Avatar of Dark Light


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2 yrs ago
Current Been 5 years since I posted a status!
8 yrs ago
It's a Chuck Palahniuk quotes kinda night.
8 yrs ago
... Something new
9 yrs ago
I'm so Fuckin' broken...


Most Recent Posts

I should really fix up the ol' intro post.
Been a long while.
hey uhhhhhh can I join?
the last rp I joined was cut short by the gm and I wanna try again with my character

Hi and welcome, yea just jump right in :)
She frown as he scratch the bar again. "If I were to slice you, I'm sure you would heal too, eventually. Doesn't give me right to though." She says defensively, looking at the marks with annoyance.

"And You are right, you don't know my name." She said with a huff and a teasing smirk as she spun on the spot leaving his hand out hanging as she casually stroll towards a nearby open doorway, presumably the kitchen.
"Alright, one dry old beef coming up." She spoke in fluent sarcasm, her voice echoing from the room behind."
As he spoke she stared at him with a quizzical expression, her lips parted as if she was about to ask something but then she pulled back, releasing the thought with a little exhale.

Wording her reply carefully as to not invite the trouble of his experimentive nature, she thoughtfully replies.
"We have a wide range of foods, let me know what you like and I'll see what we have."
"Like you?" She question rhetorically, watching him deliberately damage the counter with displeasure. Despite knowing it would be fine, it still made her anxious and she fought to not interject.
"I hope only in appearance and not personality." She mumble under her breath, turning away.

"Can I interest you in a drink? What do the folk of Molkof drink? Perhaps some food? There's currently no chef so it will have to be something simple." The barmaid question as she headed over to a shelf of mugs.
With a soft sigh she replies. "That all depends." After a moment of silence she decides to elaborate.
"Depends on who is painting or redecorating and well, if it likes it or not."
Her eyes wander around the room, over the current furniture and the odd decoration here and there.

"I know I've put some of those up myself but I'm not sure if it was by my will to do so or the taverns. I also can't be sure if that is what it looked like when I did it or if it has changed since then along with my memories."

She shrugs the thought away dismissing it and turning her gaze back to Julian, narrowing her eyes slightly taking him in.
"What I do want to know is why did it pick you up, where are you from?"

The barmaid has taken to leaning on the bar and watching. Her face still held a hint of that earlier frustration but it was now blended with a curiosity. Although, as she watched the display with complete nonchalance, it seemed her inquisitive mind was pondering something more than this magical newcomer.

Her gaze slowly looked to the places of wreckage and then back to the broken table. A faint smug curl forming in the corner of her lips.

"I'm afraid not. And that's not up to me anyway."

With a faint nod she gesture to the firm piece of wood in his hand as it started to reform back into its original shape. The damage undoing itself with every blink or wayward glance. The entrance hole he had made and much of the debris was already now gone, the damage attempting to slip from thought as easily as it did reality.

"Why even do magic when you have a nameless tavern?" She playfully tease.

The soft playful smile slowly faded as lips pressed firmly together in frustration. She tracked their movements around the tavern with an increasingly incredulous glare, one that caused a furrow to her brows.

Gripping the broom tightly in a fist she turns away and slaps it down on the floorboards as she begins sweeping together the scattered debris.

"Oh, I imagine being unable to navigate in the air is much the same as being unable to navigate upon the winds of social etiquettes."
She snaps back, doing little to hide her feelings.
Rail Clan of the C-6

C 4
I 5
A 7
L 8

Makeshift motley heavy armor.
Tool belt and tools.
Welding goggles.
Faulty shock baton.
After what seemed like forever...
Seeing that all was settled and hearing the newcomer was ok, the young wide-eyed barmaid stood up and dusted herself down.
"You are in a tavern that has no name." She reply flatly as she look about.
"I am glad you're ok." She added, collecting an old broom from nearby and then casually making her way over to the man, standing it before him.
"If your limbs are all working, you can clean up this mess."
Her words were firm and certain, her lips presenting a soft smile, and a mild curiosity shone in her eyes.

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