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1 yr ago
Current "I've spent a lot of time thinking about my past... My mistakes... And I've come to the conclusion that I was right about everything."
1 yr ago
"What you know will kill you but you will die laughing."
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2 yrs ago
Hey, you know what's annoying? Being self-centered. Getting mad at people for doing something instead of something else when they're just having fun sucks. Gotta love self-loathing, too.
2 yrs ago
"You were last seen the day you disappeared."
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2 yrs ago
"There will always be shitheads. That's why they'll always try to out-shit them." - yourMoonstone | Reminder that all fanart is illegal. |
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<Snipped quote by DarkwolfX37>

By design; I have some problems with it too, but I get the idea.
Why is the reload button a problem? I got used to it incredibly quickly; it's just different.
Why are the borders a problem?

Because the way it is makes it look like it was some student's first "make a browser" project rather than a finished and good product. :/
<Snipped quote by DarkwolfX37>

*Gets in a short line to one of the sliding doors; a large clear ball filled with seats and platforms slows to a stop in front of the platform and locks in* See, these are what should be called Gyroscopes. But no, they're called Gyroballs. *People file out of a set of doors on the right and several people in front of us are let in; once they sit down the Gyroball takes off*

Then what should the gyroscope be called?
<Snipped quote by DarkwolfX37>

How so?

For one thing, hovering over a tab half-opens it, and the reload button is above the tabs, and there's no border between the tabs and the tab you're using.
<Snipped quote by DarkwolfX37>

*We come to a big concrete platform in front of an even bigger tube of blue-tinted glass; several levels of smaller platforms stack up against it with elevators and stairs running between them; people stand in lines on all the platforms to enter doors on the tube* Welcome to a Gyroscope! Terrible name, I know. Don't tell anyone I said that. *Goes down a flight of stairs to a lower entrance platform and goes down a couple more to get to the bottom*

Man, Brave's UI sucks.
<Snipped quote by DarkwolfX37>

I think this place is all shops. If you see any shops you like, let me know. *Walks carefully across the sidewalk, waving you guys behind me and looking back to make sure you're following*

*Follows closely*
<Snipped quote by DarkwolfX37>

I know I haven't said much about the culture here yet, but if you want to invent a shop you can.

Nah. It's all on you~
<Snipped quote by DarkwolfX37>

One for each sector. Also, follow me! *Walks down a flight of stairs off the platform and onto a bustling sidewalk with shops on either side*

*Follows quickly, jumping down the last four stairs*
For another RP. Needed somewhere to post it and this seemed good.

<Snipped quote by DarkwolfX37>

*Pouts back and then laughs* Sorry. But the Gyro's super cool, anyway. There's one on every other sector. It turns off friction completely, starts the ball moving really fast, and makes the gravity centripetal for lots of efficiency. Theoretically, it makes eight stops around the mountain, but the mountain gets bigger as you go down lower so the companies that make stations make extra stations for sectors that pay a fee. *Whispers* But don't tell anybody!

Why eight stops?
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