Avatar of DarkwolfX37


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1 yr ago
Current "I've spent a lot of time thinking about my past... My mistakes... And I've come to the conclusion that I was right about everything."
1 yr ago
"What you know will kill you but you will die laughing."
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2 yrs ago
Hey, you know what's annoying? Being self-centered. Getting mad at people for doing something instead of something else when they're just having fun sucks. Gotta love self-loathing, too.
2 yrs ago
"You were last seen the day you disappeared."
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2 yrs ago
"There will always be shitheads. That's why they'll always try to out-shit them." - yourMoonstone | Reminder that all fanart is illegal. |
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Shion's copy simply waved as Victoria's left and continued recording the scene. After a few seconds she paused. One of the girls fighting the skeletons was being attacked by a swarm of spiders. Spiders. I hate spiders. She pulled a small whistle out from her pocket and blew into it.

Meanwhile, Shion and her other copies were attacked by another magical girl, appearing suddenly and shooting lightning at all of them. Of course, electricity being a byproduct of magnetism on the atomic level, it was simple enough for Shion to create several fields of magnetism into the air to divert the electricity, albeit barely in time, losing one clone in the process. She quickly jumped west with another clone while the other three split, two going north and one going east, all propelled from the roof with a large burst of repulsive force.

It was at this point that the original Shion heard the whistle and leaped from rooftop to rooftop along her clone until she was directly above her recording copy and saw what was happening to the small magical girl. Snakes suddenly appeared and launched some of the skeletons, if they could still be called that in their wheeled forms, at the web binding her. Stupid. That would only slow them down. No, what she needed was exactly what Shion had, a secret weapon of her specialization. Or rather, two of them. She reached into her clone's pocket and pulled out a rather large silver pocket watch, holding it towards the spider web, close to where the giant spidergirl was.

With her knowledge of magnetism, it was a simple matter to prepare her attack using little mana. The trick was not to rely on magical power, but rather on her own skill, skill she had refined in her time as a magical girl. Alternating polarization spread from her to her target before she let go of the watch and pushed it forward with her magic, firing it down an invisible funnel of magnetism that accelerated it past the speed of sound. A railgun, fired directly in front of and through the webbing from the horrendous monster girl, the "rail" continuing several feet underground before stopping for added power. "I'll give you one chance to leave! The next one is going through your skull!" she shouted at the spider.

Summer barely dodged a spell from one of the witches and hid behind the cathedral. She saw some girl get turned into a skunk, but had no ideas on how to help her yet. It looked like her plan had failed; rather than being able to leave just the baddies in the Overcity, she'd not had enough power to even bring the whole cathedral, let alone make the trip back right away. The girl she had tried to save before seemed to have been caught in the Shift as well and was screaming. Summer was torn between her duty to help everyone and her desire to help her specifically. She decided that helping everyone would in turn help the girl, so she turned her focus back to the witches. It was shortly after that a terrible cry rung out through the area. Her attention turned towards the newly arrived monster girl, a kitsune with flames covering her hands.

This was not good.
Mostly the same, somewhat updated.

If it's okay, I'd like to join again. I'll do my best to post more often since I feel responsible for the slowness of last time.
"Shion" simply stood in silence, switching between filming the girl she was next to and the scene before her, unsure what to say to her fellow doppelganger. She thought about whether to contact her original self, after all while this girl might not care what an army of skeletons did, perhaps Shion should. But with now two magical girls fighting it, no, a large number of familiar looking magical girls, it seemed best to stay and observe rather than interfere.

Summer started as Binky ran off and fell off the roof just as a wave of unnatural fear struck the area. She heard the girl below say something about her magic not being what it appeared, and about Binky being some sort of criminal, but she couldn't make out the details from so high up. While she desperately wanted to find out from the girl what she had said, and furthermore wanted to save the unfortunate magical girl she was chasing, she knew that Alicia was depending on her for her ability to shift to the Overcity. But as the wave of fear struck, doubt entered her mind. What didn't she know about her powers, if they truly weren't what they seemed to be? Was it really okay to leave anyone behind?
It was then that a new wave of emotions hit. Summer was filled with focus and determination not to fail. The conflicting emotions fought within her, so strong that they made a mark on her magic; her shadow began opening its mouth to talk to her, telling her that she was going to fail, that everyone would get hurt and she could do nothing to stop it.

