Avatar of Darkmoon Angel


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Current Not dead… But I feel like it. Health problems are fuuuun…
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After an extended hiatus, I'm back :)
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Slowly but surely recovering from the hospital :)
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Just got a new phone. Sorry for the absence.
6 yrs ago
Taking up card design, anyone interested?


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Reboot interest check is up

Decades have passed since the Great War of the Fallen Gods, the legendary heroes have long since departed this world and their legacies live on in the kingdoms they gave their lives to protect. Humans, Elves, Dragons, Beasts, and even Machines live throughout the kingdoms in peace and harmony, helping eachother in their daily lives. The kingdoms flourished under the rule of their new rulers and Grand Gaia remained a peaceful land, until now.

A darkness has slowly begun to loom over Grand Gaia, an ancient evil reincarnated to carry out the will of its Fallen Gods. First it was subtle in its actions, but now this darkness seeks to claim all the kingdoms under its power and to wipe this world of anyone who would dare oppose it. The kingdoms are slowly crumbling from the inside, it is only a matter of time before everything falls into chaos and anarchy, but their is still hope. The God of Light, Lucius, has heard the kingdoms cries for aid and salvation from this darkness and has now called upon the aid of a new generation of heroes to save Grand Gaia. These heroes will carve a path through the dark, they will carve out their own legacies, and save this world from destruction.

So yeah, due to inactivity on my part, I am rebooting this rp in the hopes that everything will go smoother. I'll try my best to keep things flowing smoothly and to keep things interesting for everyone.
Anyone willing to have this get rebooted? As far as it goes I've been gone for so long that it seems most of everyone here has left. The past few weeks have been stressful for me but I'm back and I don't see anyone :'(. If y'all are up for a reboot that's cool and I'll try my hardest this time to make things interesting.
After dealing with the archers that were on the turret, there was just a bloody mess around Sen. She then proceeded to move along the remainder of the wall that wasn't broken down, taking care to kill any soldiers that got in her path. She may have had a small frame, but her agility and deftness with a dagger ensured that anyone in her path, even ones in bulky armor, would find their necks being slit when they confronted her.

"Die... Die, die, die..." Nothing could stop her bloodshed, not even a lone arrow in her shoulder. Much like the archer that grazed her cheek, the archer that shot the arrow would soon die as a result. These elves had been killing off her kind for many years, treating her kin as vermin and pests. What an ironic twist of faith that the 'pest' would be slaughtering the killers. Sen was a killer through and through and didn't care for the life of those she killed. Family? Friends? A career past being a soldier? She didn't care, she was a killer, nothing more nothing less, these elves were just unfortunate enough to be her targets.
You guys are so in trouble with Gorman. :P

Hey, Sen's doing her job of killing the archers on the walls just fine. XP
Okie, I'm back now btw. Life hit me hard the past week but I'm back and rearing to go.
Hey, sorry everyone. Life decided to rear its ugly head and I've been gone as a result. Sorry about that, but I promise I'm back now and will give a post out tomorrow morning.
Soooo... What about Sen? Am I to assume it's clear for her to just tear through the soldiers on the walls?
I'm still here...
@Lucius Cypher
Nothing much, you got a bunch of mercs ganging up on Malkai though
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