Avatar of DarkwolfX37


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4 mos ago
Current "I've spent a lot of time thinking about my past... My mistakes... And I've come to the conclusion that I was right about everything."
7 mos ago
"What you know will kill you but you will die laughing."
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1 yr ago
Hey, you know what's annoying? Being self-centered. Getting mad at people for doing something instead of something else when they're just having fun sucks. Gotta love self-loathing, too.
1 yr ago
"You were last seen the day you disappeared."
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1 yr ago
"There will always be shitheads. That's why they'll always try to out-shit them." - yourMoonstone | Reminder that all fanart is illegal. |
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<Snipped quote by DarkwolfX37>

But what about the ones that were? Are they still alive?

Probably not. I can check.
<Snipped quote by DarkwolfX37>

*the entire space slowly becomes scorchingly hot aroudn us in a nearly mile wide radius, climbing to 1,000 degres quickly*

You'll regret those words.

Good luck, my guy. You can try to kill an illusion all you want, but it won't work.

<Snipped quote by DarkwolfX37>

And all the people he hurt beforehand?

Most of that was fake too. Not a lot of people involved.
<Snipped quote by DarkwolfX37>


Perhaps you would like to join the menu?... I can make room for dessert.

*Shrugs* Try me.

<Snipped quote by DarkwolfX37>

How do you mean?

That fight was all inside a pocket area. There was no danger to anyone but you three.
<Snipped quote by DarkwolfX37>

You know that fight was to protect people, right? We're going back!

No, you don't understand. You were never "there" to go back to.
<Snipped quote by DarkwolfX37>


*looks bewildered, then angry*

who the fuck are you?... interupted my preparation of my meal....

*Glances at you*
Does it matter? Get out of here, mutt.
<Snipped quote by DarkwolfX37>

A test? What kind of test?

I had to test something I can do. And you got to try a fight out. Win-win.
<Snipped quote by Server>

*you find all beings have been moved elsewhere*

the ones... I moved... are one iwth the Amaranthine.. were before... you got here. They are safe... not to worry.

<Snipped quote by System>

Just keep your head in the game.

*Fully charges both of my weapons*

*Reality around Plague and Rica is disrupted by static*
*My voice is heard loudly*
Damnit! I thought he said it would last longer than this!
*The world around the two fades away into a white room*
Stupid bastard...
*I'm behind the two*
Anyway. That was a decent test, I'd say. Hope you guys got something out of it, too.

Noticing Suzi's apprehension, but too oblivious to notice the tension from the digimon, the man held his hands up in an attempt to diffuse the situation before the young girl became too frightened. "Hey, actually... Looking at you kids, I don't think you'd really be able to mess with it anyway, so don't be scared, okay?"

He was confused for a moment at Lily's admission of guilt, but was about to wave it off when Wormmon appeared from thin air and went over between the two higher stage digimon. "What the-!?" he shouted in surprise before looking around and shaking his head. Clockmon and Meramon noticed Wormmon and lowered their guards to a more neutral stance as the man in the hardhat regained his composure.

"Alright, so... If you kids can make your Wizards appear like that, I could probably believe that you'd be able to hack the wave tower. But I don't think that whoever did it would just come back and wait for someone to come check on it."

He then looked at Octavia and Aki, slightly concerned at the voice that Aki had greeted him with. He noticed Octavia's confusion as he replied to Aki, "You don't know where you are? And you were attacked? What 'thing' are you talking about?" He stopped and thought for a moment. "Well, let's say that you really don't know. This is -" was all he managed before his eyes glazed over and he slouched forward slightly, no longer conscious.

"Hey there. Sorry about that, girls." a young man said from behind Meramon and Clockmon, who both turned in shock and took up a full fighting stance this time.

"Who are you!?" Meramon asked, clearly surprised.

"And how did you sneak up on us like that?" Clockmon added.

The boy held up what appeared to be a Capture Chip, or at least a Battle Chip of some kind, with an image on it. "'Invisible' Battle Chip." he said in explanation. "I came to check out the wave tower, but with it on the fritz I figured it would be better safe than sorry. Picked this one up off a virus yesterday so it worked out." The boy looked towards the other four humans. "You girls have transers, or Expanse Callers?" He looked at Wormmon directly, before continuing. "Stupid question. You have digimon, so they can't be transers. I take it then that you're new to this place too? Not very good at info collection if you don't know the local tech, though."

The boy held out his left hand to Aki, while using his right to put the 'Invisible' Chip in his pocket. His right arm had what appeared to be an Expanse Caller on it, down even to the symbol on the bottom, which was visible as he kept his hand in his pocket. "Name's Jacob. Nice to meet you all. And a 'Wizard' is like a digimon. From what I've learned the past few days, they're programs of some sort, but can't normally actualize like a digimon can." He paused a moment. "Though I guess digimon can't either, normally."
"An Angemon? Here?" Meramon wondered aloud. "And with a human as well. Wait. Where are we, exactly?"

"Given the presence of humans, I assume we're not in the Digital World any longer..." Clockmon replied, before turning to Lily. "I'm afraid I don't have any food, but I'd be happy to help you find some. I can't very well let a child starve."

"And I can cook anything we find!" Meramon added.

The two remained silent as Suzuki explained that they had been part of a virus to Octavia. They glanced at each other when she finished her explanation, and Meramon looked back to the top of the nearby tower, lost in thought.

Clockmon made a sound not unlike someone clearing their throat, despite not having one, and looked at each of the humans. "If we're really in the Human World, as I suspect, then there should be other humans somewhere. Perhaps they would be able to help you better than we can. Furthermore," it began, walking over to Octavia and Lily, "I'm fairly certain that trading food like that can infect humans, can it not?" The digimon waved its claw-like hand over the remains of the sandwich, which reformed into a full one as if it had never been eaten from. "Not only that, but this is digital food, I believe. I don't know if it would be sustaining for a human."

Meramon finally looked away from the tower, towards Aki and Suzuki. "Well, I think there are two options here. Either look around here and hope that there are others nearby, or try climbing that, what's it called? Sell-fone tower? If you could look around from higher up, you might find a landmark to figure out where we are, or maybe a settlement of some kind."

"Hey!" Someone shouted towards the group as they got closer. Clockmon and Meramon turned towards the sound. "What are you all doing here?" It was then that he noticed the two still actualized digimon. "Whoa. Cool Wizards. How'd you get them out of your transers?" A closer inspection of the man would show that he was wearing what appeared to be an Expanse Caller of his own, though there were notable differences that were obvious even from a distance. The man in the hardhat looked at the group. "Hey, wait a minute. You kids aren't the ones who messed with the wave tower, are you?"

Meramon and Clockmon both moved slightly, taking a somewhat more defensive stance each upon seeing the man's helmet. It wasn't the same as the viruses', but they were wary regardless.
<Snipped quote by DarkwolfX37>

>More like a sentient universe in a sense, albeit one that needs to expand by using portals to consume matter and energy. To make a better comparison, it'd be one that's more like an Oblivion plane if you will.

I don't see why that wouldn't work, but I'll let everyone else chime in too. (If for no other reason than to give ideas and advice on how to put it in.)
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