So she stopped it. She activated her Overcity Shift and dragged in the entire cathedral, the witches, those on the ground in the surrounding 10 or so meters, a plan formed in her mind to shift back immediately with those inside the cathedral itself, leaving only the magical entities in the Overcity. She could only hope she could pull it off.
Shion swung her camera around to face this Victoria, somewhat startled by the sudden voice. After a few deep breaths to calm herself, she replied. "It's interesting to watch a fight between magical girls. There's usually something to learn by watching their fighting styles. What about you?" She may just be a copy, but she knew that any information she could gather would be useful to her real self, and so she pressed forward with her questioning. "And why is nobody concerned with the skeletons? Do you know anything about them?"

Summer quickly transformed via incantation as the group reached their goal and turned to Alicia. "Yes ma'am!" she shouted, running towards the cathedral. About halfway there, she pulled out her bat and slammed it head-first into the ground before pulling back on it, it bending unnaturally as if it were hot metal before returning to its normal form instantly, pole-vaulting Summer onto the roof near one of the gargoyles. She looked around, her eyes following one of the witches as she flew past, only to find that there was a strange sight below her. A pile of what looked to be noodles and two girls dressed far too strangely to not be magical girls. She quickly swung her pendant and looked into their... rather personal information with her divination abilities to discern whether they were friend or foe. She started with the one on the noodles. Without realizing it, she accidentally dove deeper than she intended, only meaning to see some basic information but so engrossed by what she learned that she couldn't stop herself.

"That's the saddest thing I've ever seen." she said as she saw small flashes of the girl's everyday life. She decided she'd seen enough without even bothering to divine the other girl's information or purpose for being there; she was going to help this poor soul laying on the noodles. Thinking quickly, she pulled from her Hammerspace Handbag what she'd put in for exactly such a moment. She put on her snake charmer's hat, pulled out a flute, and threw a long bundle of rope down onto Binky. Sitting down cross-legged she began playing. Slowly, the end of the rope began to rise and sway before coiling around Binky and raising its "head" up to the roof, turning back to normal rope as Summer stopped playing and grabbed it, using it to pull the girl below her up to safety. She made sure to untie her and place her items back into her handbag.

"Well hello there, helpless civilian." Summer began, "Beacon is here to save the day!" She gently set Binky down on the roof. "Stay there, the safest place is in Beacon's light. And by that I mean where we can see you and reach you if something goes wrong." She pulled a baseball from her handbag and threw the ball into the air, smashing it with her bat so that it flew towards one of the witches. The ball pierced her and left a far too perfectly round hole in her chest that would almost certainly be fatal if not for Summer's magic making it both possible and nothing more than a painless irritation.

Interested, though admittedly Devil Summoner is one of the few SMT games I have no experience with, (Unless you count Soul Hackers which I've forgotten most of.) so I apologize in advance if I assume something works the way it would in another SMT-verse rather than the way it should in Devil Summoner.
Summer was awoken from near sleep by the blaring of the siren. She'd spent the night playing poker with whoever would play and never really got to sleep. She ran to the specified room and took a seat. She nearly dozed off as teams were formed. She nearly dozed off as teams were formed. She blinked tiredly when suddenly Alicia, her apparent new boss, flashed a thumbs-up at her. She didn't like the feeling in the back of her mind that the camera of life was zooming in at each tick of self-reflection she had.

We're going to die.

Nobody gave a thumbs-up unless on a mission unless it was suicide. Then again, maybe she just imagined it. Alicia was asking something about civilian presence, so she seemed to have her head much more in the game at the moment than Summer did. She shook her head a few times to try to shake off the tiredness when she thought nobody was looking, though some other girls noticed and shot her disapproving glances. A few smiles were mixed in from some of the other poker players and they helped keep Summer's mood up.

Shion awoke on a nearby rooftop from the store where that strange shadow creature had attacked her. She and a clone had laid down in the center of the roof with four other clones staying awake at the corners to keep watch and act as decoys. Every few hours she'd awoken and switched places with one or two, cycling through positions with all of them to throw off any onlookers. But something was different this time. This time she had been awoken by the sound of marching and metal on the street below. Two of her clones were already recording the scene, one having left her post to get closer, hiding out of sight of the skeletal army. Now it seemed that there was about to be a fight between magical girls, if the shouting of one of them was any indication.

She sighed. If Ko was around, she'd probably want her to help deal with the skeletons, but... she did just wake up.

<Snipped quote by DarkwolfX37>


Don't give me that garbage. Say something.
<Snipped quote by Etcetera>

Magatama Eleven: Relay.

<Snipped quote by The World>

*Focuses on nothing and remains motionless*

*Appears, though something seems off somehow*
Gods damnit Misty can't you do anything right?
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