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Current "Þæs ofereode, þisses swa mæg." - Deor.
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9 yrs ago
"Point me out the happy man and I will point you out either egotism, selfishness, evil - or else an absolute ignorance."


Hwær cwom mearg? Hwær cwom mago?
Hwær cwom maþþumgyfa?
Hwær cwom symbla gesetu?
Hwær sindon seledreamas?
Eala beorht bune!
Eala byrnwiga!
Eala þeodnes þrym!
Hu seo þrag gewat,
genap under nihthelm,
swa heo no wære.

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To be fair, mine is still tagged with WIP and is unfinished. I've made a few edits but I've been more than a bit preoccupied the last few days.
What happened to all the usual cast of aliens that aren't near human?? D:

I may make starfish aliens too, no worries!
Swim amongst the star dust once more...

"Yes, forgive me. As I said, slightly ill suited to the occasion. And speaking of dances - I imagine you had best find a suitable partner then." Edwin replied with thin smile, furrowing his brow ever so slightly. He looked down towards Liviana as she spoke to him and smiled "Of course my lady, though I assure you I am quite fine. Please, accompany me."

He gently led her away, speaking again only once they were out of earshot of Andronikos. "Apologies that I couldn't get rid of the tweerp bothering yourself and your friends. I had expected greed to win his attention if only for a few minutes but alas?" He said quietly as he looked down to her, studying her for a few moments.

He arrived at the table but didn't take anything save for pouring himself a glass of water "I've already eaten, truth be told. Please don't be annoyed at me interrupting, I feel it's safer you and Andronikos maintain a healthy distance- I know that Andronikos pulled it on himself but- slapping him? Here? You'll be lucky if that doesn't end up on the front page of newspapers and magazines everywhere. I don't mean to sound patronising but, well, it's hardly what you want to happen." He said before drinking from his glass, then giving a slightly mischievous smile "Still, any damage would be an improvement to his smug little face."

He placed the glass down into the table and reached out, taking her hand gently "If I may, I almost didn't recognise you; I am not entirely sure certain nobles would approve of the dress but it and the makeup- it makes you look very elegant, actually."
Edwin straightened his uniform as he pushed open the door, stepping in ahead of Richard. He wore his bright scarlet dress tunic with golden buttons and black trousers. An engraved band of gold studded with a single large ruby rested on his head as if a crown. A short black cape with a gold trim was clasped around his neck by an elaborate golden broach, a wyvern with a small sapphire for an eye coiling around a crucifix like a snake. From his white belt hung a scabbard with an ornate sword, although in truth the gothic hilted 19th century officer sword was a rather poor fighting weapon if aesthetically pleasing - definitely a weapon expected to be admired rather than used in a full blown battle.

Richard himself faired little better but the lack of pin, cape or band made him look slightly less absurd and more out of time. Being officially here as a bodyguard, he had his sidearm with him; The holster for the weapon sat at his waist, strap secure and weapon unloaded.

In an interesting turn about from what one might expect, while the uniform of the Imperial Guards rank and file was dyed naturally using sinopa for a Venetian red while the dye of an officer's uniform was artificial. Historically, the dye for a CO was cochineal red which was an import from the Americas. Sinopa on the other hand was so named for being prominently traded in Sinop in Asia Minor, long a holding of the Britannians. The traditional industry was thus effectively kept alive by the needs of the guard while the artificial dyes used in the officers uniforms were also produced locally by modern industrial means. The government thus considered it a win-win situation.

"I hate these events." Edwin muttered as he glanced over the guests. There were some more newcomers, it seemed - Athenians amongst them. He knew little about this one and had not met him in spite of the close proximity of their nations - but from Liviana's, the conversation had not been a pleasant one for her.

"They're important all the same..." Richard began to speak but fell silent when he noticed Liviana slap the Athenian. Edwin quickly set off towards the group, determined to prevent the situation from getting any worse.

"Ave, my lady Livina. You look troubled, I pray I can chase it away." He said to her before glancing to Andronikos. He came up with a bluff on the spot, a plan to lure Andronikos away at least for long enough for Liviana to regain her composure - and to prevent it breaking again. The media vultures of the world would pick up this encounter for sure and he wanted to nip any damage in the bud. "My sincerest apologies to everyone for interrupting, I hope you are well today, Ladies Mai and Feerah, Lords Niklas- Alejandro - and Andronikos. Yes, it is good to meet you at last, Athenian, I feel our kingdoms could greatly benefit from talks with each other. Our ties are not what they could be considering our proximity, no? I hold some influence over certain routes that I imagine the Federation would not mind acquiring cheaper and easier access too. Would you care to join me for a talk? We'll rejoin the others quickly, I just wish to put a suggestion to you. I hope you'll forgive me, I understand it is not the place to talk about money but I do feel we could aid each other."


I'm a total lore junkie... In my playthrough of skyrim(currently a Nord Mage), i have collected nearly every book and set them up in the arch mage office.... i have a headcannon going that the other mages there are quite worried about the state of my room... Having just piles of books everywhere...

Also i have organized them based on subject and race. With the ones i deem dangerous being hidden away and the elder scrolls... heh, no one will ever find them...

Also headcannon is Mirabelle finding my dragonborn passed out in the Midden after talking to the Augur for hours on end...

I'm pretty into the lore. Well, some parts of it. Other parts really piss me off. IE: The Levitation Act. Fuck you Bethesda, fuck you.

Their refusal to give concrete ages to the races is annoying as well, but at least Elves aren't immortals or even that long lived compared to other settings. Barenziah was around 430 in Morrowind and certainly looked old. It seems that in the Elder Scrolls, the key to long life is magic and not being an elf; count Janus was several hundred years old and people just chalked it up to magic. Apparently, using magic to live for centuries is barely worthy of anything more than local rumour in Nirn. (though he is actually a Vampire so, sorry locals. Almost got it though xD) I have always found it dull how writers have had elves oive for millennia. It's much more interesting for them to live a few hundred years like in TES. I'm glad they made it clear that half breeds aren't really a thing either; dnd had a problem with people making half-whatever characters and I'm glad Bethesda avoided that by saying that you always had your mother's race- though at the same time made it clear that if it happened over centuries then it could lead to mixing as with the Bretons (I guess you an chalk this one up to some magic as well). It seems more reasonable, else you would have a tonne of halfXhalfX running everywhere

The best part about the lore, tbh, is that there are a tonne of contradictions and grey areas, which is exactly what you would expect from real history. It makes it feel more real even though it is all utterly alien and fantastic.

Anyhow, popping my head in here and looking around. I do have something of an idea for a character but I am not sure I will actually join, I'm still considering it. I'm more of a casual than a free too. So yeah, we'll see.
Oh hello there. *Insert Shrek meme*

I see you.

I know you know what I mean

Welcome back.

There have been some minor going ons but it has been slow enough that you haven't missed much. In fact, you are right on time; Sia rides to the meeting Valence set up with her (With her having invited Zakroti along. This could be interesting, certainly more so than the cobbled together resolution we were stuck with)
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