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    1. Darked13 8 yrs ago


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Hᴏʙɢᴏʙʟɪɴ Aʀᴄʜ

Despite gritting his teeth and using as his willpower, Arch screamed in pain as he felt the roots burrowing into his muscles and bones. Still he held on as he knew this was definitely a part of a grander thing by the Goddess. After all, he was doing everything he could for Her. The pain eventually disappeared, as suddenly as it came, and with that Arch could finally relax. Not even spending time to take note of how the bracelet was looking or anything, he attempted to pull a stone with as much willpower as he could gather (something he failed to do just a while earlier and failed). To his surprise the stone came quickly at him, just as he had visualized. He ducked under the stone, making it bounce against the wall behind him and then a few times on the ground.

He laughed loudly for a few moments, in triumph before thanking the Goddess, "Thank you, Shirila for this gift! I'll be sure to use it well!" He turned to Zats and Goblin Grandpa, "There is no need to worry! I am doing well and better than ever!" Only now did he stop to have a proper look at the bracelet, and himself. He could feel it rooted inside, and better, he could see the flower. Although it was just a flower, it did remind him of the Goddess' Child he had met who had a tree on his back.

He smiled widely as he said, "Look, completely fine! Shirila has blessed me! See?" That said,, he extended his hand towards the rock he just ducked under, and tried to pull it to his hand with just enough strength so that he could hold it. This should be enough of a show, at least for the goblin that awoke late, and maybe even for Zats, so that he could later attempt to do it as well.

I'm questioning my judgement in giving you that kind of power now, though at least you write her name correctly!

Arch is a super devout goblin, he shall only show off for greater good!

No this is what happens when you ask for a shortcut in learning something when you could read a book or even meditate but no: "goddess give me magic"

Not like I can properly read books without knowing the language. xD Someone showed a nice trick, and I really wanted to learn it fast! Got everything I asked for. Something better than a shortcut. I can now make Arch, a showoff, of the goddess power. *nodnods* Really, cast from stamina will be great at least this early on. Later on, he can do something about it, if it ever becomes necessary.

(Also! The conversation was:
'Goddess who isn't answering my prayers, can't you give me powers so you get more followers?'
'N- Did you say more followers? Alright'
And nothing can change my mind!) xD
@Darked13 I'd say it's less a growth and more a...'blossoming' symbiotic relationship of sorts. XD

VVhy do I feel that this is the beginning of the rather punny relationship? xD
I leave for a few days and bam, arch has a flower growth.
Hᴏʙɢᴏʙʟɪɴ Aʀᴄʜ

Arch frowned slightly as Shirila's name is misspoken. "Shirila is Her name." He took in a deep breath, "And she truly is the Goddess of Nature, I'll see what I can show you about her sometime. I was planning on properly communing tomorrow after introducing some of the new goblins to her..." 'and show them some marvelous things that following her can provide' he was about to say.

He didn't have the chance to do so, however as he understood that this ability Zats was using, may just be something Shirila can help with. This certainly would help him get Her more followers, beyond any practical hunting measure.

"Thank you for the explanation Zats!" Arch said sincerely as soon as he noticed he just stopped talking in the middle of a sentence. This time her attempted a new approach to it. After all, if it was something that worshipping Shirila was a requirement, he might as well ask her guidance! He did have the Earthen Weave to serve as a conduit to speak to Her after all.

Therefore he grasped the Earthen Weave, took in a deep breath and prayed, "Please, Goddess. I know that I've asked much today, but please, help me execute this... ability that Zats uses. If I have your help learning it, I am sure that it will be easier to teach the young goblins to follow you. So please, help me do this."


The person that played Gina hasnt been around in months as for what happened it still happened because you have the everoak shield which you only could have gained if you became the goddesses follower. For now assume that Gina is missing in action trying to go far and wide to get followers

(Certainly, it must be a secret mission from the goddess.)
<Snipped quote by Darked13>

Hey, don't blame him he has told you everything he knows about how to use the skill.

Also did everything with Gina from the last rp still happen? Cause if not I have no idea how Zats got attuned to Shirila and if it did what happened to her?

I knovv he is doing his best, even Arch understood. xD

Regarding Gina's stuff, I think vve should ask @Jangel13. Not sure vvho vvas her player and if they are still around
@Jangel13 Oh. Its that early. Alright. I'll read up and check out who I can tag along with. Are there NPC goblins that I can go with? Or who would I be closed to right now?

Any would-be-leaders, Qee is lackey-in-waiting.

Arch is there in the church and after learning or failing to learn how to move stones with his mind (MAGIC) he will glad accept a lacke- I mean, he'd gladly accept a companion!
Hᴏʙɢᴏʙʟɪɴ Aʀᴄʜ

"That is a... rather vague explanation." To say the least, he was frustrated, but then again, given what he just saw, it might be actually as complicated as explained. It might just like attempting to explain how he should walk. He'd likely also just say, 'put a foot in front of the other'.

The more Arch thought the lighter the frown got. He murmurred to himself, "But it is something to start with. How did he even manage to start doing that..." before looking at Zats properly again, "I'll teach you properly as soon as I manage to do this. But in general, just avoiding to step on noisy things and keeping an eye out helps is good not-dying practice." He nods seriously before looking over at the stone Zats was moving.

He looked at the small stone very intently... but then after focusing on it for a bit he paused, and asked Zats, "Do you think of something when you move it closer?"

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