Avatar of Darkmoon Angel


Recent Statuses

12 mos ago
Current Not dead… But I feel like it. Health problems are fuuuun…
3 yrs ago
After an extended hiatus, I'm back :)
5 yrs ago
Slowly but surely recovering from the hospital :)
6 yrs ago
Just got a new phone. Sorry for the absence.
6 yrs ago
Taking up card design, anyone interested?


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Most Recent Posts

Make them now. Also yeah, rules still apply. No canon characters, and only 2 max.
Three months and I finally get some interest ;_;
We alive folks?
I'm still here
Sounds fun
Just to let everyone know, I'm not doing anything with karliah on purpose
Hey, I may be getting getting out of my creative slump. :)
Karliah Ries

It seemed like the fight was going to be decided with this last punch, but both Karliah and Makoto shifted to the side and missed eachother, as something else entirely was happening that caught both of their attentions, heck, the whole stadium's attention.

A giant, stone monster had arisen from the ground in terrifying fashion as it let a deafening roar. Lightning lit up the arena as crowds of people from the audience let out terrified screams of fear and agony. Karliah looked towards the stands as dozens of similar stone figures poured into the stadium and started to destroy everything in their path. A few nomads were in the fray too, doing their best to defend against these stony demons, and Karliah wasn't going to be left in the dust. Forgetting the fight with Makoto entirely over this new threat, Karliah rushed over to the stands to try and protect the civilians.

She jumped into the stands, landing onto a stone creature that she immediately crushed into the floor. She rushed towards the stony creatures, eyes still glowing with ki as she slammed her fist into one of the creatures heads, shattering it. The creature's body hadn't hit the floor before Karliah had done the same to a few more of the menacing stone monsters, one of them managed to slice the side of her stomach before she could destroy it. She didn't bother looking at the injury as more and more of the stone creatures seemed to be pouring into the arena as time went by.

Where were they all coming from!? That thought raced in her head as she smashed a hole into through one of the stony creatures chest. At this rate, they will have overrun everyone with sheer numbers. And it seemed the pain finally got through to Karliah, the glow of her eyes vanished, revealing her dulled out pupils. Her hands shook and twitched, bloody and broken from having smashed through several of the stone monsters. Her legs buckled and she fell to her knees, pain rushed through her body as blood dripped from her mouth. She couldn't continue, the screams of civilians and the roars of the stone monsters taunted her, letting her know of her failure. Was this the end?
Okie, just asking for some ideas
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