Avatar of Darkmoon Angel


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12 mos ago
Current Not dead… But I feel like it. Health problems are fuuuun…
3 yrs ago
After an extended hiatus, I'm back :)
5 yrs ago
Slowly but surely recovering from the hospital :)
6 yrs ago
Just got a new phone. Sorry for the absence.
6 yrs ago
Taking up card design, anyone interested?


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This seems very complex but a lot of fun, I'm very much interested in this
I really don't want to see this die out, I'm bumping this so we can attract others hopefully
"Ah, I'm sorry, little miss. I should've known better... I'll just ask someone else to show me the way, then. Once more, so sorry for interrupting, have fun on your date!" Date!? Were it not for the fact she was in public she would've shot an ice shard into the goron's rocky back. The goron left without another word, good riddance too, Luna was losing her patience.

"I appreciate it, miss...? Oh, I'm Rin Utoh, by the way." Luna gave a slight nod to the man before leading him to the house in question. "You're nice and all, but I should tell you that this isn't a date. I can't imagine the site of a murder is very romantic, though I guess I could buy you dinner after." Luna was getting annoyed, all because of that goron's loud mouth. "Just shut it on the whole date and romance stuff... And did you say something about a murder?" The thought suddenly struck Luna, was she leading this guy to a crime scene or something? Why in the world would anyone be interested in that!?

Luna was just checking a few of the stalls that were around the district when a rather confused man holding a map walked up to her. "Could you tell me where this house is? I've never been to a city before. It's beautiful, if a bit overwhelming." Looking at the man it was clear why he was so confused, he didn't look like he was from around here and that it was his first time even being in the Castle Town. The fact that his map was upside-down spoke volumes of his lack of knowledge. Nevertheless, Luna wasn't one for turning down someone in need of directions, though the next stranger that popped up quickly changed her mindset.

"Hey there, little miss! Little miss Zora! Could you perhaps help me? I may or may not be a little lost...Okay, I'm totally lost here. Could you perhaps point me the way to the tournament's grounds?" Just as loud as any goron, Luna's expression quickly turned dark. She never was fond of gorons, compared to Ritos and Zoras they always stood out to her as brutes with rocks for brains, come to think of it they might actually have rocks for brains. Luna sighed in annoyance but quickly took a more calm disposition, she didn't want to start something in the middle of a district. "I may have seen that house once or twice, I could take you there if need be." She said to the kimono garbed man. "And unfortunately for you but I couldn't care less about some tournament so your going have to ask someone else for directions." She tried to sound as non-hostile to the goron as possible but the dark look in her eyes said it all. The fact that both strangers were both judging her height ticked her off even more, it's not her fault that she was born short.

We alive everyone? Because if we aren't I might as well call this rp a bust.
"Now what's going on here?" Luna wondered as she entered into the Hyrule Castle Town, the whole place had a certain celebratory air to it, something that she never felt on her other visits to the area. She brought this question to a guard at the corner of a general goods store, apparently the celebrations were due to some kind of tournament that was taking place in the Inner Wall District. Sparring tournaments, how... Primitive. Luna for one wasn't a Zora who found something like that entertaining in the least and just bid the guard good day before going into the store to resupply on travel items.

After buying the usual essentials of water, food, and replacement camping gear, Luna headed out the store and back out into the district. It seemed that all manner of races were here for this tournament. She couldn't help but shake her head, 'I don't see how some brute display of strength and skill would be entertaining or fun, a simple book can be just as pleasant.' Luna thought as she looked around the town. Strangely enough, despite all the jolliness and celebrations going on, there was an air of seriousness and dread in the guards. Luna shook the thought from her head and continued her look around the district.
What's the problem, lack of action? Too much interaction?
I want to know if everyone here is still interested in continuing, because I'm seeing a lack of posts. If its life stuff i understand, i just want to know if everyone's still with me on this rp
Luna would more than likely be interested in this Ripper guy (or girl, not sure what yet).
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