapologetic. His eyes were all serious but a playful cocky smirk tugged at the corner of his lip.

The boy sitting beside Lavender (who was surprisingly looking much better) groaned as the bare chested muscular tattooed bartender approached.

Largest water eh.” said the bartender, hands wide and face down on the bar. “Let me see what we got.
With a cocky grin he stands, turns around and heads through the kitchen door. A moment later he returned hefting a fair sized keg under one arm.
“Largest water we got.” he says as it thuds down onto the counter top. His face slightly coloured from the strain of moving the heavy water.

Will that be all?”
He had to lean to the side to look past the wooden container.
Sorry for the delay!
Will get something up soon :)

Th, thank you.” he said.
His face had gone slightly pale but that seemed to be more from the shock.
He slid into the seat beside her.
Just need a little rest, a little sit down. That’s all. I’ll be fine.
His shallow breaths became more steady even as he spoke and he even managed to give a convincing smile as he took up an awkward position on the seat.

The blue fire reflected in his eyes as he stared at it. Unfazed by the damage it was doing to the tavern he worked in or the mess he would be left to clean up.

So, your thing is fire then?
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